Signal Processing and Speech Communication Laboratory
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Theses & Projects

The SPSC provides you the opportunity to perform Bachelor Seminar-Projects, Master (Seminar) Projects as well as Master Theses to deepen your knowledge in audio and acoustics, intelligent systems, nonlinear signal processing, speech communication or wireless communication.

Thereby, the focus of your work is strongly research-oriented and deals with the latest topics in the different fields of research. When starting a project or a thesis at the SPSC you can be sure to be integrated in a highly motivated team of researchers that will give you a more detailed insight into theoretical principles as well as application-oriented problems and solutions. In selected cases there is the opportunity to publish your scientific work in relevant journals or present it to the scientific community at conferences.

Please expand this section for additional information on the different project types.
Bachelor Seminar-Projects
With a Bachelor Seminar-Project you will learn for the first time to deal with a specific topic of your study program in detail and you will lay the foundation of your further scientific work. The project work will be supervised.
Checklist | Additional information for Electrical and Audio Engineering
Master (Seminar) Projects
The main focus of a Master (Seminar) Project is to investigate a specific topic of your major or minor area of specialisation. The project work in your area of specialisation will be supervised.
Checklist | Additional information for Electrical and Audio Engineering
Master Theses
With the Master Thesis you will demonstrate that you can perform scientific work under supervision. Methodology, form and content of the performed work has to fulfil the latest scientific standards.
Checklist | Additional information for Electrical and Audio Engineering
Guidelines for supervisors (internal resource)

