Signal Processing and Speech Communication Laboratory


04 June 2024
Menschliche Gespräche mit einem Roboterkopf
01 June 2024
The prosody of theme, rheme and focus in Egyptian Arabic: A quantitative investigation of tunes, configurations and speaker variability(rotm)
01 May 2024
Special Issue: Graph-Based Localization and Tracking(rotm)
01 April 2024
Graph-based Simultaneous Localization and Bias Tracking(rotm)
01 March 2024
Super-Resolution Estimation of UWB Channels including the Dense Component -- An SBL-Inspired Approach(rotm)
01 February 2024
Lightweight uncertainty modelling using function space particle optimization(rotm)
01 January 2024
A Belief Propagation Approach for Direct Multipath-Based SLAM(rotm)
01 November 2023
Exploring Graph Theory Methods for the Analysis of Pronunciation Variation in Spontaneous Speech(rotm)
01 October 2023
Multipath-based SLAM for Non-Ideal Reflective Surfaces Exploiting Multiple-Measurement Data Association(rotm)
08 September 2023
Research and Teaching Associate in Signal Processing and Speech Communicartion (Two PhD position)
01 September 2023
What do self-supervised speech representations encode? An analysis of languages, varieties, speaking styles and speakers(rotm)
01 August 2023
Using Word-Level Features for Prosodic Prominence Classification in Conversational Speech(rotm)
01 July 2023
creapy: a Python-based tool for the detection of creak in conversational speech(rotm)
01 June 2023
How PINNs cheat: Predicting chaotic motion of a double pendulum(rotm)
01 May 2023
XL-MIMO Channel Modeling and Prediction for Wireless Power Transfer(rotm)
01 April 2023
Uplink Joint Positioning and Synchronization in Cell-Free Deployments with Radio Stripes(rotm)
01 March 2023
Variational Inference of Structured Line Spectra Exploiting Group-Sparsity(rotm)
01 February 2023
Message Passing-Based 9-D Cooperative Localization and Navigation with Embedded Particle Flow(rotm)
01 January 2023
Data Fusion for Multipath-Based SLAM: Combining Information from Multiple Propagation Paths(rotm)
01 December 2022
Variational Message Passing-Based Respiratory Motion Estimation and Detection Using Radar Signals(rotm)
01 November 2022
Explainable machine learning for breakdown prediction in high gradient rf cavities(rotm)
06 October 2022
Student Projects Information Event: 14.10., 15:00 (BSc SP; MSc Project and Master Theses)
01 October 2022
Self-Guided Belief Propagation - a Homotopy Continuation Method(rotm)
01 September 2022
Active Bayesian Causal Inference(rotm)
01 August 2022
Location-based Initial Access for Wireless Power Transfer with Physically Large Arrays(rotm)
01 July 2022
How prosody affects ASR performance in conversational Austrian German(rotm)
01 June 2022
Conversational Speech Recognition Needs Data? Experiments with Austrian German(rotm)
01 April 2022
Car Occupancy Detection Using Ultra-Wideband Radar(rotm)
22 March 2022
Two PhD Positions in Wireless Communications and Positioning
03 March 2022
Christian Knoll received the Josef Krainer Award for his PhD Thesis
03 March 2022
Press release on AI based denoising filters
01 March 2022
Synwalk: community detection via random walk modelling(rotm)
01 February 2022
On Efficient Uncertainty Estimation for Resource-Constrained Mobile Applications(rotm)
01 January 2022
Multipath-based Localization and Tracking considering Off-Body Channel Effects(rotm)
01 December 2021
An Adaptive Algorithm for Joint Cooperative Localization and Orientation Estimation using Belief Propagation(rotm)
01 November 2021
Multipath-based SLAM using Belief Propagation with Interacting Multiple Dynamic Models(rotm)
01 October 2021
Developing an Annotation System for Communicative Functions for a Cross-Layer ASR System(rotm)
01 August 2021
Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Massive MIMO Fingerprint-Based Positioning(rotm)
01 July 2021
A Message Passing based Adaptive PDA Algorithm for Robust Radio-based Localization and Tracking(rotm)
01 June 2021
Complex-valued Convolutional Neural Networks for Enhanced Radar Signal Denoising and Interference Mitigation(rotm)
21 May 2021
Added new student project: Automatic Speech Recognition using SpeechBrain
17 May 2021
Updated student project: RF Localization in scalable UWB sensor networks
17 May 2021
Updated student project: Analysis of Acoustic Parameters for Detecting Voice Changes in Long-Term Voice Recordings
11 May 2021
Updated student project: Simulation and Measurement of directional RIRs with high Spatial Resolution
06 May 2021
Added new student project: Room acoustic planning for the new building of the social association Alphanova / Raumakustische Planung für das neue Gebäude des Sozialvereins Alphanova
03 May 2021
Updated student project: Software for Calibration and EQing of Measurement Microphones
01 May 2021
Added new student project: Auralization of impulsive sounds in room acoustic simulation technology / Auralisation von impulshaften Geräuschen in der raumakustischen Simulationstechnik
01 May 2021
Resource-Efficient Deep Neural Networks for Automotive Radar Interference Mitigation(rotm)
27 April 2021
Added new student project: Machine Learning for Discharge Prediction in Nuclear Fusion Reactors
20 April 2021
Press release covering the H2020 project REINDEER has been published
16 April 2021
Updated student project: Speaker interpolation based data augmentation for conversational speech recognition
16 April 2021
Updated student project: Homophone disambiguation for conversational Austrian German
15 April 2021
Updated student project: Position Estimation and Tracking with Uncertain Sensor Positions
14 April 2021
Updated student project: Entwicklung von Werkzeugen zur Untersuchung der Klassenraumakustik im Unterrichtsbetrieb
14 April 2021
Updated student project: Position Estimation and Tracking with Uncertain Sensor Positions
14 April 2021
Added new student project: Position Estimation and Tracking with Uncertain Sensor Positions
08 April 2021
Updated student project: Improving Probabilistic Inference
01 April 2021
Data Fusion for Multipath-Based SLAM(rotm)
31 March 2021
Updated student project: Robust Real-Time Tracking for UWB based Smart Car Access Systems
31 March 2021
Updated student project: Robust Real-Time Tracking for UWB based Smart Car Access Systems
31 March 2021
Updated student project: Robust Real-Time Tracking for UWB based Smart Car Access Systems
31 March 2021
Added new student project: Robust Real-Time Tracking for UWB based Smart Car Access Systems
29 March 2021
Updated student project: MESSUNG UND BERECHNUNG VON KANTENABSORBERN - Entwicklung einer Berechnungsmethode für Kantenabsorber mittels Optimierungsverfahren
29 March 2021
Updated student project: MESSUNG UND BERECHNUNG VON KANTENABSORBERN - Entwicklung einer Berechnungsmethode für Kantenabsorber mittels Optimierungsverfahren
29 March 2021
Updated student project: MESSUNG UND BERECHNUNG VON KANTENABSORBERN - Entwicklung einer Berechnungsmethode für Kantenabsorber mittels Optimierungsverfahren
29 March 2021
Updated student project: MESSUNG UND BERECHNUNG VON KANTENABSORBERN - Entwicklung einer Berechnungsmethode für Kantenabsorber mittels Optimierungsverfahren
29 March 2021
Updated student project: Entwicklung und Messung von Kantenabsorbern
29 March 2021
Updated student project: Tool for Measurement of Directivity Patterns
22 March 2021
Updated student project: Electro-Mechanical Modelling of Dynamic Loudspeakers (März 2021)
11 March 2021
Updated student project: Improving Probabilistic Inference
11 March 2021
Added new student project: Improving Probabilistic Inference
10 March 2021
Added new student project: Electro-Mechanical Modelling of Dynamic Loudspeakers (März 2021)
10 March 2021
Updated student project: Elektroakustische Modellbildung und Optimierung von Lautsprechersystemen
10 March 2021
Updated student project: Optimierung eines akustischen Prüfstandes (November 2018)
10 March 2021
Added new student project: Bewertung von fahrzeugspezifischen Einflussparametern und Geräuschquellen von Motorrädern
10 March 2021
Updated student project: Room Acoustic Optimization of a Multi-purpose Room / Raumakustische Untersuchung eines Mehrzweckraums
10 March 2021
Updated student project: Requirements for room acoustics in the context of video telephony / Anforderungen an die Raumakustik im Kontext von Videotelefonie
05 March 2021
Updated student project: Raumakustische Messungen unter Einfluss von Störschall durch Drohnen
05 March 2021
Updated student project: Raumakustische Sanierung eines Mehrzweckraumes / Room acoustic renovation of a multi-purpose room
05 March 2021
Updated student project: Room Acoustic Optimization of a Multi-purpose Room / Raumakustische Untersuchung eines Mehrzweckraums
05 March 2021
Updated student project: Raumakustische Optimierung eines Verkostungsraumes
05 March 2021
Updated student project: Room Acoustic Investigation of Robot Laboratories / Raumakustische Untersuchung von Roboter Laboren
05 March 2021
Updated student project: Analyse der Raumakustik des Michelangelo Konzertsaals in Bozen
01 March 2021
Detection and Estimation of a Spectral Line in MIMO Systems(rotm)
01 March 2021
Course "Array Signal Processing" starting end of May 2021
08 February 2021
Updated student project: Mutual Interference of Digitally Modulated Radars
08 February 2021
Updated student project: Efficient Interference Mitigation for Automotive Radar
04 February 2021
Updated student project: Measuring Reverberation Time In Acoustic MIMO Systems
03 February 2021
Updated student project: Einsatz von Line-Array Lautsprechern und Punktschallquellen
03 February 2021
Updated student project: Raumakustik und Komposition
03 February 2021
Updated student project: Measuring Reverberation Time In Acoustic MIMO Systems
03 February 2021
Updated student project: Vorschlag eines Baustandards für Ambisonics Produktionsräume
03 February 2021
Updated student project: Raumakustik und Komposition
03 February 2021
Added new student project: Measuring Reverberation Time In Acoustic MIMO Systems
03 February 2021
Updated student project: Entwicklung und Messung von Kantenabsorbern
03 February 2021
Updated student project: Einsatz von Line-Array Lautsprechern und Punktschallquellen
02 February 2021
Updated student project: Einsatz von Line-Array Lautsprechern und Punktschallquellen
02 February 2021
Updated student project: Raumakustik und Komposition
01 February 2021
Detection and Tracking of Multipath Channel Parameters Using Belief Propagation(rotm)
18 January 2021
Added new student project: Vibration Diagnosis in Automotive Applications
13 January 2021
Updated student project: Detection and visualisation of F0 tracking errors
12 January 2021
Updated student project: Automatic Graph Tracking Dynamic Probabilistic Programs via Source Transformations
12 January 2021
Updated student project: Machine Learning Assisted Heat Detection in Dairy Cows
12 January 2021
Updated student project: Machine Learning Assisted Heat Detection in Dairy Cows
12 January 2021
Updated student project: Machine Learning Assisted Heat Detection in Dairy Cows
12 January 2021
Added new student project: Automatic Graph Tracking Dynamic Probabilistic Programs via Source Transformations
11 January 2021
Added new student project: Machine Learning Assisted Heat Detection in Dairy Cows
08 January 2021
Added new student project: Version control for speech corpora
08 January 2021
Updated student project: Homophone disambiguation for conversational Austrian German
01 January 2021
Differentiable TAN Structure Learning for Bayesian Network Classifiers(rotm)
01 January 2021
H2020 project REINDEER has been started
21 December 2020
Updated student project: Automatic Speech Segmentation using Kaldi
21 December 2020
Added new student project: Extension of Signal Monitoring Applications with Machine Learning
21 December 2020
Added new student project: Efficient Single-Channel Music Source Separation with Deep Neural Networks
17 December 2020
Updated student project: Synthesizing Infomap - A Kullback-Leibler Divergence-Based Approach To Community Detection
17 December 2020
Updated student project: Automatic Measurement of Room Impulse Responses via Autonomous Robots
17 December 2020
Updated student project: Automatic Measurement of Room Impulse Responses via Autonomous Robots
17 December 2020
Updated student project: Synthesizing Infomap - A Kullback-Leibler Divergence-Based Approach To Community Detection
17 December 2020
Updated student project: Synthesizing Infomap - A Kullback-Leibler Divergence-Based Approach To Community Detection
17 December 2020
Updated student project: Synthesizing Infomap - A Kullback-Leibler Divergence-Based Approach To Community Detection
17 December 2020
Updated student project: Synthesizing Infomap - A Kullback-Leibler Divergence-Based Approach To Community Detection
17 December 2020
Added new student project: Automatic Measurement of Room Impulse Responses via Autonomous Robots
17 December 2020
Added new student project: Speech Recognition - A Transfer Learning Approach
17 December 2020
Added new student project: Battery Modeling By Means Of Statistical Models
17 December 2020
Added new student project: Synthesizing Infomap - A Kullback-Leibler Divergence-Based Approach To Community Detection
17 December 2020
Added new student project: Multi-Channel Lung Sound Recording Software
09 December 2020
Updated student project: Homophone disambiguation for conversational Austrian German
09 December 2020
Added new student project: Detection and visualisation of F0 tracking errors
09 December 2020
Updated student project: Characterization of the Scattering Behavior of the Human Body
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Wizard of Oz Experiments on Speech Dialogue Systems
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Wavelet Based Speaker Change Detection in Single Channel Speech Data
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Virtuelle Ermittlung von SEA-Modellparametern
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Vibroakustisches Monitoring in Smart Homes
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Vibration Analysis for Adjustment and Monitoring of a Waste Shredder
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Vibration Analysis and Classification
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Verkehrslagenrekonstruktion auf Autobahnen mittels Datenfusion
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Variational Bayesian Reservoir Computing and its Applications to Handwriting Recognition
07 December 2020
Updated student project: UWB Radio Channel Analysis Using the SAGE Algorithm
07 December 2020
Updated student project: UWB Indoor Positioning based on Received Signal Strength
07 December 2020
Updated student project: UWB Demonstrator with Scope on Synchronisation
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Using sEMG for Disordered Speech Enhancement
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Using sEMG for Disordered Speech Enhancement IV -- Myo Gesture Control Armband
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Using frequency-domain features for speech recognition with variable sampling frequencies
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Untersuchung und Implemetierung von CAA-SEA Koppelmodellen in der Fahrzeugtechnik
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Untersuchung des Einflusses der Mikrofonpositionen in einem Hallraum (September 2014)
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Unsupervised Speaker Segmentation in One-Channel Speech Data
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Ultra Wideband Location Fingerprinting: Efficient Parameter Estimation and Experimental Verification
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Ultra Wideband as Sensor Technology for 3D Mapping. A Feasibility Study.
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Übekabine eines Marimbaphons (November 2018)
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Tracking of fundamental frequencies in pathologic voice
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Three-dimensional Audio Interfaces for the Blind
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Theoretische Planung und messtechnische Evaluierung eines Hallraumes
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Text-to-Speech Engine with Austrian German Corpus
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Test
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Synthesis of disordered voices
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Synchronisation for Multipath-assisted Indoor Localization and Tracking
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Study of RF Impairments in an LTE Receiver Chain
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Study of an AoA Based UWB Indoor Positioning System
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Structure Learning of Bayesian Networks Using Latent Variables
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Statistical Energy Analsysis for Room Acoustics
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Speech Recognition for Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Speech enhancement: Simulation and quality evaluation
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Speaker Verification for a Telehealth System
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Speaker Recognition with deep neural networks
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Space/Mars Mission conversation analysis
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Single Channel Source Separation with Deep Model: Tackle the Chime3 challenge
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Single Channel Source Separation using Dictionary Design Methods for Sparse Coders
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Signal Detection under Consideration of Realistic Interference Models
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Sampling of Sparse Analog Signals
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Sample Based Glottal Excitation Signal Database
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Room Respoonse Equalization and Loudspeaker Crossover Networks
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Robust Transit Time Measurement for Ultrasound Flowmeters
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Robust Modulation Techniques in IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Personal Area Networks
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Robust Distance Estimation for Time-of-Flight 3D Image Sensors
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Rhetorical Acoustic Phonetic Feedback Device
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Resource-efficient Neural Networks
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Residual Belief Propagation and Beyond
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Reliable Voice Activity Detection Under Adverse Environments
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Relation of Loopy Sum-Product Algorithm and Rank-1 Tensor Approximation
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Reflection Characteristics in UWB Propagation Environments
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Reference-Free Speech Quality Measure for Electro-Larynx Speech
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Reduction of Heart Sounds from Lung Sounds
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Reduced Precision Bayesian Network Classifiers
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Recording, analysis, statistical modeling and synthesis of singing birds
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Reconstruction of Nonuniformly Sampled Signals
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Reconstruction Methods for Time-Varying Systems
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Realtime Model-based Single-Channel Speech Separation
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Real-Time Enhancement of E-Larynx Speech Signals
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Real-time Controllable Sound Source Generator for Electro-Larynx Speech
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Ranging and Positioning in Ultra-wideband
07 December 2020
Updated student project: FPGA Implementation of a Neural Network for Radar Interference Mitigation
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Quality of Service for Speech Transmission in Heterogeneous Networks
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Qualitätskontrolle der Akustik von reflexionsarmen Messräumen und FEM-Simulation der Eigenmoden (Mai 2011)
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Homophone disambiguation for conversational Austrian German
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Probabilistic Graphical Models for Signal Analysis and Recognition
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Pricing and Regulation Quality of Experience
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Positionsbestimmung in der Ventiltechnik (Fa. Ventrex)
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Positioning of a shopping cart
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Pop Informed Speech Recognition
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Playout Buffers for VoIP
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Performance Bounds for Anchorless Cooperative Indoor Localization exploiting Multipath
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Parametrization of a Transducer for EL Speech Production
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Parameters for gender adequate voice perception
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Oxygen Measurements for Apnea Divers
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Dynamical Compuation Graphs in Universal Probabilistic Programming
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Optimierung der Akustik und der Abhoersituation im Tonstudio der TU Graz
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Online Signal Separation Based on Microphone Arrays in a Multipath Environment
07 December 2020
Updated student project: On distributed selfish routing
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Objective evaluation of radio receivers -- Conception of a noise classification system for audio signals
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Nonlinear Equalization for a Frame-Differential IR-UWB Receiver
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Mutual Interference of Digitally Modulated Radars
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Music Perception with Hearing Aids
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Music Perception with Hearing Aids: The M.U.S.I.C. Test Battery
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Multiuser Interference Modeling and Suppression for Differential IR-UWB Systems
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Multitarget Tracking for UWB Channels using PHD Filters
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Multiresolution Spectrotemporal Features for Speech Nonspeech Discrimination
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Multichannel Voice Activity Detection for ASR
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Multichannel UWB Systems with Noncoherent Autocorrelation Detection
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Multichannel Ultra-wideband Systems with Noncoherent Autocorrelation Detection
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Multi-target Tracking for UWB Channels Using PHD Filters
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Multi-Channel Speech Enhancement
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Monaural Sound Localization
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Modelling of gas sensor responses using deep models
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Modeling of Receiver Nonlinearities
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Modeling and Simulation of Error Correction Encoding for Networks-on-Chip
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Modeling and Simulation of an LF-Receiver
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Model Self-Adaptation during Operation Using Mixture Data
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Messungen an mikroperforierten Folien im Hallraum
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Messtechnische Erfassung und Simulation eines digitalen Miniaturmikrofonarrays mit Echtzeit-Signalverarbeitungsalgorithmus
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Messsystem für akustische Zweitore (April 2008)
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Messraumabgleich zwischen Viertel-Freifeldraum und Sonderhallraum (Mai 2016)
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Memristor Emulation for Signal Processing Applications
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Measurement Setup for acoustic two-port Networks
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Maximum Margin Hidden Markov Models
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Master Theses at INTEL, Linz
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Master Theses at FTW
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Master Theses at ABB, Sweden
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Magnitude Response Mismatch Compensation in Time-interleaved Analog-to-Digital Converters
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Machine Translation with Recurrent Neural Networks
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Machine Translation with Deep Neural Networks
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Machine Learning Based Speech (or Music) Separation
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Localization of smart labels
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Localization in Wireless Communication Systems
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Localization and Synchronization
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Learning Effect in EL speech
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Development of an automatic transcription system for the documentation of the endangered language Muyu
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Keyword spotting using resource-efficient deep learning
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Klassenraumakustik
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Keyword Spotting for Emergency
07 December 2020
Updated student project: MESSUNG UND BERECHNUNG VON KANTENABSORBERN - Entwicklung einer Berechnungsmethode für Kantenabsorber mittels Optimierungsverfahren
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Entwicklung und Messung von Kantenabsorbern
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Jointly Model Source Separation and Speech Recognition
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Is Online PCA Information-Preserving?
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Intonation Prediction for Speech Synthesis Using the Fujisaki Model and Machine Learning
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Information Loss, Dynamical Systems, and Landauer's Principle
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Influence of Vegetated Courtyards on the Auditory Perception of Sound in Urban Surroundings
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Improving inference runtime for Dirichlet Process Bayesian Neural Networks
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Improved Engine Noise Synthesis Algorithm
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Implementation of an Acoustic Joint Direction and Fundamental Frequency Estimator Based on 2-D Filtering
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Impact of signal pre-processing on deep model complexity
07 December 2020
Updated student project: IFEN: Signal Processing for Satellite Navigation Systems
07 December 2020
Updated student project: IEEE 802.15.4a-UWB compliant Positioning using Energy Detectors
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Identifying relevant cues for uncertainty in dialogue
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Hybrid Generative-Discriminative Training of Gaussian Mixture Models
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Hybrid Generative-Discriminative Classification Models for Semi-Supervised Learning in Speech Applications
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Characterization of the Scattering Behavior of the Human Body
07 December 2020
Updated student project: High-Accuracy Indoor Localization Exploiting Multipath
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Grenzflächen - Trennkörper - Stereomikrophon
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Give SALMA a memory: compact radio-based position tracking
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Generative adversarial networks for time-series tasks
07 December 2020
Updated student project: FSK Signal Detection in a Limiter-Based Receiver Architecture
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Floating-Point Matrix Multiplication on FPGAs
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Fixed-Point Algorithms for Channel Mismatch Calibration of Time-Interleaved Analog-to-Digital Converters
07 December 2020
Updated student project: FEM-Simulationen mit COMSOL Multiphysics im Anwendungsbereich der Technischen Akustik (März 2011)
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Exploration of unknown terrain
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Experimental Setup for Subjective Evaluation of Interactive Multimedia Quality over IP Networks
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Experimental Evaluation of the IEEE 802.15.4a Standard
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Excitation Signal Analysis -- Gender Aspekts
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Exact Maximum Margin Structure Learning
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Evalution platform for sigma-delta-modulators
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Evaluation of Downlink Beamforming and Transmission Polarization Adaptation Using a GSM Smart Antenna Demonstrator
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Evaluation of a Redundancy-aided Packet Loss Recovery Method vor VoIP
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Entwurf und Realisierung eines Single-Chip Broadcast Mischers auf einem FPGA
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Entwicklung eines modularen Messsystems zur Bestimmung raumakustischer Gütemaße
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Entwicklung eines Korrekturverfahrens zur Miniminierung des Fehlereinflusses der elektro-akustischen Übertragungscharakteristik eines Ultraschalldurchflussmessgeräts
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Entwicklung eines akustischen Prüfstandes zur Schallemissionsmessung kleiner elektrischer Geräte (September 2017)
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Enhancement of spectral envelope modelling in HMM-based speech synthesis
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Enhancement of spectral envelope modeling in HMM-based speech synthesis
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Enhanced Accuracy Channel Estimation and Ranging for Energy Detectors
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Einfluss der Nachhallzeit von tiefen Frequenzen auf die Sprachqualität
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Efficient Interference Mitigation for Automotive Radar
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Efficient Coding Methods for a Perceptual Speech Coder
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Dynamische Intonation von digitalen Konzertorgeln
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation for ATM-Based Passive Optical Networks
07 December 2020
Updated student project: DSP Implementation of a Perceptual Speech Coder
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Homophone disambiguation for conversational Austrian German
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Dimensioning and Simulation of Helmholtz-Resonators
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Dimensionierung und Simulation von Helmholtz-Resonatoren (Oktober 2011)
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Digital Communications over the Audio Channel
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Development of a Tool to Detect and Analyze Regular and Irregular Loudspeaker Distortions
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Development of a Life-Time Testing System for MEMS Speakers
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Development and Comparison of Lung Sound Transducers
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Detection, Ranging and Classification in LiDAR Systems
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Design/Implementation of digital baseband receiver algorithms
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Design of a digital low-power IIR Filter using Heuristic Optimization Methods
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Design of a combined air and bone-conductive microphone headset
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Deployment of Ultra-Wideband Indoor Positioning Systems
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Deployment of an Ultra-Wideband Indoor Positioning System
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Data Driven Pronunciation Modeling for Large Vocabulary Spontaneous Speech Recognition
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Data-Based Automatic Phonetic Transcription
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Das Hörmodell nach Alfred Tomatis und die Untersuchung sprachspezifischer Spektraleigenschaften von Deutsch, Englisch und Französisch
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Creating a new combined confidence measure for ASR-errors on the word-level
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Continuous Non-invasive Arterial Pressure, CNAP combined with Pulse Oximetry (CNAP - SpO2)
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Compressed Sensing of Block-Sparse Signals
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Comparison of Excitation Signals for an Electronic Larynx
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Classifying the meaning of breathings in conversational speech
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Analyzing the different meanings of laughter in conversational speech
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Classification of Acoustic Plastic Pipe Water Leak Signals with Gaussian Mixture Models
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Circular microphone array based beamforming and source localization on reconfigurable hardware
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Circular Differential Microphone Arrays
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Charakterisierung eines Demonstrationssystems für UWB-Übertragungsstrecken
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Charakterisierung der Schädigung von Hüfttotalendoprothesen mittels Körperschall
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Change Point Detection in Smartphone Usage
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Carrier Phase-Based Ranging for Smart Car Access Systems
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Capacity and Capacity-Achieving Input Distribution of the Energy Detector
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Bionic Voice Design
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Beurteilung des Fahrzeuginnenraumschallpegels anhand der Außenumströmung
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Beamforming Using Uniform Circular Arrays for Distant Speech Recognition in Reverberant Environment and Double-Talk Scenarios
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Bayesian Neural Networks for Missing Data Scenarios
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Battery modeling using statistical models
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Automatic Transcription of Analog Space Missions
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Automatic Tone Removal Algorithm and DSP Implementation
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Automatic Speech Segmentation using Kaldi
07 December 2020
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Automatic Speech Recognition for Air Traffic Controllers
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Automatic Prosodic Annotation of Conversational German
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Automatic Event Detection in Massive Multi-Channel Audio Signals on a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Automatic detection of laughter in conversational speech
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Austrian German Dialogue System
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Aufbau und Programmierung der 2p Messmethode im Impedanzrohr für die Messung akustischer Materialparameter
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Audio augmented reality in telecommunication
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Artificial Pitch for Electro-Larynx Speech
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Artificial Bandwidth Extension of Narrowband Speech
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Architectural Acoustics - Evaluation of Impulse Responses in Concert Halls
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Angewandte Lautsprechermesstechnik im Klein- und Großsignalbereich am Beispiel des Klippel-Messsystems
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Analytische Berechnung der Schallabstrahlung des ebenen Biegewellenwandlers
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Analysis of Acoustic Parameters for Detecting Voice Changes in Long-Term Voice Recordings
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Analysis tool for multiexponential energy decay curves in room acoustics
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Analysis and implementation of the Position-Pitch source localization algorithm on a hybrid reconfigurable CPU
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Analysis and Design of an OFDMA Wideband Repeater Architecture
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Analyse des akustischen Verhaltens von elektromechanisch verstellbaren Bürotischen (Feber 2018)
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Analyse der akustischen Kommunikation in Klassenräumen im realen Unterrichtsbetrieb
07 December 2020
Updated student project: An adaptive filter based on recursive blockmatrix inversion
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Alternative Descriptions for Random Variables
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Akustische Sanierung von Klassenräumen
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Akustik-Prüfstand für kleine Schalldämpfer (Dezember 2013)
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Akustik in Mehrzwecksälen
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Add features to our Bionic Voice on a Raspberry Pi
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Adaptive predistortion for a nonlinear data transmission system
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Adaptive Differential Beamformer
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Adaptive Differential Beamformer Demo
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Adaptive Beamforming using Uniform Circular Arrays
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Active Direct Sound Control
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Acquisition for a Transmitted Reference UWB Receiver
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Acoustically Coupled Microphones
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Acoustical analysis and simulation of the Graz Opera House as a basis for planning improvements
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Acoustic Source Localization with a Circular Microphone Array
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Acoustic Source Localization using Reflected Signals
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Acoustic Imaging of the Human Respiratory System
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Acoustic Event Detection and Classification
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Acoustic Engine Speed Measurement
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Acoustic Detection of General Audio Events
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Accurate Distance Estimation for RFID Positioning
07 December 2020
Updated student project: A New Difficulty Metric for Soduku
07 December 2020
Updated student project: A Machine-Learning Approach to Recognition of Spoken German Variants
07 December 2020
Updated student project: A Flexible Sender-Based Packet Loss Recovery Method
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Simulation and Measurement of directional RIRs with high Spatial Resolution
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Changepoint Detection in Smartphone Usage
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Channel Selection for Distant Automatic Speech Recognition on the CHiME-5 dataset
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Self-Confident Belief Propagation: An Approach for Iterative Improvement of the Bethe Approximation
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Segmental Conditional Random Fields for Phone Recognition
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Predicting the Latency of MQTT Brokers Using Deep Learning
07 December 2020
Updated student project: 16 Channel USB 2.0 Sound Card for Digital MEMS Microphones
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Message Scheduling in Loopy BeliefPropagation
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Hybrid Generative-Discriminative Training of Gaussian Mixture Models
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Cloud Storage Performance Analysis
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Acoustic Event Detection of General Sounds
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Real-Time Automatic Recognition of Spoken Digits on an Embedded System using Deep Recurrent Neural Networks
07 December 2020
Updated student project: Requirements Specification of a Systems-Engineering Tool: Example on Effort Estimation using Neural Networks
04 December 2020
Updated student project: Automatic detection of laughter in conversational speech
04 December 2020
Updated student project: Automatic detection of laughter in conversational speech
03 December 2020
Updated student project: Analyzing the different meanings of laughter in conversational speech
03 December 2020
Updated student project: Automatic detection of laughter in conversational speech
02 December 2020
Updated student project: Analysis of Acoustic Parameters for Detecting Voice Changes in Long-Term Voice Recordings
02 December 2020
Updated student project: FPGA Implementation of a Neural Network for Radar Interference Mitigation
02 December 2020
Updated student project: FPGA Implementation of a Neural Network for Radar Interference Mitigation
02 December 2020
Updated student project: Prosodische Prominenz. Berechnung von akustischen Merkmalen zur Erkennung von prosodischer Prominenz in gesprochener Sprache.
02 December 2020
Updated student project: Homophone disambiguation for conversational Austrian German
02 December 2020
Updated student project: Tool for Measurement of Directivity Patterns
02 December 2020
Updated student project: Analyse des akustischen Verhaltens von elektromechanisch verstellbaren Bürotischen (Feber 2018)
02 December 2020
Updated student project: Analyse des akustischen Verhaltens von elektromechanisch verstellbaren Bürotischen (Feber 2018)
02 December 2020
Updated student project: Messsystem für akustische Zweitore (April 2008)
02 December 2020
Updated student project: Mehrkanalige Messung von Impulsantworten (Oktober 2007)
02 December 2020
Updated student project: FEM-Simulationen mit COMSOL Multiphysics im Anwendungsbereich der Technischen Akustik (März 2011)
02 December 2020
Updated student project: Untersuchung des Einflusses der Mikrofonpositionen in einem Hallraum (September 2014)
02 December 2020
Updated student project: Messraumabgleich zwischen Viertel-Freifeldraum und Sonderhallraum (Mai 2016)
02 December 2020
Updated student project: Analyse des akustischen Verhaltens von elektromechanisch verstellbaren Bürotischen (Feber 2018)
01 December 2020
Quantized Neural Networks for Radar Interference Mitigation(rotm)
24 November 2020
Updated student project: MESSUNG UND BERECHNUNG VON KANTENABSORBERN - Entwicklung einer Berechnungsmethode für Kantenabsorber mittels Optimierungsverfahren
20 November 2020
Research Positions in Wireless Communications, Positioning, and Power Transfer
01 November 2020
Towards building a cross-lingual speech recognition system for Slovenian and Austrian German(rotm)
30 October 2020
Student Projects Information Event: 14.10., 16:00 (BSc SP; MSc Project and Master Theses)
14 October 2020
Updated student project: Simulation and Measurement of directional RIRs with high Spatial Resolution
06 October 2020
Updated student project: Analyzing the different meanings of laughter in conversational speech
06 October 2020
Updated student project: Oxygen Measurements for Apnea Divers
06 October 2020
Updated student project: Keyword spotting using resource-efficient deep learning
06 October 2020
Updated student project: Tool for Measurement of Directivity Patterns
06 October 2020
Updated student project: Software for Calibration and EQing of Measurement Microphones
06 October 2020
Updated student project: Simulation and Measurement of directional RIRs with high Spatial Resolution
06 October 2020
Updated student project: Software for Calibration and EQing of Measurement Microphones
06 October 2020
Added new student project: Simulation and Measurement of directional RIRs with high Spatial Resolution
06 October 2020
Updated student project: Software for Calibration and EQing of Measurement Microphones
06 October 2020
Updated student project: Software for Calibration and EQing of Measurement Microphones
06 October 2020
Updated student project: FPGA Implementation of a Neural Network for Radar Interference Mitigation
06 October 2020
Added new student project: Tool for Measurement of Directivity Patterns
06 October 2020
Added new student project: Tool for Measurement of Directivity Patterns
06 October 2020
Updated student project: Software for Calibration and EQing of Measurement Microphones
06 October 2020
Updated student project: Software for Calibration and EQing of Measurement Microphones
05 October 2020
Updated student project: Automatic Event Detection in Massive Multi-Channel Audio Signals on a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)
05 October 2020
Updated student project: Self-explaining recording device
05 October 2020
Updated student project: Microphone Arrays for Lecture Halls
05 October 2020
Updated student project: Software for Calibration and EQing of Measurement Microphones
05 October 2020
Updated student project: Software for Calibration and EQing of Measurement Microphones
05 October 2020
Added new student project: Software for Calibration and EQing of Measurement Microphones
05 October 2020
Added new student project: Software for Calibration and EQing of Measurement Microphones
02 October 2020
Updated student project: Entwurf und Bau eines ventilierten Lautsprechersystems
02 October 2020
Updated student project: Entwurf und Bau eines ventilierten Lautsprechersystems
02 October 2020
Updated student project: STIPA
02 October 2020
Updated student project: Modifikationen am LAWO Verbundsystem zur Optimierung des Workflows und zur Verbesserung der Abhörsituation im SPSC Tonstudio
02 October 2020
Updated student project: Entwurf und Bau eines ventilierten Lautsprechersystems
01 October 2020
Modeling Human Body Influence in UWB Channels(rotm)
21 September 2020
Updated student project: Homophone disambiguation for conversational Austrian German
21 September 2020
Updated student project: Homophone disambiguation for conversational Austrian German
21 September 2020
Updated student project: Austrian German Dialogue System
10 September 2020
Updated student project: Theses & Projects
10 September 2020
Updated student project: Theses & Projects
01 September 2020
Reliability and Threshold-Region Performance of TOA Estimators in Dense Multipath Channels(rotm)
01 August 2020
Information-Criterion-Based Agent Selection for Cooperative Localization in Static Networks(rotm)
21 July 2020
Added new student project: Prosodische Prominenz. Berechnung von akustischen Merkmalen zur Erkennung von prosodischer Prominenz in gesprochener Sprache.
14 July 2020
Updated student project: Homophone disambiguation for conversational Austrian German
14 July 2020
Updated student project: Analyzing the different meanings of laughter in conversational speech
13 July 2020
Updated student project: Carrier Phase-Based Ranging for Smart Car Access Systems
13 July 2020
Added new student project: Generative adversarial networks for time-series tasks
13 July 2020
Updated student project: Carrier Phase-Based Ranging for Smart Car Access Systems
01 July 2020
CNNs for Interference Mitigation and Denoising in Automotive Radar Using Real-World Data(rotm)
16 June 2020
Updated student project: Raumakustische Messungen unter Einfluss von Störschall durch Drohnen
16 June 2020
Updated student project: Sound Level Monitoring Tool
10 June 2020
Updated student project: FPGA Implementation of a Neural Network for Radar Interference Mitigation
01 June 2020
Computational Lung Sound Analysis using Deep Learning(rotm)
27 May 2020
Call for papers in Special Issue in Speech Communication
26 May 2020
Updated student project: Automatic Speech Segmentation using Kaldi
26 May 2020
Updated student project: Classifying the meaning of breathings in conversational speech
26 May 2020
Updated student project: Automatic detection of laughter in conversational speech
26 May 2020
Updated student project: Prosody-Based Speaking Style Detection
18 May 2020
Added new student project: FPGA Implementation of a Neural Network for Radar Interference Mitigation
01 May 2020
Phonation type contrasts and tone in Chichimec(rotm)
08 April 2020
Added new student project: Raumakustische Sanierung eines Mehrzweckraumes / Room acoustic renovation of a multi-purpose room
01 April 2020
Learning a Behavior Model of Hybrid Systems Through Combining Model-Based Testing and Machine Learning(rotm)
13 March 2020
Updated student project: Target Detection in Automotive Radar Signals
11 March 2020
Coronavirus Containment Procedure
01 March 2020
Deep Structured Mixtures of Gaussian Processes(rotm)
27 February 2020
Updated student project: Classifying the meaning of breathings in conversational speech
10 February 2020
Added new student project: Raumakustische Optimierung eines Kuppelsaals
07 February 2020
Updated student project: Analysis of Acoustic Parameters for Detecting Voice Changes in Long-Term Voice Recordings
06 February 2020
Updated student project: Using sEMG for Disordered Speech Enhancement III -- Adaptive Threshold
06 February 2020
Updated student project: Using sEMG for Disordered Speech Enhancement III -- Adaptive Threshold
06 February 2020
Updated student project: Capabilities of Beamforming-Arrays for Vehicle Pass-by Measurements
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Wiederholungscode
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Weighted Maximum Margin Bayesian Network Classifiers
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Voice-controlled home automation
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Vermessung und Erarbeitung von Optimierungsvorschlägen für die Raumakustik mehrerer Räume im Palais Herberstein in Graz
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Verkehrslagenrekonstruktion auf Autobahnen mittels Datenfusion
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Topics in Markov Chains II
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Topics in Markov Chains I
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Synchronisation for Multipath-assisted Indoor Localization and Tracking
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Synästhesie in der Akustik
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Structure Learning of Bayesian Networks Using Latent Variables
04 February 2020
Updated student project: State Space Reduction without Information Loss
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Speech Segmentation of Audio Books
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Specification of a Standardized Listening Room for an Expert Listening Panel
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Spatial Filtering by Applying State-Of-The-Art Beamformers: The Generalized Eigenvector Beamformer
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Soundscapeanalyse und -monitoring
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Single Channel Source Separation using Dictionary Design Methods for Sparse Coders
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Single Channel Source Separation applied to Polyphonic Music
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Sample Rate Conversion for the Audio Doppler Effect
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Relation of Loopy Sum-Product Algorithm and Rank-1 Tensor Approximation
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Reduced Precision Bayesian Network Classifiers
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Reconstruction of Nonlinearly Distorted Signals
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Realitätsnahe Visualisierung menschlicher Spracherzeugung
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Real-Time Multipath-Assisted Indoor-Localization using a Channel Sounder
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Postprocessing Tools for Binaural Rendering of Stereo Music Signals
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Planung und Evaluierung von Kantenabsorbern
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Performance Bounds for Anchorless Cooperative Indoor Localization exploiting Multipath
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Online Signal Separation Based on Microphone Arrays in a Multipath Environment
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Objective evaluation of radio receivers -- Conception of a noise classification system for audio signals
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Nachhallakustik langgestreckter Räume
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Music Perception with Hearing Aids
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Music Perception with Hearing Aids: The M.U.S.I.C. Test Battery
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Multitarget Tracking for UWB Channels using PHD Filters
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Multichannel Voice Activity Detection for ASR
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Monaural Sound Localization
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Modelling of gas sensor responses using deep models
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Master Theses at FTW
04 February 2020
Updated student project: LOS/NLOS Classification for UWB Channels
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Localization in Wireless Communication Systems
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Lerntool fuer Betragsfrequenzgaenge
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Lerntool fuer Betragsfrequenzgaenge 2: Auswertung, Highscores und Hall-of-Fame
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Large Scale Neural Networks for Audio Source Separation
04 February 2020
Updated student project: MESSUNG UND BERECHNUNG VON KANTENABSORBERN - Entwicklung einer Berechnungsmethode für Kantenabsorber mittels Optimierungsverfahren
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Is Online PCA Information-Preserving?
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Inverse Filtering of Pathologic Voice
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Information Loss, Dynamical Systems, and Landauer's Principle
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Implementierung von Audio in eine Dokumentenkamera
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Implementation of Mutual Information Calculation Algorithms
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Implementation of an Acoustic Joint Direction and Fundamental Frequency Estimator Based on Nonlinear Least Squares Methods
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Implementation of a UWB Tranceiver for the Audio Channel on a DSP
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Implementation of a Maximum Negentropy Beamformer
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Implementation of a Maximum Kurtosis Beamformer
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Impact of signal pre-processing on deep model complexity
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Hybrid Generative-Discriminative Training of Gaussian Mixture Models
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Hybrid Generative-Discriminative Classification Models for Semi-Supervised Learning in Speech Applications
04 February 2020
Updated student project: High-Accuracy Indoor Localization Exploiting Multipath
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Glottal Movement Extraction from High-Speed Videos
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Floating-Point Matrix Multiplication on FPGAs
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Exact Maximum Margin Structure Learning
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Evaluation of a Redundancy-aided Packet Loss Recovery Method vor VoIP
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Estimation of Reflected Signal Paths for Ultra-wideband Channels
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Enhancement of spectral envelope modelling in HMM-based speech synthesis
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Enhancement of spectral envelope modeling in HMM-based speech synthesis
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Efficient Coding Methods for a Perceptual Speech Coder
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Effect of Quantization in Bayesian Network Classifiers
04 February 2020
Updated student project: DSP Labor Uebung
04 February 2020
Updated student project: DSP Implementation of a Perceptual Speech Coder
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Design of a digital low-power IIR Filter using Heuristic Optimization Methods
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Design of a combined air and bone-conductive microphone headset
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Data-Based Automatic Phonetic Transcription
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Compressed Sensing of Block-Sparse Signals
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Circular microphone array based beamforming and source localization on reconfigurable hardware
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Capabilities of Beamforming-Arrays for Vehicle Pass-by Measurements
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Beamforming Using Uniform Circular Arrays for Distant Speech Recognition in Reverberant Environment and Double-Talk Scenarios
04 February 2020
Updated student project: BatMAN: Bat-Like Multipath-assisted Navigation
04 February 2020
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Automatic Speech Recognition for Air Traffic Controllers
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Automatic Differentiation for Large Scale Optimization
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Artificial Bandwidth Extension of Narrowband Speech
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Application of Nonparametric Belief Propagation for Localization
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Analyzing the Probabilities of GPS Acquisition
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Analysis and implementation of the Position-Pitch source localization algorithm on a hybrid reconfigurable CPU
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Alternative Descriptions for Random Variables
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Akustikworkshop für die JuniorUni Graz
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Aggregating Markov Chains Efficiently
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Adaptive Differential Beamformer
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Adaptive Beamforming using Uniform Circular Arrays
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Acoustically Coupled Microphones
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Acoustic Source Localization using Reflected Signals
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Acoustic Source Localization using Different Array Geometries and Microphones
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Accurate Distance Estimation for RFID Positioning
04 February 2020
Updated student project: A Study of Tube Amplifier Modeling Using Nonlinear Wave Digital Filters
04 February 2020
Updated student project: A New Difficulty Metric for Soduku
04 February 2020
Updated student project: A Flexible Sender-Based Packet Loss Recovery Method
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Raumakustische Optimierung eines Restaurants
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Changepoint Detection in Smartphone Usage
04 February 2020
Updated student project: Hybrid Generative-Discriminative Training of Gaussian Mixture Models
04 February 2020
Updated student project: sound classification of YouTube videos with Recurrent Neural Networks
01 February 2020
Acoustic Scene Classification Using Deep Mixtures Of Pre-trained Convolutional Neural Networks(rotm)
13 January 2020
Updated student project: Analysis of Acoustic Parameters for Detecting Voice Changes in Long-Term Voice Recordings
13 January 2020
Added new student project: Analysis of Acoustic Parameters for Detecting Voice Changes in Long-Term Voice Recordings
13 January 2020
Updated student project: Keyword spotting using resource-efficient deep learning
01 January 2020
Recurrent Dilated DenseNets for a Time-Series Segmentation Task(rotm)
18 December 2019
Updated student project: Entwicklung und Messung von Kantenabsorbern
17 December 2019
Updated student project: Self-Confident Belief Propagation: An Approach for Iterative Improvement of the Bethe Approximation
17 December 2019
Updated student project: Predicting the Latency of MQTT Brokers Using Deep Learning
17 December 2019
Updated student project: Binarized Neural Networks under the Influence of Label Noise: A Performance Evaluation
17 December 2019
Updated student project: Message Scheduling in Loopy BeliefPropagation
17 December 2019
Updated student project: Hybrid Generative-Discriminative Training of Gaussian Mixture Models
17 December 2019
Updated student project: Requirements Specification of a Systems-Engineering Tool: Example on Effort Estimation using Neural Networks
17 December 2019
Added new student project: Message Scheduling in Loopy BeliefPropagation
17 December 2019
Added new student project: Hybrid Generative-Discriminative Training of Gaussian Mixture Models
17 December 2019
Added new student project: Cloud Storage Performance Analysis
17 December 2019
Added new student project: Acoustic Event Detection of General Sounds
17 December 2019
Added new student project: Real-Time Automatic Recognition of Spoken Digits on an Embedded System using Deep Recurrent Neural Networks
17 December 2019
Added new student project: Changepoint Detection in Smartphone Usage
17 December 2019
Added new student project: Channel Selection for Distant Automatic Speech Recognition on the CHiME-5 dataset
17 December 2019
Added new student project: Self-Confident Belief Propagation: An Approach for Iterative Improvement of the Bethe Approximation
17 December 2019
Added new student project: Segmental Conditional Random Fields for Phone Recognition
17 December 2019
Added new student project: Predicting the Latency of MQTT Brokers Using Deep Learning
17 December 2019
Added new student project: 16 Channel USB 2.0 Sound Card for Digital MEMS Microphones
17 December 2019
Added new student project: sound classification of YouTube videos with Recurrent Neural Networks
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Target Detection in Automotive Radar Signals
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Resource-efficient Neural Networks
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Radar Life Demo
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Oxygen Measurements for Apnea Divers
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Machine Learning Based Speech (or Music) Separation
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Keyword spotting using resource-efficient deep learning
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Improving inference runtime for Dirichlet Process Bayesian Neural Networks
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Bayesian Neural Networks for Missing Data Scenarios
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Acoustic Event Detection and Classification
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Verlustlose Audiodatenkompression
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Planung und Evaluierung von Kantenabsorbern
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Hochwertige Analog zu Digital Umsetzer - Audio over Ethernet
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Simulation und Untersuchung von Sampling Jitter
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Raumakustiksimulation mit Auralisation unter Verwendung von CATT-Acoustic
16 December 2019
Updated student project: LSMESS - Hardware fuer Akustikmessungen
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Entwurf und Aufbau eines Basshornlautsprechersystems
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Das Kundtsche Rohr Matlab-Simulation unter Berücksichtigung von Mehrfachreflexionen
16 December 2019
Updated student project: CATT Acoustic vs. Ulysses ein Vergleich am Beispiel der Mehrzweckhalle "Cubus Wolfurt"
16 December 2019
Updated student project: A Study of Tube Amplifier Modeling Using Nonlinear Wave Digital Filters
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Optimierung der Akustik und der Abhoersituation im Tonstudio der TU Graz
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Messungen an mikroperforierten Folien im Hallraum
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Messsystem für akustische Zweitore (April 2008)
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Measurement Setup for acoustic two-port Networks
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Entwurf und Realisierung eines Single-Chip Broadcast Mischers auf einem FPGA
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Entwicklung eines modularen Messsystems zur Bestimmung raumakustischer Gütemaße
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Einfluss der Nachhallzeit von tiefen Frequenzen auf die Sprachqualität
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Das Hörmodell nach Alfred Tomatis und die Untersuchung sprachspezifischer Spektraleigenschaften von Deutsch, Englisch und Französisch
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Aufbau und Programmierung der 2p Messmethode im Impedanzrohr für die Messung akustischer Materialparameter
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Analytische Berechnung der Schallabstrahlung des ebenen Biegewellenwandlers
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Virtuelle Ermittlung von SEA-Modellparametern
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Untersuchung und Implemetierung von CAA-SEA Koppelmodellen in der Fahrzeugtechnik
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Untersuchung des Einflusses der Mikrofonpositionen in einem Hallraum (September 2014)
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Theoretische Planung und messtechnische Evaluierung eines Hallraumes
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Statistical Energy Analsysis for Room Acoustics
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Room Respoonse Equalization and Loudspeaker Crossover Networks
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Qualitätskontrolle der Akustik von reflexionsarmen Messräumen und FEM-Simulation der Eigenmoden (Mai 2011)
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Messtechnische Erfassung und Simulation eines digitalen Miniaturmikrofonarrays mit Echtzeit-Signalverarbeitungsalgorithmus
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Messraumabgleich zwischen Viertel-Freifeldraum und Sonderhallraum (Mai 2016)
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Klassenraumakustik
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Entwicklung und Messung von Kantenabsorbern
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Influence of Vegetated Courtyards on the Auditory Perception of Sound in Urban Surroundings
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Improved Engine Noise Synthesis Algorithm
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Grenzflächen - Trennkörper - Stereomikrophon
16 December 2019
Updated student project: FEM-Simulationen mit COMSOL Multiphysics im Anwendungsbereich der Technischen Akustik (März 2011)
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Dynamische Intonation von digitalen Konzertorgeln
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Dimensioning and Simulation of Helmholtz-Resonators
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Dimensionierung und Simulation von Helmholtz-Resonatoren (Oktober 2011)
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Development of a Tool to Detect and Analyze Regular and Irregular Loudspeaker Distortions
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Development of a Life-Time Testing System for MEMS Speakers
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Beurteilung des Fahrzeuginnenraumschallpegels anhand der Außenumströmung
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Angewandte Lautsprechermesstechnik im Klein- und Großsignalbereich am Beispiel des Klippel-Messsystems
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Analysis tool for multiexponential energy decay curves in room acoustics
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Analyse des akustischen Verhaltens von elektromechanisch verstellbaren Bürotischen (Feber 2018)
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Analyse der akustischen Kommunikation in Klassenräumen im realen Unterrichtsbetrieb
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Akustische Sanierung von Klassenräumen
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Akustik-Prüfstand für kleine Schalldämpfer (Dezember 2013)
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Akustik in Mehrzwecksälen
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Acoustical analysis and simulation of the Graz Opera House as a basis for planning improvements
16 December 2019
Updated student project: MESSUNG UND BERECHNUNG VON KANTENABSORBERN - Entwicklung einer Berechnungsmethode für Kantenabsorber mittels Optimierungsverfahren
16 December 2019
Updated student project: Implementierung eines Beschallungssystems bestehend aus 4 nachführbaren parametrischen Lautsprecherarrays
13 December 2019
Updated student project: Nachhallakustik langgestreckter Räume
13 December 2019
Updated student project: Mehrkanalige Messung von Impulsantworten (Oktober 2007)
13 December 2019
Updated student project: Lautsprecherentwicklung für das Elektroakustik Labor
13 December 2019
Updated student project: Entwicklung von Werkzeugen zur Untersuchung der Klassenraumakustik im Unterrichtsbetrieb
13 December 2019
Updated student project: Digitale Audiotechnik Domonstrations-Software
13 December 2019
Updated student project: Acoustic Enhancement Systeme
13 December 2019
Updated student project: Wiederholungscode
13 December 2019
Updated student project: Vermessung und Erarbeitung von Optimierungsvorschlägen für die Raumakustik mehrerer Räume im Palais Herberstein in Graz
13 December 2019
Updated student project: Using sEMG for Disordered Speech Enhancement III -- Adaptive Threshold
13 December 2019
Updated student project: RSS based channel characterization of electronic shelf labels
13 December 2019
Updated student project: Room acoustic design of a listening room - Raumakustische Planung eines Abhörraums
13 December 2019
Updated student project: Lerntool fuer Betragsfrequenzgaenge
13 December 2019
Updated student project: Capabilities of Beamforming-Arrays for Vehicle Pass-by Measurements
13 December 2019
Updated student project: Akustische Analyse der Liebfrauenkirche in Eisenerz
13 December 2019
Updated student project: Absorber für variable Raumakustik
12 December 2019
Updated student project: Keyword spotting using resource-efficient deep learning
12 December 2019
Added new student project: Keyword spotting using resource-efficient deep learning
10 December 2019
Updated student project: Automatic detection of laughter in conversational speech
01 December 2019
Bayesian Learning of Sum-Product Networks(rotm)
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Theses & Projects
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Wissensmanagement und Kreativität anhand der Erstellung eines Vorlesungsskriptes
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Wiederholungscode
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Weighted Maximum Margin Bayesian Network Classifiers
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Wake-up-word recognition
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Vorschlag eines Baustandards für Ambisonics Produktionsräume
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Voice-controlled home automation
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Verstehen, Finden und Eliminieren von Erdschleifen in Audiosystemen
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Vermessung und Erarbeitung von Optimierungsvorschlägen für die Raumakustik mehrerer Räume im Palais Herberstein in Graz
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Ventilierte Lautsprecherbox mit Koaxialchassis
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Using sEMG for Disordered Speech Enhancement II
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Ultrasonic Inspection System
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Training Tool for Speaking with a Bionic Voice
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Topics in Markov Chains II
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Topics in Markov Chains I
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Synästhesie in der Akustik
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Speech Segmentation of Audio Books
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Specification of a Standardized Listening Room for an Expert Listening Panel
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Spatial Filtering by Applying State-Of-The-Art Beamformers: The Generalized Eigenvector Beamformer
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Soundscape Untersuchung in Themenparks
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Smartphone App for Electro-Larynx Speech
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Single-Channel Source Separation in Multisource Environment
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Single Channel Source Separation applied to Polyphonic Music
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Singing with a Bionic Voice
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Simulation und Untersuchung von Sampling Jitter
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Signal Processing for Wireless Communications - Software Defined Radio Implementation of Digital Communications Principles
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Self-explaining recording device
28 November 2019
Updated student project: RSS based channel characterization of electronic shelf labels
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Room acoustic design of the day center Robert Stolz - Raumakustische Planung im Tageszentrum Robert Stolz
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Room acoustic design of a listening room - Raumakustische Planung eines Abhörraums
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Reconstruction of Nonlinearly Distorted Signals
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Realisierung eines digitalen Gitarren-Effektgerätes
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Real-Time Multipath-Assisted Indoor-Localization using a Channel Sounder
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Raumakustische Simulation
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Raumakustiksimulation mit Auralisation unter Verwendung von CATT-Acoustic
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Raumakustik: Grundlagen, Konzepte und Anwendungsbeispiele
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Psychoakustischer Rauschmodulator
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Prosody-Based Speaking Style Detection
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Homophone disambiguation for conversational Austrian German
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Postprocessing Tools for Binaural Rendering of Stereo Music Signals
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Planung und Design von schallabsorbierenden Matten für variable Frequenzbänder
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Planung eines Akustiklabors
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Planung der Raumakustik und der Beschallungsanlage eines Hörprobenraumes
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Pattern Recognition of Hydroacoustic Signals
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Optimierung eines akustischen Prüfstandes (November 2018)
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Noise-Dose Measurement of Musicians in the Opera in Graz
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Neustrukturierung des KUG Tonstudios
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Nachhallakustik langgestreckter Räume
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Multi E-Larynx Stimulation
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Mikrofonkabel: Vergleich und Analyse der Klangqualität verscheidener Typen
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Messung tieffrequenter Absorptionsgrößen im Hallraum (Feber 2019)
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Mehrkanalige Messung von Impulsantworten (Oktober 2007)
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Measurement of Impact of Pop Sound Distortions on Automatic Speech Recgonition
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Marktstudie: FPGAs für Audio-Signalverarbeitung
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Making Wireless Communications Visible: Implementation of Transmission Demos using a Channel Sounder
28 November 2019
Updated student project: LSMESS - Hardware fuer Akustikmessungen
28 November 2019
Updated student project: LOS/NLOS Classification for UWB Channels
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Lochplatten-, Schlitzplatten- und Helmholtzabsorber (April 2010)
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Lerntool fuer Betragsfrequenzgaenge
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Lautsprecherentwicklung für das Elektroakustik Labor
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Lärmexpositionsmessungen bei ProfessorInnen der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Lärmexpositionsmessungen bei Professoren der KUG und Entwicklung eines SW-Lärmprognose-Tools
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Large Scale Neural Networks for Audio Source Separation
28 November 2019
Updated student project: KLIPPEL Messplatz
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Interpolation Filters for the GNURadio+USRP2 Platform
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Implementierung von Audio in eine Dokumentenkamera
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Implementierung eines Beschallungssystems bestehend aus 4 nachführbaren parametrischen Lautsprecherarrays
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Implementierung einer Nachhallzeitmessung mit Sinus-Sweep (Oktober 2013)
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Implementation of Mutual Information Calculation Algorithms
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Implementation of Joint Spatio-Temporal Filtering Methods for Direction of Arrival and Fundamental Frequency Estimation
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Implementation of an audio processing algorithm as gstreamer plugin
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Implementation of an Acoustic Joint Direction and Fundamental Frequency Estimator Based on Nonlinear Least Squares Methods
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Implementation of a UWB Tranceiver for the Audio Channel on a DSP
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Implementation of a Maximum Negentropy Beamformer
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Implementation of a Maximum Kurtosis Beamformer
28 November 2019
Updated student project: High-accuracy Radiolocalization for Driver-Assistance Systems
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Helmholtz-Absorber
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Gradient flow localizer with a miniature microphone array
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Estimation of Reflected Signal Paths for Ultra-wideband Channels
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Entwurf von Schallabsorbern für Produktionshallen (Holzverarbeitung) [September 2013]
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Entwurf und Aufbau eines Basshornlautsprechersystems
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Entwurf einer Matlab-Toolbox zur Simulation und Visualisierung des Abstrahlverhaltens von Quellen und Quellsystemen
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Entwicklung von Werkzeugen zur Untersuchung der Klassenraumakustik im Unterrichtsbetrieb
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Entwicklung eines mobilen und variablen Akustikstellwandsystems
28 November 2019
Updated student project: EL Speech improvement on a Raspberry Pi
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Einsatz von Line-Array Lautsprechern und Punktschallquellen
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Effect of Quantization in Bayesian Network Classifiers
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Digitale Audiotechnik Domonstrations-Software
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Design and construction of a 1:10 scale model reverberation chamber
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Database for multi-pitch tracking
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Das Kundtsche Rohr Matlab-Simulation unter Berücksichtigung von Mehrfachreflexionen
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Computergestuetzte FEM-Simulation in der Raumakustik
28 November 2019
Updated student project: CATT Acoustic vs. Ulysses ein Vergleich am Beispiel der Mehrzweckhalle "Cubus Wolfurt"
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Car-HiFi-Establishing a clear and systematic testing process for audio output
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Capabilities of Beamforming-Arrays for Vehicle Pass-by Measurements
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Building a Prototype of Multipath-assisted Localization
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Bionic Voice Projects
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Bionic Voice Intelligibility Test
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Best Channel Selection for Distant Speech Recognition
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Beschallungskonzept für das Stück "Jedermann" in Salzburg
28 November 2019
Updated student project: BatMAN: Bat-Like Multipath-assisted Navigation
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Automatic Differentiation for Large Scale Optimization
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Automatic detection of laughter in conversational speech
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Application of Nonparametric Belief Propagation for Localization
28 November 2019
Updated student project: ANC bei Elektrogeräten (März 2017)
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Analyzing the Probabilities of GPS Acquisition
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Analysis of the SB-ZePoC Method for RF Transmitters
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Akustische Analyse der Liebfrauenkirche in Eisenerz
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Akustikworkshop für die JuniorUni Graz
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Aggregating Markov Chains Efficiently
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Acoustic Source Localization using Different Array Geometries and Microphones
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Acoustic Enhancement Systeme
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Absorptionsgradbestimmung von Lochplatten im Impedanzrohr (Mai 2016)
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Absorber für variable Raumakustik
28 November 2019
Updated student project: A Study of Tube Amplifier Modeling Using Nonlinear Wave Digital Filters
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Raumakustische Optimierung eines Restaurants
28 November 2019
Updated student project: Optimierung der Raumakustik des Proberaums in Gummer (Südtirol)
27 November 2019
Added new student project: Room Acoustic Optimization of a Multi-purpose Room / Raumakustische Untersuchung eines Mehrzweckraums
27 November 2019
Updated student project: Music Perception with Hearing Aids
27 November 2019
Updated student project: Marktstudie: FPGAs für Audio-Signalverarbeitung
27 November 2019
Updated student project: Database for multi-pitch tracking
27 November 2019
Updated student project: Raumakustische Optimierung eines Restaurants
27 November 2019
Updated student project: Optimierung der Raumakustik des Proberaums in Gummer (Südtirol)
26 November 2019
Updated student project: Wiederholungscode
26 November 2019
Updated student project: Sample Rate Conversion for the Audio Doppler Effect
26 November 2019
Updated student project: RSS based channel characterization of electronic shelf labels
26 November 2019
Updated student project: Lerntool fuer Betragsfrequenzgaenge
26 November 2019
Updated student project: Glottal Movement Extraction from High-Speed Videos
26 November 2019
Updated student project: DSP Labor Uebung
26 November 2019
Updated student project: Raumakustische Optimierung eines Restaurants
26 November 2019
Updated student project: Optimierung der Raumakustik des Proberaums in Gummer (Südtirol)
26 November 2019
Updated student project: Music Perception with Hearing Aids
26 November 2019
Updated student project: Marktstudie: FPGAs für Audio-Signalverarbeitung
26 November 2019
Updated student project: Database for multi-pitch tracking
26 November 2019
Updated student project: Target Detection in Automotive Radar Signals
26 November 2019
Updated student project: Radar Life Demo
26 November 2019
Updated student project: Music Perception with Hearing Aids
26 November 2019
Updated student project: Marktstudie: FPGAs für Audio-Signalverarbeitung
26 November 2019
Updated student project: Database for multi-pitch tracking
26 November 2019
Updated student project: Sound Level Monitoring Tool
26 November 2019
Updated student project: Room Acoustic Investigation of Robot Laboratories / Raumakustische Untersuchung von Roboter Laboren
26 November 2019
Updated student project: Raumakustische Messungen unter Einfluss von Störschall durch Drohnen
26 November 2019
Updated student project: Richtungsbeschallung und virtuelle Raumakustik am Beispiel der Opernproduktion "Maria de Buenos Aires"
26 November 2019
Updated student project: Raumakustische Sanierung von Räumen der NMS Vorau
26 November 2019
Updated student project: Prosody-Based Speaking Style Detection
26 November 2019
Updated student project: Planung und Design von schallabsorbierenden Matten für variable Frequenzbänder
26 November 2019
Updated student project: Automatic Speech Segmentation using Kaldi
26 November 2019
Updated student project: Raumakustik und Komposition
25 November 2019
Updated student project: MESSUNG UND BERECHNUNG VON KANTENABSORBERN - Entwicklung einer Berechnungsmethode für Kantenabsorber mittels Optimierungsverfahren
25 November 2019
Updated student project: MESSUNG UND BERECHNUNG VON KANTENABSORBERN - Entwicklung einer Berechnungsmethode für Kantenabsorber mittels Optimierungsverfahren
25 November 2019
Updated student project: MESSUNG UND BERECHNUNG VON KANTENABSORBERN - Entwicklung einer Berechnungsmethode für Kantenabsorber mittels Optimierungsverfahren
20 November 2019
PhD Positions in Wireless Communications and Positioning
15 November 2019
Updated student project: Entwicklung und Messung von Kantenabsorbern
15 November 2019
Updated student project: MESSUNG UND BERECHNUNG VON KANTENABSORBERN - Entwicklung einer Berechnungsmethode für Kantenabsorber mittels Optimierungsverfahren
15 November 2019
Updated student project: MESSUNG UND BERECHNUNG VON KANTENABSORBERN - Entwicklung einer Berechnungsmethode für Kantenabsorber mittels Optimierungsverfahren
15 November 2019
Added new student project: MESSUNG UND BERECHNUNG VON KANTENABSORBERN - Entwicklung einer Berechnungsmethode für Kantenabsorber mittels Optimierungsverfahren
15 November 2019
Updated student project: Entwicklung und Messung von Kantenabsorbern
15 November 2019
Updated student project: Entwicklung und Messung von Kantenabsorbern
14 November 2019
Updated student project: Raumakustische Messungen unter Einfluss von Störschall durch Drohnen
12 November 2019
Award of Excellence 2019 awarded to former PhD Student Josef Kulmer
08 November 2019
Updated student project: Room Acoustic Investigation of Robot Laboratories / Raumakustische Untersuchung von Roboter Laboren
08 November 2019
Updated student project: Prosody-Based Speaking Style Detection
01 November 2019
Prosodic effects on plosive duration in German and Austrian German(rotm)
29 October 2019
Updated student project: Richtungsbeschallung und virtuelle Raumakustik am Beispiel der Opernproduktion "Maria de Buenos Aires"
29 October 2019
Added new student project: Raumakustik und Komposition
26 October 2019
Updated student project: Planung und Design von schallabsorbierenden Matten für variable Frequenzbänder
23 October 2019
Added new student project: Mutual Interference of Digitally Modulated Radars
23 October 2019
Added new student project: Efficient Interference Mitigation for Automotive Radar
18 October 2019
Updated student project: Carrier Phase-Based Ranging for Smart Car Access Systems
18 October 2019
Updated student project: Improving inference runtime for Dirichlet Process Bayesian Neural Networks
18 October 2019
Added new student project: Improving inference runtime for Dirichlet Process Bayesian Neural Networks
18 October 2019
Added new student project: Target Detection in Automotive Radar Signals
18 October 2019
Added new student project: Radar Life Demo
17 October 2019
Updated student project: Characterization of the Scattering Behavior of the Human Body
15 October 2019
Student Projects Information Event: 18.10., 15:00 (BSc SP; MSc Project and Master Theses)
14 October 2019
Added new student project: Sound Level Monitoring Tool
11 October 2019
Added new student project: Development of an automatic transcription system for the documentation of the endangered language Muyu
11 October 2019
Updated student project: Resource-efficient Neural Networks
11 October 2019
Updated student project: Probabilistic Graphical Models for Signal Analysis and Recognition
11 October 2019
Updated student project: Machine Learning Based Speech (or Music) Separation
11 October 2019
Updated student project: Acoustic Event Detection and Classification
11 October 2019
Updated student project: Bayesian Neural Networks for Missing Data Scenarios
11 October 2019
Updated student project: Oxygen Measurements for Apnea Divers
10 October 2019
Updated student project: Raumakustik: Grundlagen, Konzepte und Anwendungsbeispiele
10 October 2019
Updated student project: Architectural Acoustics - Acoustic Design of Lecture Halls
10 October 2019
Updated student project: Automatic Prosodic Annotation of Conversational German
09 October 2019
Updated student project: Automatic Speech Segmentation using Kaldi
09 October 2019
Updated student project: Automatic Prosodic Annotation of Conversational German
09 October 2019
Updated student project: Prosody-Based Speaking Style Detection
09 October 2019
Updated student project: Automatic Speech Segmentation using Kaldi
09 October 2019
Updated student project: Classifying the meaning of breathings in conversational speech
09 October 2019
Updated student project: Analyzing the different meanings of laughter in conversational speech
08 October 2019
Updated student project: Theses & Projects
08 October 2019
Updated student project: Architectural Acoustics - Acoustic Design of Lecture Halls
08 October 2019
Updated student project: Microphone Arrays for Lecture Halls
08 October 2019
Updated student project: Adaptive Acoustics
03 October 2019
Added new student project: Room Acoustic Investigation of Robot Laboratories / Raumakustische Untersuchung von Roboter Laboren
01 October 2019
Training Discrete-Valued Neural Networks with Sign Activations Using Weight Distributions(rotm)
25 September 2019
PhD Position in Machine Learning!
13 September 2019
Updated student project: Statistical Energy Analsysis for Room Acoustics
13 September 2019
Updated student project: Sound Propagation in a Reverberation Chamber
13 September 2019
Updated student project: Raumakustische Optimierung eines Verkostungsraumes
13 September 2019
Updated student project: Raumakustische Optimierung eines Aufnahmeraumes im Tonstudio der Kunstuniversität Graz
13 September 2019
Updated student project: Raumakustik: Grundlagen, Konzepte und Anwendungsbeispiele
13 September 2019
Updated student project: Prevention of flutter echos in architectural demanding spaces
13 September 2019
Updated student project: Planung und Evaluierung von Kantenabsorbern
13 September 2019
Updated student project: Entwurf und Bau einer variablen Akustik
13 September 2019
Updated student project: Design and construction of a 1:10 scale model reverberation chamber
13 September 2019
Updated student project: Analysis tool for multiexponential energy decay curves in room acoustics
13 September 2019
Updated student project: Analyse der akustischen Kommunikation in Klassenräumen im realen Unterrichtsbetrieb
13 September 2019
Updated student project: Akustische Sanierung am Bundesrealgymnasium Kepler
13 September 2019
Updated student project: Akustische Bestandsaufnahme der Hörsäle der TU Graz
01 September 2019
Complex Signal Denoising and Interference Mitigation for Automotive Radar Using Convolutional Neural Networks(rotm)
19 August 2019
Updated student project: Übekabine eines Marimbaphons (November 2018)
19 August 2019
Updated student project: Optimierung eines akustischen Prüfstandes (November 2018)
19 August 2019
Updated student project: Analyse des akustischen Verhaltens von elektromechanisch verstellbaren Bürotischen (Feber 2018)
19 August 2019
Updated student project: Entwicklung eines akustischen Prüfstandes zur Schallemissionsmessung kleiner elektrischer Geräte (September 2017)
19 August 2019
Updated student project: ANC bei Elektrogeräten (März 2017)
19 August 2019
Updated student project: Implementation einer Freifeld-Klassifizierungsmessung mit Multisinus (April 2017)
19 August 2019
Updated student project: Implementation einer Diffusfeld-Klassifizierungsmessung mit Multisinus (Mai 2017)
19 August 2019
Updated student project: Amplitudengangoptimierung am Studio-Abhörplatz durch Resonanzabsorber (September 2016)
19 August 2019
Updated student project: Messraumabgleich zwischen Viertel-Freifeldraum und Sonderhallraum (Mai 2016)
19 August 2019
Updated student project: PAK-Messablaufsteuerungen für Laborübungen der akustischen Messtechnik (Jänner 2016)
19 August 2019
Updated student project: Absorptionsgradbestimmung von Lochplatten im Impedanzrohr (Mai 2016)
19 August 2019
Updated student project: Messung tieffrequenter Absorptionsgrößen im Hallraum (Feber 2019)
19 August 2019
Updated student project: Kalibrierung von pv-Sonden (Juni 2013)
19 August 2019
Updated student project: Entwurf von Schallabsorbern für Produktionshallen (Holzverarbeitung) [September 2013]
19 August 2019
Updated student project: Untersuchung des Einflusses der Mikrofonpositionen in einem Hallraum (September 2014)
19 August 2019
Updated student project: Bestimmung des Luftschallleistungspegels mittels Vibrationsmessung (April 2013)
19 August 2019
Updated student project: Akustik-Prüfstand für kleine Schalldämpfer (Dezember 2013)
19 August 2019
Updated student project: Implementierung einer Nachhallzeitmessung mit Sinus-Sweep (Oktober 2013)
19 August 2019
Updated student project: Qualitätskontrolle der Akustik von reflexionsarmen Messräumen und FEM-Simulation der Eigenmoden (Mai 2011)
12 August 2019
Updated student project: Implementierung einer Nachhallzeitmessung mit Sinus-Sweep (Oktober 2013)
12 August 2019
Updated student project: Übekabine eines Marimbaphons (November 2018)
12 August 2019
Updated student project: Optimierung eines akustischen Prüfstandes (November 2018)
12 August 2019
Updated student project: Analyse des akustischen Verhaltens von elektromechanisch verstellbaren Bürotischen (Feber 2018)
12 August 2019
Updated student project: Entwicklung eines akustischen Prüfstandes zur Schallemissionsmessung kleiner elektrischer Geräte (September 2017)
12 August 2019
Updated student project: ANC bei Elektrogeräten (März 2017)
12 August 2019
Updated student project: Implementation einer Freifeld-Klassifizierungsmessung mit Multisinus (April 2017)
12 August 2019
Updated student project: Implementation einer Diffusfeld-Klassifizierungsmessung mit Multisinus (Mai 2017)
09 August 2019
Updated student project: Dynamical Compuation Graphs in Universal Probabilistic Programming
07 August 2019
Updated student project: Amplitudengangoptimierung am Studio-Abhörplatz durch Resonanzabsorber (September 2016)
07 August 2019
Updated student project: Messraumabgleich zwischen Viertel-Freifeldraum und Sonderhallraum (Mai 2016)
07 August 2019
Updated student project: PAK-Messablaufsteuerungen für Laborübungen der akustischen Messtechnik (Jänner 2016)
07 August 2019
Updated student project: Absorptionsgradbestimmung von Lochplatten im Impedanzrohr (Mai 2016)
07 August 2019
Updated student project: Messung tieffrequenter Absorptionsgrößen im Hallraum (Feber 2019)
07 August 2019
Updated student project: Kalibrierung von pv-Sonden (Juni 2013)
07 August 2019
Updated student project: Entwurf von Schallabsorbern für Produktionshallen (Holzverarbeitung) [September 2013]
07 August 2019
Updated student project: Untersuchung des Einflusses der Mikrofonpositionen in einem Hallraum (September 2014)
07 August 2019
Updated student project: Bestimmung des Luftschallleistungspegels mittels Vibrationsmessung (April 2013)
07 August 2019
Updated student project: Akustik-Prüfstand für kleine Schalldämpfer (Dezember 2013)
07 August 2019
Updated student project: Implementierung einer Nachhallzeitmessung mit Sinus-Sweep (Oktober 2013)
07 August 2019
Updated student project: Qualitätskontrolle der Akustik von reflexionsarmen Messräumen und FEM-Simulation der Eigenmoden (Mai 2011)
07 August 2019
Start of 4-year FWF project on conversational speech
01 August 2019
Belief Propagation Accurate Marginals or Accurate Partition Function(rotm)
01 July 2019
Multipath-based SLAM Exploiting AoA and Amplitude Information(rotm)
26 June 2019
Updated student project: Raumakustische Sanierung von Räumen der NMS Vorau
24 June 2019
Added new student project: Oxygen Measurements for Apnea Divers
19 June 2019
Added new student project: Carrier Phase-Based Ranging for Smart Car Access Systems
01 June 2019
Analytical Investigation of Non-Coherent Mutual FMCW Radar Interference(rotm)
29 May 2019
Updated student project: Automatic detection of laughter in conversational speech
29 May 2019
Updated student project: Automatic Prosodic Annotation of Conversational German
29 May 2019
Updated student project: Prosody-Based Speaking Style Detection
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Weighted Maximum Margin Bayesian Network Classifiers
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Vibration Analysis and Classification
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Ultrasonic Inspection System
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Tracking of fundamental frequencies in pathologic voice
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Topics in Markov Chains II
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Topics in Markov Chains I
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Test
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Subjective Measures for Electro-Larynx Speech
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Structure Learning of Bayesian Networks Using Latent Variables
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Stresserkennung aus Sprachdaten
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Speaker Recognition with deep neural networks
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Space/Mars Mission conversation analysis
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Single Channel Source Separation with Deep Model: Tackle the Chime3 challenge
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Single-Channel Source Separation in Multisource Environment
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Singing with a Bionic Voice
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Semi(supervised) speech enhancement using Non-negative matrix factorization
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Sample Based Glottal Excitation Signal Database
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Roomacoustic Optimizations for Winter Gardens; Raumakustische Optimierungen für Wintergärten
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Robust Distance Estimation for Time-of-Flight 3D Image Sensors
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Reference-Free Speech Quality Measure for Electro-Larynx Speech
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Reduction of Heart Sounds from Lung Sounds
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Realtime Model-based Single-Channel Speech Separation
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Realtime Digital Signal Processing using Raspberry Pi
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Real-time Controllable Sound Source Generator for Electro-Larynx Speech
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Homophone disambiguation for conversational Austrian German
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Positionsbestimmung in der Ventiltechnik (Fa. Ventrex)
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Pop Sound Detection and Suppression
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Pop Informed Speech Recognition
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Parametrization of a Transducer for EL Speech Production II
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Modelling of gas sensor responses using deep models
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Measurement of Impact of Pop Sound Distortions on Automatic Speech Recgonition
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Master Theses at INTEL, Linz
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Master Theses at FTW
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Master Theses at ABB, Sweden
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Machine Translation with Recurrent Neural Networks
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Loudness balance control in hear-through systems
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Localization and Synchronization
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Large Scale Neural Networks for Audio Source Separation
21 May 2019
Updated student project: KLIPPEL Messplatz
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Jointly Model Source Separation and Speech Recognition
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Implementation of an audio processing algorithm as gstreamer plugin
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Implementation of a Maximum Negentropy Beamformer
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Implementation of a Maximum Kurtosis Beamformer
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Impact of signal pre-processing on deep model complexity
21 May 2019
Updated student project: IFEN: Signal Processing for Satellite Navigation Systems
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Hybrid Generative-Discriminative Classification Models for Semi-Supervised Learning in Speech Applications
21 May 2019
Updated student project: High-Accuracy Indoor Localization Exploiting Multipath
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Gradient flow localizer with a miniature microphone array
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Floating-Point Matrix Multiplication on FPGAs
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Exploration of unknown terrain
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Exact Maximum Margin Structure Learning
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Evaluierung von Cloud Speech APIs
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Entwicklung und Realisierung von kleinen Schaltungen
21 May 2019
Updated student project: EL Speech improvement on a Raspberry Pi
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Homophone disambiguation for conversational Austrian German
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Development and Comparison of Lung Sound Transducers
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Design/Implementation of digital baseband receiver algorithms
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Analyzing the different meanings of laughter in conversational speech
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Charakterisierung der Schädigung von Hüfttotalendoprothesen mittels Körperschall
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Building a Prototype of Multipath-assisted Localization
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Bionic Voice Design
21 May 2019
Updated student project: BatMAN: Bat-Like Multipath-assisted Navigation
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Automatic Transcription of Analog Space Missions
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Automatic Differentiation for Large Scale Optimization
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Austrian German Dialogue System
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Artificial Pitch for Electro-Larynx Speech
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Analyzing the Probabilities of GPS Acquisition
21 May 2019
Updated student project: An adaptive filter based on recursive blockmatrix inversion
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Akustikworkshop für die JuniorUni Graz
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Acoustically Coupled Microphones
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Acoustic Imaging of the Human Respiratory System
21 May 2019
Updated student project: Accurate Distance Estimation for RFID Positioning
16 May 2019
Updated student project: Audiogramme
16 May 2019
Updated student project: Ventilierte Lautsprecherbox mit Koaxialchassis
16 May 2019
Updated student project: Psychoakustischer Rauschmodulator
16 May 2019
Updated student project: Helmholtz-Absorber
16 May 2019
Updated student project: Dokumentation einer raumakustischen Sanierung mit Hörbeispielen
16 May 2019
Updated student project: Dokumentation einer raumakustischen Sanierung mit Hörbeispielen
13 May 2019
Added new student project: Detection, Ranging and Classification in LiDAR Systems
09 May 2019
Added new student project: Classifying the meaning of breathings in conversational speech
06 May 2019
New Website Launched!
03 May 2019
Updated student project: Microphone Arrays for Lecture Halls
03 May 2019
Updated student project: Microphone Arrays for Lecture Halls
01 May 2019
Bayesian Neural Networks with Weight Sharing Using Dirichlet Processes(rotm)
29 April 2019
Added new student project: Adaptive Acoustics
01 April 2019
On the use of acoustic features for automatic disambiguation of homophones in spontaneous German(rotm)
01 March 2019
Single-Anchor, Multipath-Assisted Indoor Positioning with Aliased Antenna Arrays(rotm)
13 February 2019
Added new student project: Vorschlag eines Baustandards für Ambisonics Produktionsräume
13 February 2019
Added new student project: Übekabine eines Marimbaphons (November 2018)
13 February 2019
Added new student project: Signal Processing for Wireless Communications - Software Defined Radio Implementation of Digital Communications Principles
13 February 2019
Updated student project: RSS based channel characterization of electronic shelf labels
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Room acoustic design of the day center Robert Stolz - Raumakustische Planung im Tageszentrum Robert Stolz
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Room acoustic design of a listening room - Raumakustische Planung eines Abhörraums
13 February 2019
Added new student project: Richtungsbeschallung und virtuelle Raumakustik am Beispiel der Opernproduktion "Maria de Buenos Aires"
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Recording, analysis, statistical modeling and synthesis of singing birds
13 February 2019
Added new student project: Raumakustische- und elektroakustische Planung für Ambisonics Produktionsräume
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Raumakustische Sanierungen mittels Kantenabsorber und herkömmlicher Methodik im Vergleich
13 February 2019
Added new student project: Raumakustische Sanierung von Räumen der NMS Vorau
13 February 2019
Added new student project: Raumakustik in der Neuen Burg Völkermarkt
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Positioning of a shopping cart
13 February 2019
Added new student project: Planung und Design von schallabsorbierenden Matten für variable Frequenzbänder
13 February 2019
Added new student project: Optimierung eines akustischen Prüfstandes (November 2018)
13 February 2019
Added new student project: Microphone Arrays for Lecture Halls
13 February 2019
Added new student project: Messung tieffrequenter Absorptionsgrößen im Hallraum (Feber 2019)
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Localization of smart labels
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Localization and Synchronization
13 February 2019
Added new student project: Entwicklung und Messung von Kantenabsorbern
13 February 2019
Added new student project: Elektroakustische Modellbildung und Optimierung von Lautsprechersystemen
13 February 2019
Added new student project: Einsatz von Line-Array Lautsprechern und Punktschallquellen
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Best Channel Selection for Distant Speech Recognition
13 February 2019
Added new student project: Beschallungskonzept für das Stück "Jedermann" in Salzburg
13 February 2019
Added new student project: Automatic Speech Segmentation using Kaldi
13 February 2019
Added new student project: Automatic detection of laughter in conversational speech
13 February 2019
Added new student project: Architectural Acoustics - Acoustic Design of Lecture Halls
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Analyse des akustischen Verhaltens von elektromechanisch verstellbaren Bürotischen (Feber 2018)
13 February 2019
Updated student project: An adaptive filter based on recursive blockmatrix inversion
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Akustische Bestandsaufnahme der Hörsäle der TU Graz
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Add features to our Bionic Voice on a Raspberry Pi
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Accurate Distance Estimation for RFID Positioning
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Abhängigkeiten des STI Wertes und deren Berücksichtigung in Simulationsprogrammen
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Zukunft der Funkmikrofonie
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Wizard of Oz Experiments on Speech Dialogue Systems
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Wissensmanagement und Kreativität anhand der Erstellung eines Vorlesungsskriptes
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Wiederholungscode
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Wellenfeldsynthese für Eventbeschallungen
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Weiterentwicklung eines FPGA Laborplatzes für digital Audio
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Weighted Maximum Margin Bayesian Network Classifiers
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Wavelet Based Speaker Change Detection in Single Channel Speech Data
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Waveform meta-data visualization
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Wake-up-word recognition
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Voice-controlled home automation
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Virtuelle Ermittlung von SEA-Modellparametern
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Vibroakustisches Monitoring in Smart Homes
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Vibration Analysis for Adjustment and Monitoring of a Waste Shredder
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Vibration Analysis and Classification
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Verstehen, Finden und Eliminieren von Erdschleifen in Audiosystemen
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Vermessung und Erarbeitung von Optimierungsvorschlägen für die Raumakustik mehrerer Räume im Palais Herberstein in Graz
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Verlustlose Audiodatenkompression
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Verkehrslagenrekonstruktion auf Autobahnen mittels Datenfusion
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Ventilierte Lautsprecherbox mit Koaxialchassis
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Variational Bayesian Reservoir Computing and its Applications to Handwriting Recognition
13 February 2019
Updated student project: UWB Radio Channel Analysis Using the SAGE Algorithm
13 February 2019
Updated student project: UWB Indoor Positioning based on Received Signal Strength
13 February 2019
Updated student project: UWB Demonstrator with Scope on Synchronisation
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Using sEMG for Disordered Speech Enhancement
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Using sEMG for Disordered Speech Enhancement IV -- Myo Gesture Control Armband
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Using sEMG for Disordered Speech Enhancement III
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Using sEMG for Disordered Speech Enhancement III -- Adaptive Threshold
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Using sEMG for Disordered Speech Enhancement II
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Using frequency-domain features for speech recognition with variable sampling frequencies
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Untersuchung und Implemetierung von CAA-SEA Koppelmodellen in der Fahrzeugtechnik
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Untersuchung des Einflusses der Mikrofonpositionen in einem Hallraum (September 2014)
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Unsymmetrische und symmetrische Leitungsführung in der analogen Audiotechnik
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Unsupervised Speaker Segmentation in One-Channel Speech Data
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Ultrasonic Inspection System
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Ultra Wideband Location Fingerprinting: Efficient Parameter Estimation and Experimental Verification
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Ultra Wideband as Sensor Technology for 3D Mapping. A Feasibility Study.
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Training Tool for Speaking with a Bionic Voice
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Tracking of fundamental frequencies in pathologic voice
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Topics in Markov Chains II
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Topics in Markov Chains I
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Tonstudiogerätekunde "Digital Basics"
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Three-dimensional Audio Interfaces for the Blind
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Theory, Implementation and Evaluation of the Digital Phase Vocoder in the Context of Audio Effects
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Theoretische Planung und messtechnische Evaluierung eines Hallraumes
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Text-to-Speech Engine with Austrian German Corpus
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Test
13 February 2019
Updated student project: System on Chip Technology in Audio Applications
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Synthesis of disordered voices
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Synchronisation for Multipath-assisted Indoor Localization and Tracking
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Synästhesie in der Akustik
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Subjective Measures for Electro-Larynx Speech
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Study of RF Impairments in an LTE Receiver Chain
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Study of an AoA Based UWB Indoor Positioning System
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Structure Learning of Bayesian Networks Using Latent Variables
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Stresserkennung aus Sprachdaten
13 February 2019
Updated student project: STIPA
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Statistical Energy Analsysis for Room Acoustics
13 February 2019
Updated student project: State Space Reduction without Information Loss
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Speech Segmentation of Audio Books
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Speech Recognition for Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Speech enhancement: Simulation and quality evaluation
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Specification of a Standardized Listening Room for an Expert Listening Panel
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Speaker Verification for a Telehealth System
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Speaker Recognition with deep neural networks
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Spatial Filtering by Applying State-Of-The-Art Beamformers: The Generalized Eigenvector Beamformer
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Space/Mars Mission conversation analysis
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Soundscapeanalyse und -monitoring
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Soundscape Untersuchung in Themenparks
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Sound Propagation in a Reverberation Chamber
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Smartphone App for Electro-Larynx Speech
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Single Channel Source Separation with Deep Model: Tackle the Chime3 challenge
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Single Channel Source Separation using Dictionary Design Methods for Sparse Coders
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Single-Channel Source Separation in Multisource Environment
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Single Channel Source Separation applied to Polyphonic Music
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Singing with a Bionic Voice
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Simulation und Untersuchung von Sampling Jitter
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Signal Detection under Consideration of Realistic Interference Models
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Semi(supervised) speech enhancement using Non-negative matrix factorization
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Self-explaining recording device
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Schallimmissionsmessung in Gebäuden
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Sampling of Sparse Analog Signals
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Sample Rate Conversion in Digital Signal Processors
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Sample Rate Conversion for the Audio Doppler Effect
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Sample Based Glottal Excitation Signal Database
13 February 2019
Updated student project: RSS based channel characterization of electronic shelf labels
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Roomacoustic Optimizations for Winter Gardens; Raumakustische Optimierungen für Wintergärten
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Room Respoonse Equalization and Loudspeaker Crossover Networks
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Room acoustic design of the day center Robert Stolz - Raumakustische Planung im Tageszentrum Robert Stolz
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Room acoustic design of a listening room - Raumakustische Planung eines Abhörraums
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Robust Transit Time Measurement for Ultrasound Flowmeters
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Robust Modulation Techniques in IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Personal Area Networks
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Robust Distance Estimation for Time-of-Flight 3D Image Sensors
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Rhetorical Acoustic Phonetic Feedback Device
13 February 2019
Updated student project: RF Localization in scalable UWB sensor networks
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Resource-efficient Neural Networks
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Residual Belief Propagation and Beyond
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Reliable Voice Activity Detection Under Adverse Environments
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Relation of Loopy Sum-Product Algorithm and Rank-1 Tensor Approximation
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Reflection Characteristics in UWB Propagation Environments
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Reference-Free Speech Quality Measure for Electro-Larynx Speech
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Reduction of Heart Sounds from Lung Sounds
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Reduced Precision Bayesian Network Classifiers
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Recording, analysis, statistical modeling and synthesis of singing birds
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Reconstruction of Nonuniformly Sampled Signals
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Reconstruction of Nonlinearly Distorted Signals
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Reconstruction Methods for Time-Varying Systems
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Realtime Model-based Single-Channel Speech Separation
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Realtime Digital Signal Processing using Raspberry Pi
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Realitätsnahe Visualisierung menschlicher Spracherzeugung
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Realisierung eines motorisierten Gitarrenstimmgerätes
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Realisierung eines digitalen Gitarren-Effektgerätes
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Real-Time Multipath-Assisted Indoor-Localization using a Channel Sounder
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Real-Time Enhancement of E-Larynx Speech Signals
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Real-time Controllable Sound Source Generator for Electro-Larynx Speech
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Raumakustische Simulation
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Raumakustische Sanierungen mittels Kantenabsorber und herkömmlicher Methodik im Vergleich
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Raumakustische Optimierung eines Verkostungsraumes
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Raumakustische Optimierung eines Aufnahmeraumes im Tonstudio der Kunstuniversität Graz
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Raumakustische Optimierung einer Turnhalle im Hinblick auf Sprachverständlichkeit und Lärmvermeidung
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Raumakustische Messungen mit Apps
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Raumakustiksimulation mit Auralisation unter Verwendung von CATT-Acoustic
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Raumakustik in sehr großen Räumen
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Raumakustik: Grundlagen, Konzepte und Anwendungsbeispiele
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Ranging and Positioning in Ultra-wideband
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Quality of Service for Speech Transmission in Heterogeneous Networks
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Qualitätskontrolle der Akustik von reflexionsarmen Messräumen und FEM-Simulation der Eigenmoden (Mai 2011)
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Psychoakustischer Rauschmodulator
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Prosody-Based Speaking Style Detection
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Homophone disambiguation for conversational Austrian German
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Probabilistic Graphical Models for Signal Analysis and Recognition
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Pricing and Regulation Quality of Experience
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Prevention of flutter echos in architectural demanding spaces
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Postprocessing Tools for Binaural Rendering of Stereo Music Signals
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Positionsbestimmung in der Ventiltechnik (Fa. Ventrex)
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Positioning of a shopping cart
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Pop Sound Protection and Reduction for Small Microphone Enclosures
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Pop Sound Detection and Suppression
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Pop Informed Speech Recognition
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Playout Buffers for VoIP
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Planung und Evaluierung von Kantenabsorbern
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Planung eines Akustiklabors
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Planung der Raumakustik und der Beschallungsanlage eines Hörprobenraumes
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Performance Bounds for Anchorless Cooperative Indoor Localization exploiting Multipath
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Pattern Recognition of Hydroacoustic Signals
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Parametrization of a Transducer for EL Speech Production
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Parametrization of a Transducer for EL Speech Production II
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Parameters for gender adequate voice perception
13 February 2019
Updated student project: PAK-Messablaufsteuerungen für Laborübungen der akustischen Messtechnik (Jänner 2016)
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Dynamical Compuation Graphs in Universal Probabilistic Programming
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Optimierung der Akustik und der Abhoersituation im Tonstudio der TU Graz
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Online Signal Separation Based on Microphone Arrays in a Multipath Environment
13 February 2019
Updated student project: On distributed selfish routing
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Office Sound Design
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Objective evaluation of radio receivers -- Conception of a noise classification system for audio signals
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Nonlinear Equalization for a Frame-Differential IR-UWB Receiver
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Noise-Dose Measurement of Musicians in the Opera in Graz
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Neustrukturierung des KUG Tonstudios
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Nachhallakustik langgestreckter Räume
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Music Perception with Hearing Aids
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Music Perception with Hearing Aids: The M.U.S.I.C. Test Battery
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Multiuser Interference Modeling and Suppression for Differential IR-UWB Systems
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Multitarget Tracking for UWB Channels using PHD Filters
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Multiresolution Spectrotemporal Features for Speech Nonspeech Discrimination
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Multichannel Voice Activity Detection for ASR
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Multichannel UWB Systems with Noncoherent Autocorrelation Detection
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Multichannel Ultra-wideband Systems with Noncoherent Autocorrelation Detection
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Multi-target Tracking for UWB Channels Using PHD Filters
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Multi-Impedanzabsorber für die Raumakustik
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Multi E-Larynx Stimulation
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Multi-Channel Speech Enhancement
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Monaural Sound Localization
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Modifikationen am LAWO Verbundsystem zur Optimierung des Workflows und zur Verbesserung der Abhörsituation im SPSC Tonstudio
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Modelling of gas sensor responses using deep models
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Modellierung elektroakustischer Wandler in MATLAB
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Modeling of Receiver Nonlinearities
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Modeling and Simulation of Error Correction Encoding for Networks-on-Chip
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Modeling and Simulation of an LF-Receiver
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Model Self-Adaptation during Operation Using Mixture Data
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Mobile Multichannel Playback System
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Mikrofonkabel: Vergleich und Analyse der Klangqualität verscheidener Typen
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Messungen von Schallschutz und Akustik in Büros
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Messungen an mikroperforierten Folien im Hallraum
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Messtechnische Erfassung und Simulation eines digitalen Miniaturmikrofonarrays mit Echtzeit-Signalverarbeitungsalgorithmus
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Messsystem für akustische Zweitore
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Messsystem für akustische Zweitore (April 2008)
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Messraumabgleich zwischen Viertel-Freifeldraum und Sonderhallraum (Mai 2016)
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Messmikrofone
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Memristor Emulation for Signal Processing Applications
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Mehrkanalige Messung von Impulsantworten (Oktober 2007)
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Measurement Setup for acoustic two-port Networks
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Measurement of Impact of Pop Sound Distortions on Automatic Speech Recgonition
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Maximum Margin Hidden Markov Models
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Master Theses at INTEL, Linz
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Master Theses at FTW
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Master Theses at ABB, Sweden
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Marktstudie: FPGAs für Audio-Signalverarbeitung
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Making Wireless Communications Visible: Implementation of Transmission Demos using a Channel Sounder
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Magnitude Response Mismatch Compensation in Time-interleaved Analog-to-Digital Converters
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Machine Translation with Recurrent Neural Networks
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Machine Translation with Deep Neural Networks
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Machine Learning Based Speech (or Music) Separation
13 February 2019
Updated student project: LSMESS - Hardware fuer Akustikmessungen
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Loudness balance control in hear-through systems
13 February 2019
Updated student project: LOS/NLOS Classification for UWB Channels
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Lochplatten-, Schlitzplatten- und Helmholtzabsorber (April 2010)
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Localization of smart labels
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Localization in Wireless Communication Systems
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Localization and Synchronization
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Lerntool fuer Betragsfrequenzgaenge
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Lerntool fuer Betragsfrequenzgaenge 2: Auswertung, Highscores und Hall-of-Fame
13 February 2019
Updated student project: LED-Stroboskop/Signalgenerator für Lautsprechermessungen
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Learning Effect in EL speech
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Lautsprecherentwicklung für das Elektroakustik Labor
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Lärmexpositionsmessungen bei ProfessorInnen der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Lärmexpositionsmessungen bei Professoren der KUG und Entwicklung eines SW-Lärmprognose-Tools
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Lärm, Gehörschäden und Schutzmaßnahmen
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Large Scale Neural Networks for Audio Source Separation
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Künstliche Grundfrequenzkontur für Elektro-Larynx-Sprache in Echtzeit-Simulation
13 February 2019
Updated student project: KLIPPEL Messplatz
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Klassenraumakustik
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Keyword Spotting for Emergency
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Kalibrierung von pv-Sonden (Juni 2013)
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Jointly Model Source Separation and Speech Recognition
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Is Online PCA Information-Preserving?
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Inverse Filtering of Pathologic Voice
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Intonation Prediction for Speech Synthesis Using the Fujisaki Model and Machine Learning
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Interpolation Filters for the GNURadio+USRP2 Platform
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Interactive Visualization of Frequency Azimuth Estimations
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Information Loss, Dynamical Systems, and Landauer's Principle
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Influence of Vegetated Courtyards on the Auditory Perception of Sound in Urban Surroundings
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Improved Engine Noise Synthesis Algorithm
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Implementierung von Audio in eine Dokumentenkamera
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Implementierung eines Beschallungssystems bestehend aus 4 nachführbaren parametrischen Lautsprecherarrays
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Implementierung einer Nachhallzeitmessung mit Sinus-Sweep (Oktober 2013)
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Implementation of Mutual Information Calculation Algorithms
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Implementation of Joint Spatio-Temporal Filtering Methods for Direction of Arrival and Fundamental Frequency Estimation
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Implementation of an audio processing algorithm as gstreamer plugin
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Implementation of an Acoustic Joint Direction and Fundamental Frequency Estimator Based on Nonlinear Least Squares Methods
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Implementation of an Acoustic Joint Direction and Fundamental Frequency Estimator Based on 2-D Filtering
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Implementation of a UWB Tranceiver for the Audio Channel on a DSP
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Implementation of a modular audio analysis software in Python
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Implementation of a Maximum Negentropy Beamformer
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Implementation of a Maximum Kurtosis Beamformer
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Implementation einer Freifeld-Klassifizierungsmessung mit Multisinus (April 2017)
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Implementation einer Diffusfeld-Klassifizierungsmessung mit Multisinus (Mai 2017)
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Impact of signal pre-processing on deep model complexity
13 February 2019
Updated student project: IFEN: Signal Processing for Satellite Navigation Systems
13 February 2019
Updated student project: IEEE 802.15.4a-UWB compliant Positioning using Energy Detectors
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Identifying relevant cues for uncertainty in dialogue
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Hybrid Generative-Discriminative Training of Gaussian Mixture Models
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Hybrid Generative-Discriminative Classification Models for Semi-Supervised Learning in Speech Applications
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Characterization of the Scattering Behavior of the Human Body
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Hochwertige Analog zu Digital Umsetzer - Audio over Ethernet
13 February 2019
Updated student project: High-accuracy Radiolocalization for Driver-Assistance Systems
13 February 2019
Updated student project: High-Accuracy Indoor Localization Exploiting Multipath
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Helmholtzresonatoren
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Helmholtz-Absorber
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Grenzflächen - Trennkörper - Stereomikrophon
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Gradient flow localizer with a miniature microphone array
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Glottal Movement Extraction from High-Speed Videos
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Give SALMA a memory: compact radio-based position tracking
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Funktionsgruppen eines Tonregieplatzes
13 February 2019
Updated student project: FSK Signal Detection in a Limiter-Based Receiver Architecture
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Floating-Point Matrix Multiplication on FPGAs
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Fixed-Point Algorithms for Channel Mismatch Calibration of Time-Interleaved Analog-to-Digital Converters
13 February 2019
Updated student project: FEM-Simulationen mit COMSOL Multiphysics im Anwendungsbereich der Technischen Akustik (März 2011)
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Exploration of unknown terrain
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Experimental Setup for Subjective Evaluation of Interactive Multimedia Quality over IP Networks
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Experimental Evaluation of the IEEE 802.15.4a Standard
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Excitation Signal Analysis -- Gender Aspekts
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Exact Maximum Margin Structure Learning
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Evalution platform for sigma-delta-modulators
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Evaluierung von Mikrofonarrays für den Einsatz in zukünftigen User Interfaces
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Evaluierung von Cloud Speech APIs
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Evaluation of Downlink Beamforming and Transmission Polarization Adaptation Using a GSM Smart Antenna Demonstrator
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Evaluation of a Redundancy-aided Packet Loss Recovery Method vor VoIP
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Estimation of Reflected Signal Paths for Ultra-wideband Channels
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Erwärmungskurvenmessung an Lautsprechern
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Erdungskonzepte für Audioinstallationen
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Equipment (Siderack) bei Tonregieanlagen
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Entwurf von Schallabsorbern für Produktionshallen (Holzverarbeitung) [September 2013]
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Entwurf und Realisierung eines Single-Chip Broadcast Mischers auf einem FPGA
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Entwurf und Realisierung eines Gitarrenvorverstärkers
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Entwurf und Bau eines ventilierten Lautsprechersystems
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Entwurf und Bau einer variablen Akustik
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Entwurf und Aufbau eines Basshornlautsprechersystems
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Entwurf einer Matlab-Toolbox zur Simulation und Visualisierung des Abstrahlverhaltens von Quellen und Quellsystemen
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Entwicklung von Werkzeugen zur Untersuchung der Klassenraumakustik im Unterrichtsbetrieb
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Entwicklung und Vermessung eines Mikrofonarrays bestehend aus MEMS Mikrofonen
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Entwicklung und Realisierung von kleinen Schaltungen
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Entwicklung eines modularen Messsystems zur Bestimmung raumakustischer Gütemaße
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Entwicklung eines mobilen und variablen Akustikstellwandsystems
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Entwicklung eines Korrekturverfahrens zur Miniminierung des Fehlereinflusses der elektro-akustischen Übertragungscharakteristik eines Ultraschalldurchflussmessgeräts
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Entwicklung eines DSP-Boards mit Audio-Codecs
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Entwicklung eines akustischen Prüfstandes zur Schallemissionsmessung kleiner elektrischer Geräte (September 2017)
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Enhancement of spectral envelope modelling in HMM-based speech synthesis
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Enhancement of spectral envelope modeling in HMM-based speech synthesis
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Enhanced Accuracy Channel Estimation and Ranging for Energy Detectors
13 February 2019
Updated student project: EL Speech improvement on a Raspberry Pi
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Einfluss der Nachhallzeit von tiefen Frequenzen auf die Sprachqualität
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Eigenfrequenzen - Eigenmoden, Resonanzfrequenzen - Raummoden
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Efficient Coding Methods for a Perceptual Speech Coder
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Effect of Quantization in Bayesian Network Classifiers
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Dynamische Intonation von digitalen Konzertorgeln
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation for ATM-Based Passive Optical Networks
13 February 2019
Updated student project: DSP Labor Uebung
13 February 2019
Updated student project: DSP Implementation of a Perceptual Speech Coder
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Dokumentation einer raumakustischen Sanierung mit Hörbeispielen
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Diskrete Lautsprechermodelle zur Simulation des Membranhubs und des Schalldrucks
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Homophone disambiguation for conversational Austrian German
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Dimensioning and Simulation of Helmholtz-Resonators
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Dimensionierung und Simulation von Helmholtz-Resonatoren (Oktober 2011)
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Digitale Audiotechnik Domonstrations-Software
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Digital Communications over the Audio Channel
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Digital Basics
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Die ohrträgheitsbewertete Raumimpulsantwort
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Development of a Tool to Detect and Analyze Regular and Irregular Loudspeaker Distortions
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Development of a Life-Time Testing System for MEMS Speakers
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Development and Comparison of Lung Sound Transducers
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Design/Implementation of digital baseband receiver algorithms
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Design of a digital low-power IIR Filter using Heuristic Optimization Methods
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Design of a combined air and bone-conductive microphone headset
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Design and construction of a 1:10 scale model reverberation chamber
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Deployment of Ultra-Wideband Indoor Positioning Systems
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Deployment of an Ultra-Wideband Indoor Positioning System
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Database for multi-pitch tracking
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Data Driven Pronunciation Modeling for Large Vocabulary Spontaneous Speech Recognition
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Data-Based Automatic Phonetic Transcription
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Das Kundtsche Rohr Matlab-Simulation unter Berücksichtigung von Mehrfachreflexionen
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Das Hörmodell nach Alfred Tomatis und die Untersuchung sprachspezifischer Spektraleigenschaften von Deutsch, Englisch und Französisch
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Creating a new combined confidence measure for ASR-errors on the word-level
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Continuous Non-invasive Arterial Pressure, CNAP combined with Pulse Oximetry (CNAP - SpO2)
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Computergestuetzte FEM-Simulation in der Raumakustik
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Computer Assisted Aphasia Therapy
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Compressed Sensing of Block-Sparse Signals
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Comparison of Excitation Signals for an Electronic Larynx
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Analyzing the different meanings of laughter in conversational speech
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Classification of Acoustic Plastic Pipe Water Leak Signals with Gaussian Mixture Models
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Circular microphone array based beamforming and source localization on reconfigurable hardware
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Circular Differential Microphone Arrays
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Charakterisierung eines Demonstrationssystems für UWB-Übertragungsstrecken
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Charakterisierung der Schädigung von Hüfttotalendoprothesen mittels Körperschall
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Change Point Detection in Smartphone Usage
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Cepstrale Techniken für die Lautsprechermessung
13 February 2019
Updated student project: CATT Acoustic vs. Ulysses ein Vergleich am Beispiel der Mehrzweckhalle "Cubus Wolfurt"
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Car-HiFi-Establishing a clear and systematic testing process for audio output
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Capacity and Capacity-Achieving Input Distribution of the Energy Detector
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Capabilities of Beamforming-Arrays for Vehicle Pass-by Measurements
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Burst Detection in Plosives for ASR
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Building a Prototype of Multipath-assisted Localization
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Bionic Voice Projects
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Bionic Voice Intelligibility Test
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Bionic Voice Design
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Binaural reproduction library
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Beurteilung des Fahrzeuginnenraumschallpegels anhand der Außenumströmung
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Bestimmung des Luftschallleistungspegels mittels Vibrationsmessung (April 2013)
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Best Channel Selection for Distant Speech Recognition
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Beschallung von großen Räumen
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Beamforming Using Uniform Circular Arrays for Distant Speech Recognition in Reverberant Environment and Double-Talk Scenarios
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Bayesian Neural Networks for Missing Data Scenarios
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Battery modeling using statistical models
13 February 2019
Updated student project: BatMAN: Bat-Like Multipath-assisted Navigation
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Automatic Transcription of Analog Space Missions
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Automatic Tone Removal Algorithm and DSP Implementation
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Automatic Speech Recognition for Electro-Laynx Speech
13 February 2019
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Automatic Speech Recognition for Austrian German on a Raspberry Pi
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Automatic Speech Recognition for Air Traffic Controllers
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Automatic Prosodic Annotation of Conversational German
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Automatic Event Detection in Massive Multi-Channel Audio Signals on a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Automatic Differentiation for Large Scale Optimization
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Austrian German Dialogue System
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Auralization in Room Acoustics
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Auralisierung von bauakustischen Schalldämmwerten
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Auralisation of the Herz Jesu Church in Graz
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Aufbau und Programmierung der 2p Messmethode im Impedanzrohr für die Messung akustischer Materialparameter
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Aufbau, Evaluierung und Programmierung einer Sigma-DSP Testplatine
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Audiogramme
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Audio augmented reality in telecommunication
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Artificial Pitch for Electro-Larynx Speech
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Artificial Bandwidth Extension of Narrowband Speech
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Architectural Acoustics - Evaluation of Impulse Responses in Concert Halls
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Application of Nonparametric Belief Propagation for Localization
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Anwendung von Funkvernetzungen in der Beschallungstechnik
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Angewandte Lautsprechermesstechnik im Klein- und Großsignalbereich am Beispiel des Klippel-Messsystems
13 February 2019
Updated student project: ANC bei Elektrogeräten (März 2017)
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Analyzing the Probabilities of GPS Acquisition
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Analytische Berechnung der Schallabstrahlung des ebenen Biegewellenwandlers
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Analysis tool for multiexponential energy decay curves in room acoustics
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Analysis of the SB-ZePoC Method for RF Transmitters
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Analysis and implementation of the Position-Pitch source localization algorithm on a hybrid reconfigurable CPU
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Analysis and Design of an OFDMA Wideband Repeater Architecture
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Analyse des akustischen Verhaltens von elektromechanisch verstellbaren Bürotischen (Feber 2018)
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Analyse der akustischen Kommunikation in Klassenräumen im realen Unterrichtsbetrieb
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Analogfilter für Audio
13 February 2019
Updated student project: An adaptive filter based on recursive blockmatrix inversion
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Amplitudengangoptimierung am Studio-Abhörplatz durch Resonanzabsorber (September 2016)
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Alternative Descriptions for Random Variables
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Akustische Untersuchung fehlerhafter Verzahnungen bei Fahrzeuggetrieben
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Akustische Sanierung von Klassenräumen
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Akustische Sanierung am Bundesrealgymnasium Kepler
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Akustische Messtechnik für Interkom-Sprechstellen
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Akustische Maßnahmen bei Elektrofahrzeugen
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Akustische Diffusoren
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Akustische Bestandsaufnahme der Hörsäle der TU Graz
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Akustische Analyse der Liebfrauenkirche in Eisenerz
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Akustikworkshop für die JuniorUni Graz
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Akustik-Prüfstand für kleine Schalldämpfer (Dezember 2013)
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Akustik in Mehrzwecksälen
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Aktive Zeilenlautsprecher (gesteuerte Line Arrays)
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Aggregating Markov Chains Efficiently
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Add features to our Bionic Voice on a Raspberry Pi
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Adaptive predistortion for a nonlinear data transmission system
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Adaptive Differential Beamformer
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Adaptive Differential Beamformer Demo
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Adaptive Beamforming using Uniform Circular Arrays
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Active Noise Cancelation (ANC)
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Active Direct Sound Control
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Acquisition for a Transmitted Reference UWB Receiver
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Acoustically Coupled Microphones
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Acoustical analysis and simulation of the Graz Opera House as a basis for planning improvements
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Acoustic Source Localization with a Circular Microphone Array
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Acoustic Source Localization using Reflected Signals
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Acoustic Source Localization using Different Array Geometries and Microphones
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Acoustic Imaging of the Human Respiratory System
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Acoustic Event Detection and Classification
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Acoustic Enhancement Systems
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Acoustic Enhancement Systeme
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Acoustic Engine Speed Measurement
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Acoustic Detection of General Audio Events
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Accurate Distance Estimation for RFID Positioning
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Absorptionsgradbestimmung von Lochplatten im Impedanzrohr (Mai 2016)
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Absorber für variable Raumakustik
13 February 2019
Updated student project: Abhängigkeiten des STI Wertes und deren Berücksichtigung in Simulationsprogrammen
13 February 2019
Updated student project: A Study of Tube Amplifier Modeling Using Nonlinear Wave Digital Filters
13 February 2019
Updated student project: A New Difficulty Metric for Soduku
13 February 2019
Updated student project: A Machine-Learning Approach to Recognition of Spoken German Variants
13 February 2019
Updated student project: A Flexible Sender-Based Packet Loss Recovery Method
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Zukunft der Funkmikrofonie
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Wizard of Oz Experiments on Speech Dialogue Systems
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Wissensmanagement und Kreativität anhand der Erstellung eines Vorlesungsskriptes
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Wiederholungscode
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Wellenfeldsynthese für Eventbeschallungen
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Weiterentwicklung eines FPGA Laborplatzes für digital Audio
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Weighted Maximum Margin Bayesian Network Classifiers
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Wavelet Based Speaker Change Detection in Single Channel Speech Data
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Waveform meta-data visualization
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Wake-up-word recognition
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Voice-controlled home automation
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Virtuelle Ermittlung von SEA-Modellparametern
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Vibroakustisches Monitoring in Smart Homes
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Vibration Analysis for Adjustment and Monitoring of a Waste Shredder
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Vibration Analysis and Classification
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Vermessung und Erarbeitung von Optimierungsvorschlägen für die Raumakustik mehrerer Räume im Palais Herberstein in Graz
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Verlustlose Audiodatenkompression
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Verkehrslagenrekonstruktion auf Autobahnen mittels Datenfusion
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Ventilierte Lautsprecherbox mit Koaxialchassis
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Variational Bayesian Reservoir Computing and its Applications to Handwriting Recognition
11 February 2019
Updated student project: UWB Radio Channel Analysis Using the SAGE Algorithm
11 February 2019
Updated student project: UWB Indoor Positioning based on Received Signal Strength
11 February 2019
Updated student project: UWB Demonstrator with Scope on Synchronisation
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Using sEMG for Disordered Speech Enhancement
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Using sEMG for Disordered Speech Enhancement IV -- Myo Gesture Control Armband
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Using sEMG for Disordered Speech Enhancement III
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Using sEMG for Disordered Speech Enhancement III -- Adaptive Threshold
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Using sEMG for Disordered Speech Enhancement II
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Using frequency-domain features for speech recognition with variable sampling frequencies
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Untersuchung und Implemetierung von CAA-SEA Koppelmodellen in der Fahrzeugtechnik
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Untersuchung des Einflusses der Mikrofonpositionen in einem Hallraum (September 2014)
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Unsymmetrische und symmetrische Leitungsführung in der analogen Audiotechnik
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Unsupervised Speaker Segmentation in One-Channel Speech Data
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Ultrasonic Inspection System
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Ultra Wideband Location Fingerprinting: Efficient Parameter Estimation and Experimental Verification
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Ultra Wideband as Sensor Technology for 3D Mapping. A Feasibility Study.
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Training Tool for Speaking with a Bionic Voice
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Tracking of fundamental frequencies in pathologic voice
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Topics in Markov Chains II
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Topics in Markov Chains I
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Tonstudiogerätekunde "Digital Basics"
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Three-dimensional Audio Interfaces for the Blind
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Theoretische Planung und messtechnische Evaluierung eines Hallraumes
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Text-to-Speech Engine with Austrian German Corpus
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Test
11 February 2019
Updated student project: System on Chip Technology in Audio Applications
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Synthesis of disordered voices
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Synchronisation for Multipath-assisted Indoor Localization and Tracking
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Synästhesie in der Akustik
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Subjective Measures for Electro-Larynx Speech
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Study of RF Impairments in an LTE Receiver Chain
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Study of an AoA Based UWB Indoor Positioning System
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Structure Learning of Bayesian Networks Using Latent Variables
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Stresserkennung aus Sprachdaten
11 February 2019
Updated student project: STIPA
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Statistical Energy Analsysis for Room Acoustics
11 February 2019
Updated student project: State Space Reduction without Information Loss
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Speech Segmentation of Audio Books
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Speech Recognition for Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Speech enhancement: Simulation and quality evaluation
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Specification of a Standardized Listening Room for an Expert Listening Panel
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Speaker Verification for a Telehealth System
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Speaker Recognition with deep neural networks
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Spatial Filtering by Applying State-Of-The-Art Beamformers: The Generalized Eigenvector Beamformer
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Space/Mars Mission conversation analysis
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Soundscapeanalyse und -monitoring
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Soundscape Untersuchung in Themenparks
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Sound Propagation in a Reverberation Chamber
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Smartphone App for Electro-Larynx Speech
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Single Channel Source Separation with Deep Model: Tackle the Chime3 challenge
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Single Channel Source Separation using Dictionary Design Methods for Sparse Coders
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Single-Channel Source Separation in Multisource Environment
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Single Channel Source Separation applied to Polyphonic Music
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Singing with a Bionic Voice
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Simulation und Untersuchung von Sampling Jitter
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Signal Detection under Consideration of Realistic Interference Models
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Semi(supervised) speech enhancement using Non-negative matrix factorization
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Self-explaining recording device
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Schallimmissionsmessung in Gebäuden
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Sampling of Sparse Analog Signals
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Sample Rate Conversion in Digital Signal Processors
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Sample Rate Conversion for the Audio Doppler Effect
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Sample Based Glottal Excitation Signal Database
11 February 2019
Updated student project: RSS based channel characterization of electronic shelf labels
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Roomacoustic Optimizations for Winter Gardens; Raumakustische Optimierungen für Wintergärten
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Room Respoonse Equalization and Loudspeaker Crossover Networks
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Room acoustic design of the day center Robert Stolz - Raumakustische Planung im Tageszentrum Robert Stolz
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Room acoustic design of a listening room - Raumakustische Planung eines Abhörraums
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Robust Transit Time Measurement for Ultrasound Flowmeters
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Robust Modulation Techniques in IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Personal Area Networks
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Robust Distance Estimation for Time-of-Flight 3D Image Sensors
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Rhetorical Acoustic Phonetic Feedback Device
11 February 2019
Updated student project: RF Localization in scalable UWB sensor networks
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Resource-efficient Neural Networks
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Residual Belief Propagation and Beyond
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Reliable Voice Activity Detection Under Adverse Environments
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Relation of Loopy Sum-Product Algorithm and Rank-1 Tensor Approximation
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Reflection Characteristics in UWB Propagation Environments
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Reference-Free Speech Quality Measure for Electro-Larynx Speech
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Reduction of Heart Sounds from Lung Sounds
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Reduced Precision Bayesian Network Classifiers
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Reconstruction of Nonuniformly Sampled Signals
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Reconstruction of Nonlinearly Distorted Signals
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Reconstruction Methods for Time-Varying Systems
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Realtime Model-based Single-Channel Speech Separation
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Realtime Digital Signal Processing using Raspberry Pi
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Realitätsnahe Visualisierung menschlicher Spracherzeugung
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Realisierung eines motorisierten Gitarrenstimmgerätes
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Realisierung eines digitalen Gitarren-Effektgerätes
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Real-Time Multipath-Assisted Indoor-Localization using a Channel Sounder
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Real-Time Enhancement of E-Larynx Speech Signals
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Real-time Controllable Sound Source Generator for Electro-Larynx Speech
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Raumakustische Simulation
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Raumakustische Sanierungen mittels Kantenabsorber und herkömmlicher Methodik im Vergleich
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Raumakustische Optimierung eines Verkostungsraumes
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Raumakustische Optimierung eines Aufnahmeraumes im Tonstudio der Kunstuniversität Graz
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Raumakustische Optimierung einer Turnhalle im Hinblick auf Sprachverständlichkeit und Lärmvermeidung
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Raumakustische Messungen mit Apps
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Raumakustiksimulation mit Auralisation unter Verwendung von CATT-Acoustic
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Raumakustik in sehr großen Räumen
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Ranging and Positioning in Ultra-wideband
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Quality of Service for Speech Transmission in Heterogeneous Networks
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Qualitätskontrolle der Akustik von reflexionsarmen Messräumen und FEM-Simulation der Eigenmoden (Mai 2011)
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Psychoakustischer Rauschmodulator
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Prosody-Based Speaking Style Detection
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Homophone disambiguation for conversational Austrian German
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Probabilistic Graphical Models for Signal Analysis and Recognition
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Pricing and Regulation Quality of Experience
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Prevention of flutter echos in architectural demanding spaces
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Postprocessing Tools for Binaural Rendering of Stereo Music Signals
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Positionsbestimmung in der Ventiltechnik (Fa. Ventrex)
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Positioning of a shopping cart
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Pop Sound Protection and Reduction for Small Microphone Enclosures
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Pop Sound Detection and Suppression
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Pop Informed Speech Recognition
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Playout Buffers for VoIP
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Planung und Evaluierung von Kantenabsorbern
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Planung eines Akustiklabors
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Planung der Raumakustik und der Beschallungsanlage eines Hörprobenraumes
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Performance Bounds for Anchorless Cooperative Indoor Localization exploiting Multipath
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Pattern Recognition of Hydroacoustic Signals
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Parametrization of a Transducer for EL Speech Production
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Parametrization of a Transducer for EL Speech Production II
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Parameters for gender adequate voice perception
11 February 2019
Updated student project: PAK-Messablaufsteuerungen für Laborübungen der akustischen Messtechnik (Jänner 2016)
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Dynamical Compuation Graphs in Universal Probabilistic Programming
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Optimierung der Akustik und der Abhoersituation im Tonstudio der TU Graz
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Online Signal Separation Based on Microphone Arrays in a Multipath Environment
11 February 2019
Updated student project: On distributed selfish routing
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Office Sound Design
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Objective evaluation of radio receivers -- Conception of a noise classification system for audio signals
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Nonlinear Equalization for a Frame-Differential IR-UWB Receiver
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Noise-Dose Measurement of Musicians in the Opera in Graz
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Neustrukturierung des KUG Tonstudios
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Nachhallakustik langgestreckter Räume
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Music Perception with Hearing Aids
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Music Perception with Hearing Aids: The M.U.S.I.C. Test Battery
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Multiuser Interference Modeling and Suppression for Differential IR-UWB Systems
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Multitarget Tracking for UWB Channels using PHD Filters
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Multiresolution Spectrotemporal Features for Speech Nonspeech Discrimination
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Multichannel Voice Activity Detection for ASR
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Multichannel UWB Systems with Noncoherent Autocorrelation Detection
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Multichannel Ultra-wideband Systems with Noncoherent Autocorrelation Detection
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Multi-target Tracking for UWB Channels Using PHD Filters
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Multi-Impedanzabsorber für die Raumakustik
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Multi E-Larynx Stimulation
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Multi-Channel Speech Enhancement
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Monaural Sound Localization
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Modifikationen am LAWO Verbundsystem zur Optimierung des Workflows und zur Verbesserung der Abhörsituation im SPSC Tonstudio
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Modelling of gas sensor responses using deep models
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Modellierung elektroakustischer Wandler in MATLAB
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Modeling of Receiver Nonlinearities
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Modeling and Simulation of Error Correction Encoding for Networks-on-Chip
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Modeling and Simulation of an LF-Receiver
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Model Self-Adaptation during Operation Using Mixture Data
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Mobile Multichannel Playback System
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Mikrofonkabel: Vergleich und Analyse der Klangqualität verscheidener Typen
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Messungen von Schallschutz und Akustik in Büros
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Messungen an mikroperforierten Folien im Hallraum
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Messtechnische Erfassung und Simulation eines digitalen Miniaturmikrofonarrays mit Echtzeit-Signalverarbeitungsalgorithmus
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Messsystem für akustische Zweitore
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Messsystem für akustische Zweitore (April 2008)
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Messraumabgleich zwischen Viertel-Freifeldraum und Sonderhallraum (Mai 2016)
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Messmikrofone
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Memristor Emulation for Signal Processing Applications
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Mehrkanalige Messung von Impulsantworten (Oktober 2007)
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Measurement Setup for acoustic two-port Networks
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Measurement of Impact of Pop Sound Distortions on Automatic Speech Recgonition
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Maximum Margin Hidden Markov Models
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Master Theses at FTW
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Marktstudie: FPGAs für Audio-Signalverarbeitung
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Making Wireless Communications Visible: Implementation of Transmission Demos using a Channel Sounder
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Magnitude Response Mismatch Compensation in Time-interleaved Analog-to-Digital Converters
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Machine Translation with Recurrent Neural Networks
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Machine Translation with Deep Neural Networks
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Machine Learning Based Speech (or Music) Separation
11 February 2019
Updated student project: LSMESS - Hardware fuer Akustikmessungen
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Loudness balance control in hear-through systems
11 February 2019
Updated student project: LOS/NLOS Classification for UWB Channels
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Localization of smart labels
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Localization in Wireless Communication Systems
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Localization and Synchronization
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Lerntool fuer Betragsfrequenzgaenge
11 February 2019
Updated student project: LED-Stroboskop/Signalgenerator für Lautsprechermessungen
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Learning Effect in EL speech
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Lautsprecherentwicklung für das Elektroakustik Labor
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Lärmexpositionsmessungen bei ProfessorInnen der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Lärmexpositionsmessungen bei Professoren der KUG und Entwicklung eines SW-Lärmprognose-Tools
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Large Scale Neural Networks for Audio Source Separation
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Künstliche Grundfrequenzkontur für Elektro-Larynx-Sprache in Echtzeit-Simulation
11 February 2019
Updated student project: KLIPPEL Messplatz
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Klassenraumakustik
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Keyword Spotting for Emergency
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Kalibrierung von pv-Sonden (Juni 2013)
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Jointly Model Source Separation and Speech Recognition
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Is Online PCA Information-Preserving?
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Inverse Filtering of Pathologic Voice
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Intonation Prediction for Speech Synthesis Using the Fujisaki Model and Machine Learning
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Interpolation Filters for the GNURadio+USRP2 Platform
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Interactive Visualization of Frequency Azimuth Estimations
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Influence of Vegetated Courtyards on the Auditory Perception of Sound in Urban Surroundings
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Improved Engine Noise Synthesis Algorithm
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Implementierung von Audio in eine Dokumentenkamera
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Implementierung eines Beschallungssystems bestehend aus 4 nachführbaren parametrischen Lautsprecherarrays
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Implementierung einer Nachhallzeitmessung mit Sinus-Sweep (Oktober 2013)
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Implementation of Mutual Information Calculation Algorithms
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Implementation of Joint Spatio-Temporal Filtering Methods for Direction of Arrival and Fundamental Frequency Estimation
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Implementation of an audio processing algorithm as gstreamer plugin
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Implementation of an Acoustic Joint Direction and Fundamental Frequency Estimator Based on Nonlinear Least Squares Methods
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Implementation of an Acoustic Joint Direction and Fundamental Frequency Estimator Based on 2-D Filtering
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Implementation of a UWB Tranceiver for the Audio Channel on a DSP
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Implementation of a modular audio analysis software in Python
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Implementation of a Maximum Negentropy Beamformer
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Implementation of a Maximum Kurtosis Beamformer
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Implementation einer Freifeld-Klassifizierungsmessung mit Multisinus (April 2017)
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Implementation einer Diffusfeld-Klassifizierungsmessung mit Multisinus (Mai 2017)
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Impact of signal pre-processing on deep model complexity
11 February 2019
Updated student project: IFEN: Signal Processing for Satellite Navigation Systems
11 February 2019
Updated student project: IEEE 802.15.4a-UWB compliant Positioning using Energy Detectors
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Identifying relevant cues for uncertainty in dialogue
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Hybrid Generative-Discriminative Training of Gaussian Mixture Models
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Hybrid Generative-Discriminative Classification Models for Semi-Supervised Learning in Speech Applications
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Characterization of the Scattering Behavior of the Human Body
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Hochwertige Analog zu Digital Umsetzer - Audio over Ethernet
11 February 2019
Updated student project: High-accuracy Radiolocalization for Driver-Assistance Systems
11 February 2019
Updated student project: High-Accuracy Indoor Localization Exploiting Multipath
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Helmholtzresonatoren
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Helmholtz-Absorber
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Grenzflächen - Trennkörper - Stereomikrophon
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Gradient flow localizer with a miniature microphone array
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Glottal Movement Extraction from High-Speed Videos
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Give SALMA a memory: compact radio-based position tracking
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Funktionsgruppen eines Tonregieplatzes
11 February 2019
Updated student project: FSK Signal Detection in a Limiter-Based Receiver Architecture
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Floating-Point Matrix Multiplication on FPGAs
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Fixed-Point Algorithms for Channel Mismatch Calibration of Time-Interleaved Analog-to-Digital Converters
11 February 2019
Updated student project: FEM-Simulationen mit COMSOL Multiphysics im Anwendungsbereich der Technischen Akustik (März 2011)
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Exploration of unknown terrain
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Experimental Setup for Subjective Evaluation of Interactive Multimedia Quality over IP Networks
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Experimental Evaluation of the IEEE 802.15.4a Standard
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Excitation Signal Analysis -- Gender Aspekts
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Exact Maximum Margin Structure Learning
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Evalution platform for sigma-delta-modulators
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Evaluierung von Mikrofonarrays für den Einsatz in zukünftigen User Interfaces
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Evaluierung von Cloud Speech APIs
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Evaluation of Downlink Beamforming and Transmission Polarization Adaptation Using a GSM Smart Antenna Demonstrator
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Evaluation of a Redundancy-aided Packet Loss Recovery Method vor VoIP
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Estimation of Reflected Signal Paths for Ultra-wideband Channels
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Erwärmungskurvenmessung an Lautsprechern
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Erdungskonzepte für Audioinstallationen
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Equipment (Siderack) bei Tonregieanlagen
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Entwurf von Schallabsorbern für Produktionshallen (Holzverarbeitung) [September 2013]
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Entwurf und Realisierung eines Single-Chip Broadcast Mischers auf einem FPGA
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Entwurf und Realisierung eines Gitarrenvorverstärkers
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Entwurf und Bau eines ventilierten Lautsprechersystems
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Entwurf und Bau einer variablen Akustik
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Entwurf und Aufbau eines Basshornlautsprechersystems
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Entwurf einer Matlab-Toolbox zur Simulation und Visualisierung des Abstrahlverhaltens von Quellen und Quellsystemen
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Entwicklung von Werkzeugen zur Untersuchung der Klassenraumakustik im Unterrichtsbetrieb
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Entwicklung und Vermessung eines Mikrofonarrays bestehend aus MEMS Mikrofonen
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Entwicklung und Realisierung von kleinen Schaltungen
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Entwicklung eines modularen Messsystems zur Bestimmung raumakustischer Gütemaße
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Entwicklung eines mobilen und variablen Akustikstellwandsystems
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Entwicklung eines Korrekturverfahrens zur Miniminierung des Fehlereinflusses der elektro-akustischen Übertragungscharakteristik eines Ultraschalldurchflussmessgeräts
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Entwicklung eines DSP-Boards mit Audio-Codecs
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Entwicklung eines akustischen Prüfstandes zur Schallemissionsmessung kleiner elektrischer Geräte (September 2017)
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Enhancement of spectral envelope modelling in HMM-based speech synthesis
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Enhancement of spectral envelope modeling in HMM-based speech synthesis
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Enhanced Accuracy Channel Estimation and Ranging for Energy Detectors
11 February 2019
Updated student project: EL Speech improvement on a Raspberry Pi
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Einfluss der Nachhallzeit von tiefen Frequenzen auf die Sprachqualität
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Efficient Coding Methods for a Perceptual Speech Coder
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Effect of Quantization in Bayesian Network Classifiers
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Dynamische Intonation von digitalen Konzertorgeln
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation for ATM-Based Passive Optical Networks
11 February 2019
Updated student project: DSP Labor Uebung
11 February 2019
Updated student project: DSP Implementation of a Perceptual Speech Coder
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Dokumentation einer raumakustischen Sanierung mit Hörbeispielen
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Diskrete Lautsprechermodelle zur Simulation des Membranhubs und des Schalldrucks
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Homophone disambiguation for conversational Austrian German
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Dimensioning and Simulation of Helmholtz-Resonators
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Dimensionierung und Simulation von Helmholtz-Resonatoren (Oktober 2011)
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Digitale Audiotechnik Domonstrations-Software
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Digital Communications over the Audio Channel
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Digital Basics
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Die ohrträgheitsbewertete Raumimpulsantwort
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Development of a Tool to Detect and Analyze Regular and Irregular Loudspeaker Distortions
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Development of a Life-Time Testing System for MEMS Speakers
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Development and Comparison of Lung Sound Transducers
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Design/Implementation of digital baseband receiver algorithms
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Design of a digital low-power IIR Filter using Heuristic Optimization Methods
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Design of a combined air and bone-conductive microphone headset
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Design and construction of a 1:10 scale model reverberation chamber
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Deployment of Ultra-Wideband Indoor Positioning Systems
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Deployment of an Ultra-Wideband Indoor Positioning System
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Database for multi-pitch tracking
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Data Driven Pronunciation Modeling for Large Vocabulary Spontaneous Speech Recognition
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Data-Based Automatic Phonetic Transcription
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Das Kundtsche Rohr Matlab-Simulation unter Berücksichtigung von Mehrfachreflexionen
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Creating a new combined confidence measure for ASR-errors on the word-level
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Computergestuetzte FEM-Simulation in der Raumakustik
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Computer Assisted Aphasia Therapy
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Compressed Sensing of Block-Sparse Signals
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Comparison of Excitation Signals for an Electronic Larynx
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Analyzing the different meanings of laughter in conversational speech
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Classification of Acoustic Plastic Pipe Water Leak Signals with Gaussian Mixture Models
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Circular microphone array based beamforming and source localization on reconfigurable hardware
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Circular Differential Microphone Arrays
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Charakterisierung eines Demonstrationssystems für UWB-Übertragungsstrecken
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Charakterisierung der Schädigung von Hüfttotalendoprothesen mittels Körperschall
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Change Point Detection in Smartphone Usage
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Cepstrale Techniken für die Lautsprechermessung
11 February 2019
Updated student project: CATT Acoustic vs. Ulysses ein Vergleich am Beispiel der Mehrzweckhalle "Cubus Wolfurt"
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Car-HiFi-Establishing a clear and systematic testing process for audio output
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Capacity and Capacity-Achieving Input Distribution of the Energy Detector
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Capabilities of Beamforming-Arrays for Vehicle Pass-by Measurements
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Burst Detection in Plosives for ASR
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Building a Prototype of Multipath-assisted Localization
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Bionic Voice Projects
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Bionic Voice Intelligibility Test
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Bionic Voice Design
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Binaural reproduction library
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Beurteilung des Fahrzeuginnenraumschallpegels anhand der Außenumströmung
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Bestimmung des Luftschallleistungspegels mittels Vibrationsmessung (April 2013)
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Best Channel Selection for Distant Speech Recognition
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Beschallung von großen Räumen
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Beamforming Using Uniform Circular Arrays for Distant Speech Recognition in Reverberant Environment and Double-Talk Scenarios
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Bayesian Neural Networks for Missing Data Scenarios
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Battery modeling using statistical models
11 February 2019
Updated student project: BatMAN: Bat-Like Multipath-assisted Navigation
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Automatic Transcription of Analog Space Missions
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Automatic Tone Removal Algorithm and DSP Implementation
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Automatic Speech Recognition for Electro-Laynx Speech
11 February 2019
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Automatic Speech Recognition for Austrian German on a Raspberry Pi
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Automatic Speech Recognition for Air Traffic Controllers
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Automatic Prosodic Annotation of Conversational German
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Automatic Event Detection in Massive Multi-Channel Audio Signals on a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Automatic Differentiation for Large Scale Optimization
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Austrian German Dialogue System
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Auralization in Room Acoustics
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Auralisierung von bauakustischen Schalldämmwerten
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Auralisation of the Herz Jesu Church in Graz
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Aufbau und Programmierung der 2p Messmethode im Impedanzrohr für die Messung akustischer Materialparameter
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Audiogramme
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Audio augmented reality in telecommunication
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Artificial Pitch for Electro-Larynx Speech
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Artificial Bandwidth Extension of Narrowband Speech
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Architectural Acoustics - Evaluation of Impulse Responses in Concert Halls
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Application of Nonparametric Belief Propagation for Localization
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Anwendung von Funkvernetzungen in der Beschallungstechnik
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Angewandte Lautsprechermesstechnik im Klein- und Großsignalbereich am Beispiel des Klippel-Messsystems
11 February 2019
Updated student project: ANC bei Elektrogeräten (März 2017)
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Analyzing the Probabilities of GPS Acquisition
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Analytische Berechnung der Schallabstrahlung des ebenen Biegewellenwandlers
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Analysis tool for multiexponential energy decay curves in room acoustics
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Analysis of the SB-ZePoC Method for RF Transmitters
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Analysis and implementation of the Position-Pitch source localization algorithm on a hybrid reconfigurable CPU
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Analysis and Design of an OFDMA Wideband Repeater Architecture
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Analyse des akustischen Verhaltens von elektromechanisch verstellbaren Bürotischen (Feber 2018)
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Analyse der akustischen Kommunikation in Klassenräumen im realen Unterrichtsbetrieb
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Analogfilter für Audio
11 February 2019
Updated student project: An adaptive filter based on recursive blockmatrix inversion
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Amplitudengangoptimierung am Studio-Abhörplatz durch Resonanzabsorber (September 2016)
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Alternative Descriptions for Random Variables
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Akustische Untersuchung fehlerhafter Verzahnungen bei Fahrzeuggetrieben
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Akustische Sanierung von Klassenräumen
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Akustische Sanierung am Bundesrealgymnasium Kepler
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Akustische Messtechnik für Interkom-Sprechstellen
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Akustische Maßnahmen bei Elektrofahrzeugen
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Akustische Diffusoren
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Akustische Bestandsaufnahme der Hörsäle der TU Graz
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Akustische Analyse der Liebfrauenkirche in Eisenerz
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Akustikworkshop für die JuniorUni Graz
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Akustik-Prüfstand für kleine Schalldämpfer (Dezember 2013)
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Akustik in Mehrzwecksälen
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Aktive Zeilenlautsprecher (gesteuerte Line Arrays)
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Aggregating Markov Chains Efficiently
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Add features to our Bionic Voice on a Raspberry Pi
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Adaptive predistortion for a nonlinear data transmission system
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Adaptive Differential Beamformer
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Adaptive Differential Beamformer Demo
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Adaptive Beamforming using Uniform Circular Arrays
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Active Noise Cancelation (ANC)
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Active Direct Sound Control
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Acquisition for a Transmitted Reference UWB Receiver
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Acoustically Coupled Microphones
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Acoustical analysis and simulation of the Graz Opera House as a basis for planning improvements
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Acoustic Source Localization with a Circular Microphone Array
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Acoustic Source Localization using Reflected Signals
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Acoustic Source Localization using Different Array Geometries and Microphones
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Acoustic Imaging of the Human Respiratory System
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Acoustic Event Detection and Classification
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Acoustic Enhancement Systems
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Acoustic Enhancement Systeme
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Acoustic Engine Speed Measurement
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Acoustic Detection of General Audio Events
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Accurate Distance Estimation for RFID Positioning
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Absorptionsgradbestimmung von Lochplatten im Impedanzrohr (Mai 2016)
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Absorber für variable Raumakustik
11 February 2019
Updated student project: Abhängigkeiten des STI Wertes und deren Berücksichtigung in Simulationsprogrammen
11 February 2019
Updated student project: A Study of Tube Amplifier Modeling Using Nonlinear Wave Digital Filters
11 February 2019
Updated student project: A New Difficulty Metric for Soduku
11 February 2019
Updated student project: A Machine-Learning Approach to Recognition of Spoken German Variants
11 February 2019
Updated student project: A Flexible Sender-Based Packet Loss Recovery Method
01 February 2019
SALMA: UWB-based Single-Anchor Localization System using Multipath Assistance(rotm)
01 January 2019
Overcoming Covariance Matrix Phase Sensitivity in Single-Channel Speech Enhancement with Correlated Spectral Components(rotm)
01 January 2019
PhD Positions in Wireless Communications and Positioning
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Zukunft der Funkmikrofonie
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Wizard of Oz Experiments on Speech Dialogue Systems
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Weighted Maximum Margin Bayesian Network Classifiers
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Wavelet Based Speaker Change Detection in Single Channel Speech Data
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Wake-up-word recognition
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Voice-controlled home automation
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Vibration Analysis for Adjustment and Monitoring of a Waste Shredder
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Vibration Analysis and Classification
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Verkehrslagenrekonstruktion auf Autobahnen mittels Datenfusion
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Ventilierte Lautsprecherbox mit Koaxialchassis
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Variational Bayesian Reservoir Computing and its Applications to Handwriting Recognition
19 December 2018
Updated student project: UWB Radio Channel Analysis Using the SAGE Algorithm
19 December 2018
Updated student project: UWB Indoor Positioning based on Received Signal Strength
19 December 2018
Updated student project: UWB Demonstrator with Scope on Synchronisation
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Using sEMG for Disordered Speech Enhancement
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Using sEMG for Disordered Speech Enhancement IV -- Myo Gesture Control Armband
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Using sEMG for Disordered Speech Enhancement III
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Using sEMG for Disordered Speech Enhancement III -- Adaptive Threshold
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Using sEMG for Disordered Speech Enhancement II
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Using frequency-domain features for speech recognition with variable sampling frequencies
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Unsymmetrische und symmetrische Leitungsführung in der analogen Audiotechnik
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Unsupervised Speaker Segmentation in One-Channel Speech Data
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Ultrasonic Inspection System
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Ultra Wideband Location Fingerprinting: Efficient Parameter Estimation and Experimental Verification
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Ultra Wideband as Sensor Technology for 3D Mapping. A Feasibility Study.
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Training Tool for Speaking with a Bionic Voice
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Tracking of fundamental frequencies in pathologic voice
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Topics in Markov Chains II
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Topics in Markov Chains I
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Tonstudiogerätekunde "Digital Basics"
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Three-dimensional Audio Interfaces for the Blind
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Text-to-Speech Engine with Austrian German Corpus
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Test
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Synthesis of disordered voices
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Synchronisation for Multipath-assisted Indoor Localization and Tracking
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Subjective Measures for Electro-Larynx Speech
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Study of RF Impairments in an LTE Receiver Chain
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Study of an AoA Based UWB Indoor Positioning System
19 December 2018
Updated student project: STIPA
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Speech Recognition for Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Speech enhancement: Simulation and quality evaluation
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Speaker Verification for a Telehealth System
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Speaker Recognition with deep neural networks
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Spatial Filtering by Applying State-Of-The-Art Beamformers: The Generalized Eigenvector Beamformer
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Space/Mars Mission conversation analysis
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Sound Propagation in a Reverberation Chamber
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Smartphone App for Electro-Larynx Speech
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Single Channel Source Separation with Deep Model: Tackle the Chime3 challenge
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Single Channel Source Separation using Dictionary Design Methods for Sparse Coders
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Single Channel Source Separation applied to Polyphonic Music
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Singing with a Bionic Voice
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Signal Detection under Consideration of Realistic Interference Models
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Self-explaining recording device
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Sampling of Sparse Analog Signals
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Sample Based Glottal Excitation Signal Database
19 December 2018
Updated student project: RSS based channel characterization of electronic shelf labels
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Roomacoustic Optimizations for Winter Gardens; Raumakustische Optimierungen für Wintergärten
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Room acoustic design of the day center Robert Stolz - Raumakustische Planung im Tageszentrum Robert Stolz
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Robust Transit Time Measurement for Ultrasound Flowmeters
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Robust Modulation Techniques in IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Personal Area Networks
19 December 2018
Updated student project: RF Localization in scalable UWB sensor networks
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Resource-efficient Neural Networks
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Reliable Voice Activity Detection Under Adverse Environments
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Reflection Characteristics in UWB Propagation Environments
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Reference-Free Speech Quality Measure for Electro-Larynx Speech
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Reduction of Heart Sounds from Lung Sounds
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Reduced Precision Bayesian Network Classifiers
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Reconstruction of Nonuniformly Sampled Signals
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Realtime Model-based Single-Channel Speech Separation
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Real-Time Multipath-Assisted Indoor-Localization using a Channel Sounder
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Real-time Controllable Sound Source Generator for Electro-Larynx Speech
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Raumakustik in sehr großen Räumen
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Ranging and Positioning in Ultra-wideband
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Quality of Service for Speech Transmission in Heterogeneous Networks
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Psychoakustischer Rauschmodulator
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Homophone disambiguation for conversational Austrian German
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Probabilistic Graphical Models for Signal Analysis and Recognition
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Pricing and Regulation Quality of Experience
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Positioning of a shopping cart
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Pop Sound Protection and Reduction for Small Microphone Enclosures
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Pop Sound Detection and Suppression
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Pop Informed Speech Recognition
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Playout Buffers for VoIP
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Performance Bounds for Anchorless Cooperative Indoor Localization exploiting Multipath
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Pattern Recognition of Hydroacoustic Signals
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Parametrization of a Transducer for EL Speech Production
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Parametrization of a Transducer for EL Speech Production II
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Parameters for gender adequate voice perception
19 December 2018
Updated student project: On distributed selfish routing
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Objective evaluation of radio receivers -- Conception of a noise classification system for audio signals
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Nonlinear Equalization for a Frame-Differential IR-UWB Receiver
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Music Perception with Hearing Aids: The M.U.S.I.C. Test Battery
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Multiuser Interference Modeling and Suppression for Differential IR-UWB Systems
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Multitarget Tracking for UWB Channels using PHD Filters
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Multiresolution Spectrotemporal Features for Speech Nonspeech Discrimination
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Multichannel Voice Activity Detection for ASR
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Multi-target Tracking for UWB Channels Using PHD Filters
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Monaural Sound Localization
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Modeling of Receiver Nonlinearities
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Modeling and Simulation of Error Correction Encoding for Networks-on-Chip
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Modeling and Simulation of an LF-Receiver
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Mobile Multichannel Playback System
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Mikrofonkabel: Vergleich und Analyse der Klangqualität verscheidener Typen
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Messsystem für akustische Zweitore
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Memristor Emulation for Signal Processing Applications
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Measurement of Impact of Pop Sound Distortions on Automatic Speech Recgonition
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Master Theses at FTW
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Making Wireless Communications Visible: Implementation of Transmission Demos using a Channel Sounder
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Magnitude Response Mismatch Compensation in Time-interleaved Analog-to-Digital Converters
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Machine Translation with Recurrent Neural Networks
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Machine Translation with Deep Neural Networks
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Machine Learning Based Speech (or Music) Separation
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Loudness balance control in hear-through systems
19 December 2018
Updated student project: LOS/NLOS Classification for UWB Channels
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Localization of smart labels
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Localization and Synchronization
19 December 2018
Updated student project: LED-Stroboskop/Signalgenerator für Lautsprechermessungen
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Learning Effect in EL speech
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Lautsprecherentwicklung für das Elektroakustik Labor
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Large Scale Neural Networks for Audio Source Separation
19 December 2018
Updated student project: KLIPPEL Messplatz
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Jointly Model Source Separation and Speech Recognition
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Inverse Filtering of Pathologic Voice
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Intonation Prediction for Speech Synthesis Using the Fujisaki Model and Machine Learning
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Implementierung von Audio in eine Dokumentenkamera
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Implementation of Mutual Information Calculation Algorithms
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Implementation of Joint Spatio-Temporal Filtering Methods for Direction of Arrival and Fundamental Frequency Estimation
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Implementation of an audio processing algorithm as gstreamer plugin
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Implementation of an Acoustic Joint Direction and Fundamental Frequency Estimator Based on Nonlinear Least Squares Methods
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Implementation of an Acoustic Joint Direction and Fundamental Frequency Estimator Based on 2-D Filtering
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Implementation of a UWB Tranceiver for the Audio Channel on a DSP
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Implementation of a Maximum Negentropy Beamformer
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Implementation of a Maximum Kurtosis Beamformer
19 December 2018
Updated student project: IFEN: Signal Processing for Satellite Navigation Systems
19 December 2018
Updated student project: IEEE 802.15.4a-UWB compliant Positioning using Energy Detectors
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Hybrid Generative-Discriminative Training of Gaussian Mixture Models
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Hybrid Generative-Discriminative Classification Models for Semi-Supervised Learning in Speech Applications
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Characterization of the Scattering Behavior of the Human Body
19 December 2018
Updated student project: High-Accuracy Indoor Localization Exploiting Multipath
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Helmholtz-Absorber
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Gradient flow localizer with a miniature microphone array
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Glottal Movement Extraction from High-Speed Videos
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Give SALMA a memory: compact radio-based position tracking
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Funktionsgruppen eines Tonregieplatzes
19 December 2018
Updated student project: FSK Signal Detection in a Limiter-Based Receiver Architecture
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Floating-Point Matrix Multiplication on FPGAs
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Fixed-Point Algorithms for Channel Mismatch Calibration of Time-Interleaved Analog-to-Digital Converters
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Experimental Setup for Subjective Evaluation of Interactive Multimedia Quality over IP Networks
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Experimental Evaluation of the IEEE 802.15.4a Standard
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Evalution platform for sigma-delta-modulators
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Evaluation of Downlink Beamforming and Transmission Polarization Adaptation Using a GSM Smart Antenna Demonstrator
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Evaluation of a Redundancy-aided Packet Loss Recovery Method vor VoIP
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Estimation of Reflected Signal Paths for Ultra-wideband Channels
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Equipment (Siderack) bei Tonregieanlagen
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Enhancement of spectral envelope modeling in HMM-based speech synthesis
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Enhanced Accuracy Channel Estimation and Ranging for Energy Detectors
19 December 2018
Updated student project: EL Speech improvement on a Raspberry Pi
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Efficient Coding Methods for a Perceptual Speech Coder
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation for ATM-Based Passive Optical Networks
19 December 2018
Updated student project: DSP Implementation of a Perceptual Speech Coder
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Dokumentation einer raumakustischen Sanierung mit Hörbeispielen
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Homophone disambiguation for conversational Austrian German
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Dimensioning and Simulation of Helmholtz-Resonators
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Digital Communications over the Audio Channel
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Development and Comparison of Lung Sound Transducers
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Design of a combined air and bone-conductive microphone headset
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Design and construction of a 1:10 scale model reverberation chamber
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Deployment of Ultra-Wideband Indoor Positioning Systems
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Deployment of an Ultra-Wideband Indoor Positioning System
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Data Driven Pronunciation Modeling for Large Vocabulary Spontaneous Speech Recognition
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Data-Based Automatic Phonetic Transcription
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Das Kundtsche Rohr Matlab-Simulation unter Berücksichtigung von Mehrfachreflexionen
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Computergestuetzte FEM-Simulation in der Raumakustik
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Computer Assisted Aphasia Therapy
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Compressed Sensing of Block-Sparse Signals
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Classification of Acoustic Plastic Pipe Water Leak Signals with Gaussian Mixture Models
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Charakterisierung eines Demonstrationssystems für UWB-Übertragungsstrecken
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Change Point Detection in Smartphone Usage
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Capacity and Capacity-Achieving Input Distribution of the Energy Detector
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Building a Prototype of Multipath-assisted Localization
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Bionic Voice Projects
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Bionic Voice Intelligibility Test
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Bionic Voice Design
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Binaural reproduction library
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Beurteilung des Fahrzeuginnenraumschallpegels anhand der Außenumströmung
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Best Channel Selection for Distant Speech Recognition
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Beamforming Using Uniform Circular Arrays for Distant Speech Recognition in Reverberant Environment and Double-Talk Scenarios
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Bayesian Neural Networks for Missing Data Scenarios
19 December 2018
Updated student project: BatMAN: Bat-Like Multipath-assisted Navigation
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Automatic Transcription of Analog Space Missions
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Automatic Tone Removal Algorithm and DSP Implementation
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Automatic Speech Recognition for Electro-Laynx Speech
19 December 2018
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Automatic Speech Recognition for Austrian German on a Raspberry Pi
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Automatic Speech Recognition for Air Traffic Controllers
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Automatic Event Detection in Massive Multi-Channel Audio Signals on a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Automatic Differentiation for Large Scale Optimization
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Austrian German Dialogue System
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Audiogramme
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Audio augmented reality in telecommunication
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Artificial Pitch for Electro-Larynx Speech
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Artificial Bandwidth Extension of Narrowband Speech
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Architectural Acoustics - Evaluation of Impulse Responses in Concert Halls
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Application of Nonparametric Belief Propagation for Localization
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Analyzing the Probabilities of GPS Acquisition
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Analysis and implementation of the Position-Pitch source localization algorithm on a hybrid reconfigurable CPU
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Analysis and Design of an OFDMA Wideband Repeater Architecture
19 December 2018
Updated student project: An adaptive filter based on recursive blockmatrix inversion
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Akustische Bestandsaufnahme der Hörsäle der TU Graz
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Akustikworkshop für die JuniorUni Graz
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Add features to our Bionic Voice on a Raspberry Pi
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Adaptive predistortion for a nonlinear data transmission system
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Adaptive Differential Beamformer Demo
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Acquisition for a Transmitted Reference UWB Receiver
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Acoustically Coupled Microphones
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Acoustical analysis and simulation of the Graz Opera House as a basis for planning improvements
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Acoustic Source Localization with a Circular Microphone Array
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Acoustic Source Localization using Reflected Signals
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Acoustic Source Localization using Different Array Geometries and Microphones
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Acoustic Imaging of the Human Respiratory System
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Acoustic Event Detection and Classification
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Acoustic Engine Speed Measurement
19 December 2018
Updated student project: Accurate Distance Estimation for RFID Positioning
19 December 2018
Updated student project: A Machine-Learning Approach to Recognition of Spoken German Variants
19 December 2018
Updated student project: A Flexible Sender-Based Packet Loss Recovery Method
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Wizard of Oz Experiments on Speech Dialogue Systems
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Wavelet Based Speaker Change Detection in Single Channel Speech Data
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Vibration Analysis for Adjustment and Monitoring of a Waste Shredder
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Variational Bayesian Reservoir Computing and its Applications to Handwriting Recognition
17 December 2018
Updated student project: UWB Radio Channel Analysis Using the SAGE Algorithm
17 December 2018
Updated student project: UWB Indoor Positioning based on Received Signal Strength
17 December 2018
Updated student project: UWB Demonstrator with Scope on Synchronisation
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Using frequency-domain features for speech recognition with variable sampling frequencies
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Unsupervised Speaker Segmentation in One-Channel Speech Data
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Ultra Wideband Location Fingerprinting: Efficient Parameter Estimation and Experimental Verification
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Ultra Wideband as Sensor Technology for 3D Mapping. A Feasibility Study.
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Three-dimensional Audio Interfaces for the Blind
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Text-to-Speech Engine with Austrian German Corpus
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Study of RF Impairments in an LTE Receiver Chain
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Study of an AoA Based UWB Indoor Positioning System
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Speech Recognition for Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Speech enhancement: Simulation and quality evaluation
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Speaker Verification for a Telehealth System
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Single Channel Source Separation using Dictionary Design Methods for Sparse Coders
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Signal Detection under Consideration of Realistic Interference Models
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Sampling of Sparse Analog Signals
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Robust Transit Time Measurement for Ultrasound Flowmeters
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Robust Modulation Techniques in IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Personal Area Networks
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Reliable Voice Activity Detection Under Adverse Environments
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Reflection Characteristics in UWB Propagation Environments
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Reconstruction of Nonuniformly Sampled Signals
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Ranging and Positioning in Ultra-wideband
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Quality of Service for Speech Transmission in Heterogeneous Networks
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Pricing and Regulation Quality of Experience
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Playout Buffers for VoIP
17 December 2018
Updated student project: On distributed selfish routing
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Objective evaluation of radio receivers -- Conception of a noise classification system for audio signals
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Nonlinear Equalization for a Frame-Differential IR-UWB Receiver
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Music Perception with Hearing Aids: The M.U.S.I.C. Test Battery
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Multiuser Interference Modeling and Suppression for Differential IR-UWB Systems
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Multiresolution Spectrotemporal Features for Speech Nonspeech Discrimination
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Multi-target Tracking for UWB Channels Using PHD Filters
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Monaural Sound Localization
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Modeling of Receiver Nonlinearities
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Modeling and Simulation of Error Correction Encoding for Networks-on-Chip
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Modeling and Simulation of an LF-Receiver
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Magnitude Response Mismatch Compensation in Time-interleaved Analog-to-Digital Converters
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Intonation Prediction for Speech Synthesis Using the Fujisaki Model and Machine Learning
17 December 2018
Updated student project: IEEE 802.15.4a-UWB compliant Positioning using Energy Detectors
17 December 2018
Updated student project: FSK Signal Detection in a Limiter-Based Receiver Architecture
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Fixed-Point Algorithms for Channel Mismatch Calibration of Time-Interleaved Analog-to-Digital Converters
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Experimental Setup for Subjective Evaluation of Interactive Multimedia Quality over IP Networks
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Experimental Evaluation of the IEEE 802.15.4a Standard
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Evalution platform for sigma-delta-modulators
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Evaluation of Downlink Beamforming and Transmission Polarization Adaptation Using a GSM Smart Antenna Demonstrator
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Evaluation of a Redundancy-aided Packet Loss Recovery Method vor VoIP
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Enhancement of spectral envelope modeling in HMM-based speech synthesis
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Enhanced Accuracy Channel Estimation and Ranging for Energy Detectors
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Efficient Coding Methods for a Perceptual Speech Coder
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation for ATM-Based Passive Optical Networks
17 December 2018
Updated student project: DSP Implementation of a Perceptual Speech Coder
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Dimensioning and Simulation of Helmholtz-Resonators
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Digital Communications over the Audio Channel
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Design of a combined air and bone-conductive microphone headset
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Deployment of an Ultra-Wideband Indoor Positioning System
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Data Driven Pronunciation Modeling for Large Vocabulary Spontaneous Speech Recognition
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Data-Based Automatic Phonetic Transcription
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Compressed Sensing of Block-Sparse Signals
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Classification of Acoustic Plastic Pipe Water Leak Signals with Gaussian Mixture Models
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Charakterisierung eines Demonstrationssystems für UWB-Übertragungsstrecken
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Capacity and Capacity-Achieving Input Distribution of the Energy Detector
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Beamforming Using Uniform Circular Arrays for Distant Speech Recognition in Reverberant Environment and Double-Talk Scenarios
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Automatic Tone Removal Algorithm and DSP Implementation
17 December 2018
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Automatic Speech Recognition for Air Traffic Controllers
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Audio augmented reality in telecommunication
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Artificial Bandwidth Extension of Narrowband Speech
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Analysis and implementation of the Position-Pitch source localization algorithm on a hybrid reconfigurable CPU
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Analysis and Design of an OFDMA Wideband Repeater Architecture
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Adaptive predistortion for a nonlinear data transmission system
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Acquisition for a Transmitted Reference UWB Receiver
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Acoustical analysis and simulation of the Graz Opera House as a basis for planning improvements
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Acoustic Source Localization with a Circular Microphone Array
17 December 2018
Updated student project: Acoustic Engine Speed Measurement
17 December 2018
Updated student project: A Study of Tube Amplifier Modeling Using Nonlinear Wave Digital Filters
17 December 2018
Updated student project: A Machine-Learning Approach to Recognition of Spoken German Variants
17 December 2018
Updated student project: A Flexible Sender-Based Packet Loss Recovery Method
01 December 2018
Computer-aided Lung Sound Analysis for the Diagnosis of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis - A First Study(rotm)
01 November 2018
Rethinking Reduction: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Conditions, Mechanisms, and Domains for Phonetic Variation(rotm)
24 October 2018
Updated student project: Weiterentwicklung eines FPGA Laborplatzes für digital Audio
24 October 2018
Updated student project: Training Tool for Speaking with a Bionic Voice
24 October 2018
Updated student project: Singing with a Bionic Voice
24 October 2018
Updated student project: Self-explaining recording device
24 October 2018
Updated student project: RF Localization in scalable UWB sensor networks
24 October 2018
Added new student project: Resource-efficient Neural Networks
24 October 2018
Added new student project: Prosody-Based Speaking Style Detection
24 October 2018
Updated student project: Probabilistic Graphical Models for Signal Analysis and Recognition
24 October 2018
Added new student project: Positioning of a shopping cart
24 October 2018
Added new student project: Dynamical Compuation Graphs in Universal Probabilistic Programming
24 October 2018
Updated student project: Multi E-Larynx Stimulation
24 October 2018
Updated student project: Making Wireless Communications Visible: Implementation of Transmission Demos using a Channel Sounder
24 October 2018
Updated student project: Machine Learning Based Speech (or Music) Separation
24 October 2018
Added new student project: Characterization of the Scattering Behavior of the Human Body
24 October 2018
Added new student project: Give SALMA a memory: compact radio-based position tracking
24 October 2018
Updated student project: Dynamische Intonation von digitalen Konzertorgeln
24 October 2018
Updated student project: Bionic Voice Projects
24 October 2018
Updated student project: Bionic Voice Design
24 October 2018
Added new student project: Bayesian Neural Networks for Missing Data Scenarios
24 October 2018
Added new student project: Automatic Prosodic Annotation of Conversational German
24 October 2018
Added new student project: Architectural Acoustics - Evaluation of Impulse Responses in Concert Halls
24 October 2018
Updated student project: Acoustic Event Detection and Classification
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Zukunft der Funkmikrofonie
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Wizard of Oz Experiments on Speech Dialogue Systems
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Wissensmanagement und Kreativität anhand der Erstellung eines Vorlesungsskriptes
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Wiederholungscode
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Wellenfeldsynthese für Eventbeschallungen
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Weiterentwicklung eines FPGA Laborplatzes für digital Audio
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Weighted Maximum Margin Bayesian Network Classifiers
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Wavelet Based Speaker Change Detection in Single Channel Speech Data
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Waveform meta-data visualization
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Wake-up-word recognition
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Voice-controlled home automation
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Virtuelle Ermittlung von SEA-Modellparametern
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Vibroakustisches Monitoring in Smart Homes
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Vibration Analysis for Adjustment and Monitoring of a Waste Shredder
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Vibration Analysis and Classification
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Vermessung und Erarbeitung von Optimierungsvorschlägen für die Raumakustik mehrerer Räume im Palais Herberstein in Graz
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Verlustlose Audiodatenkompression
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Verkehrslagenrekonstruktion auf Autobahnen mittels Datenfusion
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Ventilierte Lautsprecherbox mit Koaxialchassis
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Variational Bayesian Reservoir Computing and its Applications to Handwriting Recognition
09 October 2018
Added new student project: UWB Radio Channel Analysis Using the SAGE Algorithm
09 October 2018
Added new student project: UWB Indoor Positioning based on Received Signal Strength
09 October 2018
Added new student project: UWB Demonstrator with Scope on Synchronisation
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Using sEMG for Disordered Speech Enhancement
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Using sEMG for Disordered Speech Enhancement IV -- Myo Gesture Control Armband
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Using sEMG for Disordered Speech Enhancement III
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Using sEMG for Disordered Speech Enhancement III -- Adaptive Threshold
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Using sEMG for Disordered Speech Enhancement II
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Using frequency-domain features for speech recognition with variable sampling frequencies
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Untersuchung und Implemetierung von CAA-SEA Koppelmodellen in der Fahrzeugtechnik
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Untersuchung des Einflusses der Mikrofonpositionen in einem Hallraum (September 2014)
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Unsymmetrische und symmetrische Leitungsführung in der analogen Audiotechnik
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Unsupervised Speaker Segmentation in One-Channel Speech Data
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Ultrasonic Inspection System
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Ultra Wideband Location Fingerprinting: Efficient Parameter Estimation and Experimental Verification
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Ultra Wideband as Sensor Technology for 3D Mapping. A Feasibility Study.
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Training Tool for Speaking with a Bionic Voice
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Tracking of fundamental frequencies in pathologic voice
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Topics in Markov Chains II
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Topics in Markov Chains I
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Tonstudiogerätekunde "Digital Basics"
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Three-dimensional Audio Interfaces for the Blind
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Theoretische Planung und messtechnische Evaluierung eines Hallraumes
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Text-to-Speech Engine with Austrian German Corpus
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Test
09 October 2018
Added new student project: System on Chip Technology in Audio Applications
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Synthesis of disordered voices
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Synchronisation for Multipath-assisted Indoor Localization and Tracking
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Synästhesie in der Akustik
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Subjective Measures for Electro-Larynx Speech
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Study of RF Impairments in an LTE Receiver Chain
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Study of an AoA Based UWB Indoor Positioning System
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Structure Learning of Bayesian Networks Using Latent Variables
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Stresserkennung aus Sprachdaten
09 October 2018
Added new student project: STIPA
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Statistical Energy Analsysis for Room Acoustics
09 October 2018
Added new student project: State Space Reduction without Information Loss
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Speech Segmentation of Audio Books
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Speech Recognition for Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Speech enhancement: Simulation and quality evaluation
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Specification of a Standardized Listening Room for an Expert Listening Panel
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Speaker Verification for a Telehealth System
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Speaker Recognition with deep neural networks
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Spatial Filtering by Applying State-Of-The-Art Beamformers: The Generalized Eigenvector Beamformer
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Space/Mars Mission conversation analysis
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Soundscapeanalyse und -monitoring
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Soundscape Untersuchung in Themenparks
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Sound Propagation in a Reverberation Chamber
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Smartphone App for Electro-Larynx Speech
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Single Channel Source Separation with Deep Model: Tackle the Chime3 challenge
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Single Channel Source Separation using Dictionary Design Methods for Sparse Coders
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Single-Channel Source Separation in Multisource Environment
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Single Channel Source Separation applied to Polyphonic Music
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Singing with a Bionic Voice
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Simulation und Untersuchung von Sampling Jitter
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Signal Detection under Consideration of Realistic Interference Models
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Semi(supervised) speech enhancement using Non-negative matrix factorization
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Self-explaining recording device
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Schallimmissionsmessung in Gebäuden
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Sampling of Sparse Analog Signals
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Sample Rate Conversion in Digital Signal Processors
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Sample Rate Conversion for the Audio Doppler Effect
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Sample Based Glottal Excitation Signal Database
09 October 2018
Added new student project: RSS based channel characterization of electronic shelf labels
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Roomacoustic Optimizations for Winter Gardens; Raumakustische Optimierungen für Wintergärten
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Room Respoonse Equalization and Loudspeaker Crossover Networks
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Room acoustic design of the day center Robert Stolz - Raumakustische Planung im Tageszentrum Robert Stolz
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Room acoustic design of a listening room - Raumakustische Planung eines Abhörraums
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Robust Transit Time Measurement for Ultrasound Flowmeters
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Robust Modulation Techniques in IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Personal Area Networks
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Robust Distance Estimation for Time-of-Flight 3D Image Sensors
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Rhetorical Acoustic Phonetic Feedback Device
09 October 2018
Added new student project: RF Localization in scalable UWB sensor networks
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Residual Belief Propagation and Beyond
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Reliable Voice Activity Detection Under Adverse Environments
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Relation of Loopy Sum-Product Algorithm and Rank-1 Tensor Approximation
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Reflection Characteristics in UWB Propagation Environments
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Reference-Free Speech Quality Measure for Electro-Larynx Speech
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Reduction of Heart Sounds from Lung Sounds
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Reduced Precision Bayesian Network Classifiers
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Reconstruction of Nonuniformly Sampled Signals
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Reconstruction of Nonlinearly Distorted Signals
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Reconstruction Methods for Time-Varying Systems
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Realtime Model-based Single-Channel Speech Separation
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Realtime Digital Signal Processing using Raspberry Pi
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Realitätsnahe Visualisierung menschlicher Spracherzeugung
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Realisierung eines motorisierten Gitarrenstimmgerätes
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Realisierung eines digitalen Gitarren-Effektgerätes
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Real-Time Multipath-Assisted Indoor-Localization using a Channel Sounder
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Real-Time Enhancement of E-Larynx Speech Signals
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Real-time Controllable Sound Source Generator for Electro-Larynx Speech
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Raumakustische Simulation
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Raumakustische Sanierungen mittels Kantenabsorber und herkömmlicher Methodik im Vergleich
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Raumakustische Optimierung eines Verkostungsraumes
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Raumakustische Optimierung eines Aufnahmeraumes im Tonstudio der Kunstuniversität Graz
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Raumakustische Optimierung einer Turnhalle im Hinblick auf Sprachverständlichkeit und Lärmvermeidung
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Raumakustische Messungen mit Apps
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Raumakustiksimulation mit Auralisation unter Verwendung von CATT-Acoustic
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Raumakustik in sehr großen Räumen
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Ranging and Positioning in Ultra-wideband
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Quality of Service for Speech Transmission in Heterogeneous Networks
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Qualitätskontrolle der Akustik von reflexionsarmen Messräumen und FEM-Simulation der Eigenmoden (Mai 2011)
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Psychoakustischer Rauschmodulator
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Homophone disambiguation for conversational Austrian German
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Probabilistic Graphical Models for Signal Analysis and Recognition
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Pricing and Regulation Quality of Experience
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Prevention of flutter echos in architectural demanding spaces
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Postprocessing Tools for Binaural Rendering of Stereo Music Signals
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Positionsbestimmung in der Ventiltechnik (Fa. Ventrex)
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Pop Sound Protection and Reduction for Small Microphone Enclosures
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Pop Sound Detection and Suppression
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Pop Informed Speech Recognition
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Playout Buffers for VoIP
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Planung und Evaluierung von Kantenabsorbern
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Planung eines Akustiklabors
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Planung der Raumakustik und der Beschallungsanlage eines Hörprobenraumes
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Performance Bounds for Anchorless Cooperative Indoor Localization exploiting Multipath
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Pattern Recognition of Hydroacoustic Signals
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Parametrization of a Transducer for EL Speech Production
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Parametrization of a Transducer for EL Speech Production II
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Parameters for gender adequate voice perception
09 October 2018
Added new student project: PAK-Messablaufsteuerungen für Laborübungen der akustischen Messtechnik (Jänner 2016)
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Optimierung der Akustik und der Abhoersituation im Tonstudio der TU Graz
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Online Signal Separation Based on Microphone Arrays in a Multipath Environment
09 October 2018
Added new student project: On distributed selfish routing
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Office Sound Design
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Objective evaluation of radio receivers -- Conception of a noise classification system for audio signals
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Nonlinear Equalization for a Frame-Differential IR-UWB Receiver
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Noise-Dose Measurement of Musicians in the Opera in Graz
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Neustrukturierung des KUG Tonstudios
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Nachhallakustik langgestreckter Räume
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Music Perception with Hearing Aids
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Music Perception with Hearing Aids: The M.U.S.I.C. Test Battery
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Multiuser Interference Modeling and Suppression for Differential IR-UWB Systems
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Multitarget Tracking for UWB Channels using PHD Filters
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Multiresolution Spectrotemporal Features for Speech Nonspeech Discrimination
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Multichannel Voice Activity Detection for ASR
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Multichannel UWB Systems with Noncoherent Autocorrelation Detection
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Multichannel Ultra-wideband Systems with Noncoherent Autocorrelation Detection
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Multi-target Tracking for UWB Channels Using PHD Filters
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Multi-Impedanzabsorber für die Raumakustik
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Multi E-Larynx Stimulation
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Multi-Channel Speech Enhancement
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Monaural Sound Localization
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Modifikationen am LAWO Verbundsystem zur Optimierung des Workflows und zur Verbesserung der Abhörsituation im SPSC Tonstudio
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Modelling of gas sensor responses using deep models
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Modellierung elektroakustischer Wandler in MATLAB
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Modeling of Receiver Nonlinearities
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Modeling and Simulation of Error Correction Encoding for Networks-on-Chip
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Modeling and Simulation of an LF-Receiver
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Model Self-Adaptation during Operation Using Mixture Data
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Mobile Multichannel Playback System
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Mikrofonkabel: Vergleich und Analyse der Klangqualität verscheidener Typen
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Messungen von Schallschutz und Akustik in Büros
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Messungen an mikroperforierten Folien im Hallraum
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Messtechnische Erfassung und Simulation eines digitalen Miniaturmikrofonarrays mit Echtzeit-Signalverarbeitungsalgorithmus
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Messsystem für akustische Zweitore
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Messsystem für akustische Zweitore (April 2008)
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Messraumabgleich zwischen Viertel-Freifeldraum und Sonderhallraum (Mai 2016)
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Messmikrofone
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Memristor Emulation for Signal Processing Applications
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Mehrkanalige Messung von Impulsantworten (Oktober 2007)
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Measurement Setup for acoustic two-port Networks
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Measurement of Impact of Pop Sound Distortions on Automatic Speech Recgonition
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Maximum Margin Hidden Markov Models
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Master Theses at FTW
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Marktstudie: FPGAs für Audio-Signalverarbeitung
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Making Wireless Communications Visible: Implementation of Transmission Demos using a Channel Sounder
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Magnitude Response Mismatch Compensation in Time-interleaved Analog-to-Digital Converters
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Machine Translation with Recurrent Neural Networks
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Machine Translation with Deep Neural Networks
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Machine Learning Based Speech (or Music) Separation
09 October 2018
Added new student project: LSMESS - Hardware fuer Akustikmessungen
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Loudness balance control in hear-through systems
09 October 2018
Added new student project: LOS/NLOS Classification for UWB Channels
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Localization of smart labels
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Localization in Wireless Communication Systems
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Localization and Synchronization
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Lerntool fuer Betragsfrequenzgaenge
09 October 2018
Added new student project: LED-Stroboskop/Signalgenerator für Lautsprechermessungen
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Learning Effect in EL speech
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Lautsprecherentwicklung für das Elektroakustik Labor
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Lärmexpositionsmessungen bei ProfessorInnen der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Lärmexpositionsmessungen bei Professoren der KUG und Entwicklung eines SW-Lärmprognose-Tools
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Large Scale Neural Networks for Audio Source Separation
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Künstliche Grundfrequenzkontur für Elektro-Larynx-Sprache in Echtzeit-Simulation
09 October 2018
Added new student project: KLIPPEL Messplatz
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Klassenraumakustik
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Keyword Spotting for Emergency
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Kalibrierung von pv-Sonden (Juni 2013)
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Jointly Model Source Separation and Speech Recognition
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Is Online PCA Information-Preserving?
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Inverse Filtering of Pathologic Voice
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Intonation Prediction for Speech Synthesis Using the Fujisaki Model and Machine Learning
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Interpolation Filters for the GNURadio+USRP2 Platform
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Interactive Visualization of Frequency Azimuth Estimations
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Influence of Vegetated Courtyards on the Auditory Perception of Sound in Urban Surroundings
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Theses & Projects
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Improved Engine Noise Synthesis Algorithm
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Implementierung von Audio in eine Dokumentenkamera
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Implementierung eines Beschallungssystems bestehend aus 4 nachführbaren parametrischen Lautsprecherarrays
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Implementierung einer Nachhallzeitmessung mit Sinus-Sweep (Oktober 2013)
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Implementation of Mutual Information Calculation Algorithms
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Implementation of Joint Spatio-Temporal Filtering Methods for Direction of Arrival and Fundamental Frequency Estimation
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Implementation of an audio processing algorithm as gstreamer plugin
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Implementation of an Acoustic Joint Direction and Fundamental Frequency Estimator Based on Nonlinear Least Squares Methods
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Implementation of an Acoustic Joint Direction and Fundamental Frequency Estimator Based on 2-D Filtering
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Implementation of a UWB Tranceiver for the Audio Channel on a DSP
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Implementation of a modular audio analysis software in Python
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Implementation of a Maximum Negentropy Beamformer
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Implementation of a Maximum Kurtosis Beamformer
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Implementation einer Freifeld-Klassifizierungsmessung mit Multisinus (April 2017)
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Implementation einer Diffusfeld-Klassifizierungsmessung mit Multisinus (Mai 2017)
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Impact of signal pre-processing on deep model complexity
09 October 2018
Added new student project: IFEN: Signal Processing for Satellite Navigation Systems
09 October 2018
Added new student project: IEEE 802.15.4a-UWB compliant Positioning using Energy Detectors
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Identifying relevant cues for uncertainty in dialogue
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Hybrid Generative-Discriminative Training of Gaussian Mixture Models
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Hybrid Generative-Discriminative Classification Models for Semi-Supervised Learning in Speech Applications
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Hochwertige Analog zu Digital Umsetzer - Audio over Ethernet
09 October 2018
Added new student project: High-accuracy Radiolocalization for Driver-Assistance Systems
09 October 2018
Added new student project: High-Accuracy Indoor Localization Exploiting Multipath
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Helmholtzresonatoren
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Helmholtz-Absorber
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Grenzflächen - Trennkörper - Stereomikrophon
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Gradient flow localizer with a miniature microphone array
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Glottal Movement Extraction from High-Speed Videos
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Funktionsgruppen eines Tonregieplatzes
09 October 2018
Added new student project: FSK Signal Detection in a Limiter-Based Receiver Architecture
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Floating-Point Matrix Multiplication on FPGAs
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Fixed-Point Algorithms for Channel Mismatch Calibration of Time-Interleaved Analog-to-Digital Converters
09 October 2018
Added new student project: FEM-Simulationen mit COMSOL Multiphysics im Anwendungsbereich der Technischen Akustik (März 2011)
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Experimental Setup for Subjective Evaluation of Interactive Multimedia Quality over IP Networks
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Experimental Evaluation of the IEEE 802.15.4a Standard
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Excitation Signal Analysis -- Gender Aspekts
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Exact Maximum Margin Structure Learning
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Evalution platform for sigma-delta-modulators
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Evaluierung von Mikrofonarrays für den Einsatz in zukünftigen User Interfaces
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Evaluierung von Cloud Speech APIs
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Evaluation of Downlink Beamforming and Transmission Polarization Adaptation Using a GSM Smart Antenna Demonstrator
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Evaluation of a Redundancy-aided Packet Loss Recovery Method vor VoIP
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Estimation of Reflected Signal Paths for Ultra-wideband Channels
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Erwärmungskurvenmessung an Lautsprechern
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Erdungskonzepte für Audioinstallationen
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Equipment (Siderack) bei Tonregieanlagen
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Entwurf von Schallabsorbern für Produktionshallen (Holzverarbeitung) [September 2013]
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Entwurf und Realisierung eines Single-Chip Broadcast Mischers auf einem FPGA
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Entwurf und Realisierung eines Gitarrenvorverstärkers
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Entwurf und Bau eines ventilierten Lautsprechersystems
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Entwurf und Bau einer variablen Akustik
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Entwurf und Aufbau eines Basshornlautsprechersystems
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Entwurf einer Matlab-Toolbox zur Simulation und Visualisierung des Abstrahlverhaltens von Quellen und Quellsystemen
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Entwicklung von Werkzeugen zur Untersuchung der Klassenraumakustik im Unterrichtsbetrieb
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Entwicklung und Vermessung eines Mikrofonarrays bestehend aus MEMS Mikrofonen
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Entwicklung und Realisierung von kleinen Schaltungen
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Entwicklung eines modularen Messsystems zur Bestimmung raumakustischer Gütemaße
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Entwicklung eines mobilen und variablen Akustikstellwandsystems
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Entwicklung eines Korrekturverfahrens zur Miniminierung des Fehlereinflusses der elektro-akustischen Übertragungscharakteristik eines Ultraschalldurchflussmessgeräts
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Entwicklung eines DSP-Boards mit Audio-Codecs
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Entwicklung eines akustischen Prüfstandes zur Schallemissionsmessung kleiner elektrischer Geräte (September 2017)
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Enhancement of spectral envelope modelling in HMM-based speech synthesis
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Enhancement of spectral envelope modeling in HMM-based speech synthesis
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Enhanced Accuracy Channel Estimation and Ranging for Energy Detectors
09 October 2018
Added new student project: EL Speech improvement on a Raspberry Pi
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Einfluss der Nachhallzeit von tiefen Frequenzen auf die Sprachqualität
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Efficient Coding Methods for a Perceptual Speech Coder
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Effect of Quantization in Bayesian Network Classifiers
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Dynamische Intonation von digitalen Konzertorgeln
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation for ATM-Based Passive Optical Networks
09 October 2018
Added new student project: DSP Labor Uebung
09 October 2018
Added new student project: DSP Implementation of a Perceptual Speech Coder
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Dokumentation einer raumakustischen Sanierung mit Hörbeispielen
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Diskrete Lautsprechermodelle zur Simulation des Membranhubs und des Schalldrucks
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Homophone disambiguation for conversational Austrian German
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Dimensioning and Simulation of Helmholtz-Resonators
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Dimensionierung und Simulation von Helmholtz-Resonatoren (Oktober 2011)
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Digitale Audiotechnik Domonstrations-Software
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Digital Communications over the Audio Channel
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Digital Basics
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Die ohrträgheitsbewertete Raumimpulsantwort
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Development of a Tool to Detect and Analyze Regular and Irregular Loudspeaker Distortions
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Development of a Life-Time Testing System for MEMS Speakers
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Development and Comparison of Lung Sound Transducers
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Design/Implementation of digital baseband receiver algorithms
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Design of a digital low-power IIR Filter using Heuristic Optimization Methods
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Design of a combined air and bone-conductive microphone headset
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Design and construction of a 1:10 scale model reverberation chamber
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Deployment of Ultra-Wideband Indoor Positioning Systems
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Deployment of an Ultra-Wideband Indoor Positioning System
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Database for multi-pitch tracking
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Data Driven Pronunciation Modeling for Large Vocabulary Spontaneous Speech Recognition
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Data-Based Automatic Phonetic Transcription
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Das Kundtsche Rohr Matlab-Simulation unter Berücksichtigung von Mehrfachreflexionen
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Creating a new combined confidence measure for ASR-errors on the word-level
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Computergestuetzte FEM-Simulation in der Raumakustik
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Computer Assisted Aphasia Therapy
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Compressed Sensing of Block-Sparse Signals
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Comparison of Excitation Signals for an Electronic Larynx
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Analyzing the different meanings of laughter in conversational speech
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Classification of Acoustic Plastic Pipe Water Leak Signals with Gaussian Mixture Models
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Circular microphone array based beamforming and source localization on reconfigurable hardware
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Circular Differential Microphone Arrays
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Charakterisierung eines Demonstrationssystems für UWB-Übertragungsstrecken
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Charakterisierung der Schädigung von Hüfttotalendoprothesen mittels Körperschall
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Change Point Detection in Smartphone Usage
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Cepstrale Techniken für die Lautsprechermessung
09 October 2018
Added new student project: CATT Acoustic vs. Ulysses ein Vergleich am Beispiel der Mehrzweckhalle "Cubus Wolfurt"
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Car-HiFi-Establishing a clear and systematic testing process for audio output
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Capacity and Capacity-Achieving Input Distribution of the Energy Detector
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Capabilities of Beamforming-Arrays for Vehicle Pass-by Measurements
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Burst Detection in Plosives for ASR
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Building a Prototype of Multipath-assisted Localization
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Bionic Voice Projects
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Bionic Voice Intelligibility Test
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Bionic Voice Design
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Binaural reproduction library
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Beurteilung des Fahrzeuginnenraumschallpegels anhand der Außenumströmung
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Bestimmung des Luftschallleistungspegels mittels Vibrationsmessung (April 2013)
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Best Channel Selection for Distant Speech Recognition
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Beschallung von großen Räumen
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Beamforming Using Uniform Circular Arrays for Distant Speech Recognition in Reverberant Environment and Double-Talk Scenarios
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Battery modeling using statistical models
09 October 2018
Added new student project: BatMAN: Bat-Like Multipath-assisted Navigation
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Automatic Transcription of Analog Space Missions
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Automatic Tone Removal Algorithm and DSP Implementation
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Automatic Speech Recognition for Electro-Laynx Speech
09 October 2018
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Automatic Speech Recognition for Austrian German on a Raspberry Pi
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Automatic Speech Recognition for Air Traffic Controllers
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Automatic Differentiation for Large Scale Optimization
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Austrian German Dialogue System
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Auralization in Room Acoustics
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Auralisierung von bauakustischen Schalldämmwerten
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Auralisation of the Herz Jesu Church in Graz
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Aufbau und Programmierung der 2p Messmethode im Impedanzrohr für die Messung akustischer Materialparameter
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Audiogramme
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Audio augmented reality in telecommunication
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Artificial Pitch for Electro-Larynx Speech
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Artificial Bandwidth Extension of Narrowband Speech
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Application of Nonparametric Belief Propagation for Localization
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Anwendung von Funkvernetzungen in der Beschallungstechnik
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Angewandte Lautsprechermesstechnik im Klein- und Großsignalbereich am Beispiel des Klippel-Messsystems
09 October 2018
Added new student project: ANC bei Elektrogeräten (März 2017)
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Analyzing the Probabilities of GPS Acquisition
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Analytische Berechnung der Schallabstrahlung des ebenen Biegewellenwandlers
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Analysis tool for multiexponential energy decay curves in room acoustics
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Analysis of the SB-ZePoC Method for RF Transmitters
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Analysis and implementation of the Position-Pitch source localization algorithm on a hybrid reconfigurable CPU
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Analysis and Design of an OFDMA Wideband Repeater Architecture
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Analyse des akustischen Verhaltens von elektromechanisch verstellbaren Bürotischen (Feber 2018)
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Analyse der akustischen Kommunikation in Klassenräumen im realen Unterrichtsbetrieb
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Analogfilter für Audio
09 October 2018
Added new student project: An adaptive filter based on recursive blockmatrix inversion
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Amplitudengangoptimierung am Studio-Abhörplatz durch Resonanzabsorber (September 2016)
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Alternative Descriptions for Random Variables
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Akustische Untersuchung fehlerhafter Verzahnungen bei Fahrzeuggetrieben
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Akustische Sanierung von Klassenräumen
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Akustische Sanierung am Bundesrealgymnasium Kepler
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Akustische Messtechnik für Interkom-Sprechstellen
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Akustische Maßnahmen bei Elektrofahrzeugen
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Akustische Diffusoren
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Akustische Bestandsaufnahme der Hörsäle der TU Graz
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Akustische Analyse der Liebfrauenkirche in Eisenerz
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Akustikworkshop für die JuniorUni Graz
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Akustik-Prüfstand für kleine Schalldämpfer (Dezember 2013)
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Akustik in Mehrzwecksälen
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Aktive Zeilenlautsprecher (gesteuerte Line Arrays)
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Aggregating Markov Chains Efficiently
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Adaptive predistortion for a nonlinear data transmission system
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Adaptive Differential Beamformer
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Adaptive Differential Beamformer Demo
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Adaptive Beamforming using Uniform Circular Arrays
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Active Noise Cancelation (ANC)
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Active Direct Sound Control
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Acquisition for a Transmitted Reference UWB Receiver
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Acoustically Coupled Microphones
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Acoustical analysis and simulation of the Graz Opera House as a basis for planning improvements
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Acoustic Source Localization with a Circular Microphone Array
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Acoustic Source Localization using Reflected Signals
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Acoustic Source Localization using Different Array Geometries and Microphones
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Acoustic Imaging of the Human Respiratory System
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Acoustic Event Detection and Classification
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Acoustic Enhancement Systems
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Acoustic Enhancement Systeme
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Acoustic Engine Speed Measurement
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Acoustic Detection of General Audio Events
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Accurate Distance Estimation for RFID Positioning
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Absorptionsgradbestimmung von Lochplatten im Impedanzrohr (Mai 2016)
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Absorber für variable Raumakustik
09 October 2018
Added new student project: Abhängigkeiten des STI Wertes und deren Berücksichtigung in Simulationsprogrammen
09 October 2018
Added new student project: A Study of Tube Amplifier Modeling Using Nonlinear Wave Digital Filters
09 October 2018
Added new student project: A New Difficulty Metric for Soduku
09 October 2018
Added new student project: A Machine-Learning Approach to Recognition of Spoken German Variants
09 October 2018
Added new student project: A Flexible Sender-Based Packet Loss Recovery Method
05 October 2018
Florian Muralter wins DEGA-Studienpreis
01 October 2018
A Simple and Effective Framework for A Priori SNR Estimation(rotm)
01 September 2018
Heart Sound Segmentation—An Event Detection Approach Using Deep Recurrent Neural Networks(rotm)
01 September 2018
Student Projects Informatioin Event: 12.10., 14:30 (BSc SP; MSc Project and Master Theses)
01 August 2018
Hybrid Generative-Discriminative Training of Gaussian Mixture Models(rotm)
05 July 2018
Website for Interspeech 2019 updated
01 June 2018
AoA and ToA Accuracy for Antenna Arrays in Dense Multipath Channels(rotm)
01 May 2018
On the Unimportance of Phase-Coherent Measurements for Beampattern-Assisted Positioning(rotm)
01 May 2018
PhD Positions in Wireless Communications and Positioning
01 April 2018
Acoustic Design of a Recording Room(rotm)
04 March 2018
Opening of a NEW Christian Doppler Laboratory at the SPSC: Location-aware Electronic Systems
01 March 2018
Anchorless Cooperative Tracking Using Multipath Channel Information(rotm)
01 February 2018
A Pitch-Synchronous Simultaneous Detection-Estimation Framework for Speech Enhancement(rotm)
05 January 2018
PhD Positions in Wireless Communications and Positioning
04 January 2018
MIMIC Project for AMADEE-18 covered in the media
01 January 2018
Competitive Linearity for Envelope Tracking(rotm)
01 December 2017
Frame and Segment Level Recurrent Neural Networks for Phone Classification(rotm)
02 November 2017
SPSC wins Dega Student Grant
02 November 2017
SPSC won DEGA Student Grant to attend DAGA 2018
01 November 2017
A Rate-Distortion Approach to Caching(rotm)
01 November 2017
Best Demo Award at SenSys'17
01 October 2017
On Loopy Belief Propagation -- Local Stability Analysis for Non-Vanishing Fields(rotm)
01 September 2017
Multipath-assisted Indoor Positioning Enabled by Directional UWB Sector Antennas(rotm)
01 August 2017
SLIC EVM - Error Vector Magnitude without Demodulation(rotm)
01 July 2017
Impact of phase estimation on single-channel speech separation based on time-frequency masking(rotm)
02 June 2017
SPSC goes Mars
01 June 2017
UHF-RFID Backscatter Channel Analysis for Accurate Wideband Ranging(rotm)
04 May 2017
SPSC Lab Members win Student Design Competition at IMS 2017
02 May 2017
Read "Impact of Phase Estimation on Single-Channel Speech Separation Based on Time-Frequency Masking" in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America!
01 May 2017
Eigenvector-based Speech Mask Estimation for Multi-Channel Speech Enhancement(rotm)
01 April 2017
Low-cost or compost? Using DecaWave UWB Transceivers for High-accuracy Multipath-assisted Indoor Positioning(rotm)
01 March 2017
A Noise Power Ratio Measurement Method for Accurate Estimation of the Error Vector Magnitude(rotm)
01 February 2017
Erik Leitinger receives Schrödinger fellowship
01 February 2017
Finished PhD at SPSC: Hannes Pessentheiner
01 February 2017
Variational Inference in Neural Networks using an Approximate Closed-Form Objective(rotm)
01 January 2017
Fixed Points of Belief Propagation(rotm)
01 January 2017
PhD Position in Wireless Communications and Positioning
01 January 2017
Project "REFLEX" wins Living Standards Award 2017
01 December 2016
Iterative Joint MAP Single-Channel Speech Enhancement Given Non-uniform Phase Prior(rotm)
02 November 2016
HumanEVoice in TU Graz research
02 November 2016
Lab Member received Certificate for Gender Consulting
01 November 2016
Erik Leitinger receives "Award of Excellence"
01 November 2016
Phase-Aware Signal Processing in Speech Communication: Theory and Practice(rotm)
04 October 2016
Read "Iterative Joint MAP Single-Channel Speech Enhancement Given Non-uniform Phase Prior" in Speech Communication Elsevier!
01 October 2016
Iterative Harmonic Speech Enhancement(rotm)
01 October 2016
Visiting Lecture Course: Advanced Acoustics and Audio Engineering
01 September 2016
Virtual Adversarial Training Applied to Neural Higher-Order Factors for Phone Classification(rotm)
02 August 2016
Visiting Lecture Course: Everything you always wanted to know about gender, nature and technology ...
01 August 2016
A Joint Linearity-Efficiency Model of Radio Frequency Power Amplifiers(rotm)
01 July 2016
Localization and Characterization of Multiple Harmonic Sources(rotm)
05 June 2016
SPSC won ISCA Grant Application for INTERSPEECH 2016
01 June 2016
AMISCO: The Austrian German Multi-Sensor Corpus(rotm)
01 May 2016
Advances in Phase-Aware Signal Processing in Speech Communication(rotm)
03 April 2016
Monat der freien Bildung
01 April 2016
MIMO Gain and Bandwidth Scaling for RFID Positioning in Dense Multipath Channels(rotm)
04 March 2016
Advances in Phase-Aware Signal Processing in Speech Communication
04 March 2016
Freie Stelle: UniversitätsassistentIn mit Doktorat
01 March 2016
Cognitive Indoor Positioning and Tracking using Multipath Channel Information(rotm)
05 February 2016
Paul Meissner receives "Josef Krainer" award
03 February 2016
Article in IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
01 February 2016
Multichannel speech processing architectures for noise robust speech recognition: 3rd CHiME Challenge results(rotm)
01 January 2016
Adaptive Differential Microphone Arrays used as a Front-End for an Automatic Speech Recognition System(rotm)
01 January 2016
Die Presse about indoor localization research conducted at the SPSC
04 November 2015
SPSC won an DEGA Student Grant to attend DAGA 2016
01 November 2015
Structured Regularizer for Neural HigherOrder Sequence Models(rotm)
03 October 2015
Article about Acoustics in 'Die Presse'
03 October 2015
Gernot Kubin receives "Nikola Tesla-Medaille"
02 October 2015
Paul Meissner receives "VDI Preis 2015"
01 October 2015
10 PhD positions in “Dependable Internet of Things”
01 October 2015
On Representation Learning for Artificial Bandwidth Extension(rotm)
01 September 2015
Cooperative Multipath-assisted Navigation and Tracking: A Low-Complexity Approach(rotm)
03 August 2015
!NEW! Course about: The ICE Age
01 August 2015
Neural Higher-Order Factors in Conditional Random Fields for Phoneme Classification(rotm)
01 July 2015
Automatic detection of uncertainty in spontaneous German dialogue(rotm)
01 June 2015
DIRHA - An Application (A Showcase Video)(rotm)
04 May 2015
INTERSPEECH 2015 Tutorial Session "Phase Estimation From Theory to Practice"
04 May 2015
Read "Harmonic Phase Estimation in Single-Channel Speech Enhancement Using Phase Decomposition and SNR Information"
02 May 2015
SPSC won an ISCA Grant Application for INTERSPEECH 2015
01 May 2015
Special Issue: Phase-Aware Signal Processing in Speech Communication(rotm)
06 April 2015
Read "Phase Estimation in Single-Channel Speech Enhancement: Limits-Potential" in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing!
01 April 2015
Analysis of Message Scheduling for Belief Propagation(rotm)
03 March 2015
Visiting Lecture Course: Signal processing, phonetic analysis automation and Praat scripting
01 March 2015
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping using Multipath Channel Information(rotm)
02 February 2015
Guest Lecture on GPU Computing
02 February 2015
PhD Position in Wireless Communications and Indoor Positioning
01 February 2015
Speech/Non-Speech Detection for Electro-Larynx Speech Using EMG(rotm)
01 February 2015
SPSC localization research in the news!
05 January 2015
Guest Lecture on Speaker Recognition
05 January 2015
Speaker Recognition, Information Theory, Phonetic Analysis, Convex Optimization
01 January 2015
Learning Mixtures of Submodular Functions for Image Collection Summarization(rotm)
01 December 2014
General Stochastic Networks for Classification(rotm)
01 November 2014
Room localization for distant speech recognition(rotm)
04 October 2014
Read "Phase Estimation in Single Channel Speech Enhancement Using Phase Decomposition" in IEEE Signal Processing Letters!
03 October 2014
Special Issue Phase-Aware Signal Processing in Speech Communication
01 October 2014
SPSC goes Antartica(rotm)
02 September 2014
Article in 'Die Presse'
01 September 2014
Sum-Product Networks for Structured Prediction: Context-Specific Deep Conditional Random Fields(rotm)
06 August 2014
Big Success for SPSC Lab at Interspeech 2014 in Singapore
01 July 2014
Pronunciation variation in Austrian German: A comparison of read and conversational speech(rotm)
01 June 2014
Artificial Bandwidth Extension using Sum-Product Networks(rotm)
01 May 2014
Multipath-Assisted Maximum-Likelihood Indoor Positioning using UWB Signals(rotm)
01 April 2014
Markov Aggregation and Information Bottlenecks(rotm)
01 March 2014
GRASS: The Graz corpus of Read And Spontaneous Speech(rotm)
01 February 2014
Coding Efficiency and Efficiency-Linearity Trade-Off of Aliasing-Free PWM Based Burst-Mode RF Transmitters(rotm)
05 January 2014
INTERSPEECH2014 special session on Phase Importance in Speech Processing Applications
01 January 2014
A German Parallel Elctro-Larynx Speech -- Healthy speech corpus(rotm)
01 December 2013
Live Demonstration of MINT at IPIN2013(rotm)
01 November 2013
Modeling and Identification of Nonideal Ultra‐Wideband Multiplication Devices(rotm)
05 October 2013
Read Information about "Lobster"
02 October 2013
Geocache about Adaptive Systems
02 October 2013
Read "Influence of Doppler Bin Width on GPS Acquisition Probabilities" in the IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems!
01 October 2013
Sum Product Networks for Reconstructing Missing Data(rotm)
03 September 2013
Read "Iterative Closed-Loop Phase-Aware Single-Channel Speech Enhancement" in IEEE Signal Processing Letters!
01 September 2013
ASR for Electro-Laryngeal Speech(rotm)
01 August 2013
Information Preserving Markov Chain Aggregation(rotm)
06 July 2013
SPSC won an ISCA Grant Application for INTERSPEECH 2013
01 July 2013
Performance Bounds for Multipath-Assisted Indoor Localization on Backscatter Channels(rotm)
04 June 2013
Read "Efficiency Optimization for Burst-Mode Multilevel Radio Frequency Transmitters" in the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers!
01 June 2013
Communication System Receiver Filter: Searching is better than designing!(rotm)
03 May 2013
SPSC lab member won the Best Student Contribution Award at the "IEEE Forum on Signal Processing for Radio Frequency Systems 2013"
01 May 2013
Double Pitch Marks in Diplophonic Voice(rotm)
01 April 2013
Efficiency Optimization for Burst-Mode Multilevel Radio Frequency Transmitters(rotm)
01 March 2013
On phase estimation in single-channel speech enhancement and separation(rotm)
01 March 2013
Read "Holistic Biquadratic IIR Filter Design for Communication Systems Using Differential Evolution" in the Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering!
05 February 2013
Read "Aliasing-Free Digital Pulse-Width Modulation for Burst-Mode RF Transmitters" in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers!
01 February 2013
Predicting human and ASR classification of plosives by their sub-phonemic properties(rotm)
01 January 2013
Aliasing-Free Digital Pulse-Width Modulation for Burst-Mode RF Transmitters(rotm)
01 December 2012
Restructuring and Modernization of the SPSC Studio(rotm)
01 November 2012
Bayesian Network Classifiers with Reduced Precision Parameters(rotm)
01 October 2012
Learning an Artificial F0-Contour for ALT Speech(rotm)
01 September 2012
SPSC lab member won the Best Student Paper Award at MLSP 2012
01 September 2012
Tracking of UWB Multipath Components Using Probability Hypothesis Density Filters(rotm)
01 August 2012
Error Analysis and Precision Estimation for Floating-Point Dot-Products Using Affine Arithmetic(rotm)
04 July 2012
Read "Wideband Characterization and Modeling of UHF RFID Channels for Ranging and Localization" in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation!
01 July 2012
Analysis of Nonideal Multipliers for Multichannel Autocorrelation UWB Receivers(rotm)
01 June 2012
Beamforming for Distant Speech Recognition in Reverberant Environments and Double-Talk Scenarios(rotm)
01 May 2012
Capacity and Capacity-Achieving Input Distribution of the Energy Detector(rotm)
01 May 2012
Former SPSC Lab member has won the "OVE GIT Preis 2011"
04 April 2012
SPSC lab member won the Student Contribution Award at the second IEEE Forum on "Signal Processing for Radio Frequency Systems"
03 April 2012
Article about Speaking Aid Project published in Science MONAT
03 April 2012
Read "Comparison Between Ratio Detection and Threshold Comparison for GNSS Acquisition" in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems!
01 April 2012
Speech Enhancement Using Pre-Image Iterations(rotm)
01 March 2012
A Comparison Between Ratio Detection and Threshold Comparison for GNSS Acquisition(rotm)
03 February 2012
Read "Maximum Margin Bayesian Network Classifiers" in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence!
03 February 2012
Read "Wideband Characterization of Backscatter Channels: Derivations and Theoretical Background" in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation!
02 February 2012
Former SPSC Lab member is TPC at IEEE RFID 2012
01 February 2012
A Probabilistic Model-Based Approach for Multipitch Tracking of Speech(rotm)
01 January 2012
Coding Efficiency Optimization for Multilevel Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) Based Switched-Mode Radio Frequency (RF) Transmitters(rotm)
01 December 2011
Detection Results of Spectro-temporal Fragment-based Multiband Position-Pitch (MPoPi) Algorithm(rotm)
01 November 2011
Job offer: Senior Research and Teaching Associate in Speech Communication
01 November 2011
Job offers: Three Research Positions in Speech Communication
01 November 2011
Performance Bounds for Multipath-aided Indoor Navigation and Tracking (MINT)(rotm)
01 November 2011
SPSC Lab Member received "Award of Excellence 2011"
01 October 2011
Sparse Consensus-based Distributed Field Estimation(rotm)
01 September 2011
Characterization of Wideband Backscatter Channels(rotm)
03 August 2011
PhD Position in Wireless Communications and Indoor Positioning
02 August 2011
SPSC Lab Member was ranked third for the Best Student Paper Award at the ECCTD 2011
01 August 2011
Acoustics and Audio Engineering Website moved to SPSC
01 August 2011
Maximum Margin Bayesian Network Classifiers(rotm)
01 July 2011
Correction of Linear Time-varying Systems by Means of Time-varying FIR Filters(rotm)
02 June 2011
DRAGON honoured as "Austrian Champion in European Research"
01 June 2011
Monaural Sound Localization(rotm)
01 May 2011
Multipath-Aided UWB Indoor Localization using a single Base Station only(rotm)
04 April 2011
Former SPSC Lab member sets sail
01 April 2011
Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) with L0-sparseness constraints enforces a part-based representation of data.(rotm)
01 April 2011
SPSC Lab Member won Best Student Contribution Award at IEEE UWB Forum 2011
05 March 2011
Prof. Graber and his Acoustics and Audio Engineering Group have joined the SPSC Lab
05 March 2011
SPSC Lab Alumnus holds Course on "Formal Methods for Systems and Synthetic Biology" @ TUG
01 March 2011
SPSC Lab Member held Workshop at IEEE RFID 2011
03 February 2011
SPSC Lab News as RSS-Feed!
03 January 2011
Franz Pernkopf received the "Förderpreis für Wissenschaft und Forschung des Landes Steiermark 2010"
01 January 2011
New Website Launched!