List of Theses & Projects

(Research Area) (Status) (Type) Title Student Mentors Research Area Announcement Date
Speech Communication In work Master Thesis ASR for Dysarthric Child Speechin work Lucas Eckert Barbara Schuppler
Speech Communication
Speech Communication Finished Master Project Comparison of Automatic and Human Speech Recognition Sophie Lennkh and Jana Winkler Saskia Wepner, Barbara Schuppler
Speech Communication
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Absorbertheorien und Materialforschung für den raumakustischen Anwendungsbereich Dominik Hemmer Jamilla Balint
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Analyse der Raumakustik des Michelangelo Konzertsaals in Bozen Francesca Tonetti Franz Graf
Audio and Acoustics
Speech Communication Open Master Project Classification of Communicative Functionsopen! Saskia Wepner, Barbara Schuppler
Speech Communication
Speech Communication Open Master Thesis Computational Coversation Analysisopen! Barbara Schuppler
Speech Communication
Speech Communication Open Master Project Classification of turn-taking and conversational dynamicsopen! Barbara Schuppler
Speech Communication
Speech Communication Finished Bachelor Project Detection and visualisation of F0 tracking errors Michael Paierl Saskia Wepner, Anneliese Kelterer
Speech Communication
Speech Communication Open Master Project Assistive tool for a child with dysarhric speech and limited fine motor skillsopen! Barbara Schuppler
Speech Communication
Speech Communication In work Master Thesis Is there acoustic-prosodic alignment in lexically similar adjacent turns?in work Jana Winkler Barbara Schuppler
Speech Communication
Speech Communication In work Bachelor Project Under which conditions are fillers perceived as disturbing?in work Johannes Hagmueller Barbara Schuppler
Speech Communication
Speech Communication Finished Master Project Binary Classification of Backchannels and Filled Pauses Based on Acoustic and Prosodic Features Dzenita Dzafic Barbara Schuppler
Speech Communication
Speech Communication Open Bachelor Project Comparison and implementation of different formant normalization techniquesopen! Barbara Schuppler
Speech Communication
Speech Communication Open Master Project Furhat -- Interaction with a Social Robotopen! Barbara Schuppler, Martin Hagmüller
Speech Communication
Speech Communication In work Master Thesis Modelling Backchannels for Human-Robot Interactionin work Michael Paierl Barbara Schuppler, Martin Hagmüller
Speech Communication
Audio and Acoustics in work Master Project Room acoustic planning for the new building of the social association Alphanova / Raumakustische Planung für das neue Gebäude des Sozialvereins Alphanovain work Lazar Radovanovic, David Andres Mancera Carrillo, Benedikt Andreas Berger Franz Graf
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics finished Bachelor Project Auralization of impulsive sounds in room acoustic simulation technology / Auralisation von impulshaften Geräuschen in der raumakustischen Simulationstechnik Benedikt Langeder Franz Graf
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics open Bachelor Project Room acoustic adaptation of a living room for rehearsal purposes / Raumakustische Adaptierung eines Wohnraums für Übungszweckeopen! Franz Graf
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics finished Bachelor Project Requirements for room acoustics in the context of video telephony / Anforderungen an die Raumakustik im Kontext von Videotelefonie Johanna Kristl, Gabriel Hölzl Franz Graf
Audio and Acoustics
Speech Communication In work Master Project How fillers affect human transcription accuracy of disfluent utterances in conversational speechin work Lucas Eckert Saskia Wepner, Barbara Schuppler
Speech Communication
Audio and Acoustics In work Master Thesis High resolution soundfield analysis with directional room impulse responsesin work Stefan Ziesemer Eric Kurz, Gernot Kubin
Audio and Acoustics
Intelligent Systems Finished Bachelor Project sound classification of YouTube videos with Recurrent Neural Networks Christian Walter Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Measuring Reverberation Time In Acoustic MIMO Systems Clemens Frischmann Thorsten Rohde
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics finished Master Project Optimierung der Raumakustik des Proberaums in Gummer (Südtirol) Robert Hofer Franz Graf
Audio and Acoustics
Speech Communication In work Master Project Overlapping talk and its relationship to turn-takingin work Maximilian Nothnagel Barbara Schuppler
Speech Communication
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis Requirements Specification of a Systems-Engineering Tool: Example on Effort Estimation using Neural Networks Christoph Aigner Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis Real-Time Automatic Recognition of Spoken Digits on an Embedded System using Deep Recurrent Neural Networks Fridtjof Sterna Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis Acoustic Event Detection of General Sounds Michael Peitler Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis Cloud Storage Performance Analysis Johannes Innerbichler Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis Hybrid Generative-Discriminative Training of Gaussian Mixture Models Wolfgang Roth Franz Pernkopf, Robert Peharz, Sebastian Tschiatschek
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis Message Scheduling in Loopy BeliefPropagation Michael Rath Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis Extension of Signal Monitoring Applications with Machine Learning Christoph Obermair Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis Efficient Single-Channel Music Source Separation with Deep Neural Networks Markus Huber Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis Synthesizing Infomap - A Kullback-Leibler Divergence-Based Approach To Community Detection Christian Toth Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems Finished Bachelor Project Binarized Neural Networks under the Influence of Label Noise: A Performance Evaluation David Peter Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis Battery Modeling By Means Of Statistical Models Maria Sendlhofer-Schag Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis Speech Recognition - A Transfer Learning Approach Raphael Schlüsselbauer Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems Finished Bachelor Project Automatic Measurement of Room Impulse Responses via Autonomous Robots Markus RitzerSebastian Überreiter Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis Machine Learning Assisted Heat Detection in Dairy Cows Sebastian Grill Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis Automatic Graph Tracking Dynamic Probabilistic Programs via Source Transformations Philipp Gabler Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis Vibration Diagnosis in Automotive Applications Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis Machine Learning for Discharge Prediction in Nuclear Fusion Reactors Christoph Obermair, Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems Finished Bachelor Project Evolutionary Neural Network Poker Agents and the Effects of Opponent Modeling Fabian Moik Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis On Optimal Feature Orderings In Bayesian NEtwork Classifiers Christian Oswald Franz Pernkopf, Wolfgang Roth
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis Integration and Deployment of Machine Learning Models David Peter Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems Finished Bachelor Project Measureing Room Impuse Responses Using an Autonomous Robot Stefan Fragner,Tobias Topar Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems Finished Bachelor Project Sound Classification of A Multichannel Auscultation Pad Nadja Hölzl,Benedikt Mayrhofer Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems Finished Bachelor Project Audio-Klassifikation der Getriebegeräusche Rasseln un dheulen Martin Gius Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis 16 Channel USB 2.0 Sound Card for Digital MEMS Microphones Andreas Wöhrer Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems Finished Bachelor Project Dictionary-based Speech Enhancement using an Air-Bone-Microphone Richard Brosch, Mario Kaoru Watanabe Franz Pernkopf, Robert Peharz
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis Low-Complexity Convolutional Neural Networks for Acoustic Scene Classification Lukas Maier Franz Pernkopf, Wolfgang Roth
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis Oxygen Saturation Measurements for Apnea Divers Lukas Längle Franz Pernkopf, Christian Knoll
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis Deep Neural Networks for Multi-Instrument Recognition and Timbre Characterization Hannes Bradl Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis Wear Prediction of Refractory Lining using Neural Networks Leonhard Leopold Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Speech Communication, Intelligent Systems Finished Bachelor Project CNN-based Homophone Disambiguation for conversational speech Emil Berger Barbara Schuppler, Franz Pernkopf
Speech Communication,
Intelligent Systems
Speech Communication, Intelligent Systems Finished Bachelor Project Applying Semi-Supervised Learning to Adventitious Lung Sound Classification Florian Berger, Sebastian Pinter Franz Pernkopf, Julian Linke
Speech Communication,
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Project Alignment of Laser Measurements for Refractory Modelling Alexander Vordermaier, Daniel Zirat Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis Predicting the Latency of MQTT Brokers Using Deep Learning Andreas Wurm Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis Segmental Conditional Random Fields for Phone Recognition Christopher Walles Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis Self-Confident Belief Propagation: An Approach for Iterative Improvement of the Bethe Approximation Florian Kulmer Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis Channel Selection for Distant Automatic Speech Recognition on the CHiME-5 dataset Hannes Unterholzner Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis Changepoint Detection in Smartphone Usage Johanna Rock Franz Pernkopf, Christian Knoll
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems Open Master Thesis Abschätzung der Empfangsqualität von Mobilfunk und Power Line Communication für Smart Meteropen! Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis Integration of prosodic features to ASR systems Pablo Melendez Abarca Barbara Schuppler, Julian Linke
Speech Communication
Wireless Communications, Intelligent Systems Open Master Thesis Neural-Enhanced Multipath-based SLAMopen! Erik Leitinger, Jakob Möderl
Wireless Communications,
Intelligent Systems
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Raumakustische Optimierung eines Kuppelsaals Architektur Jamilla Balint, ~Milena Stavric
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Raumakustik und Komposition Luca Candussi Thorsten Rohde
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics finished Master Project Raumakustische Optimierung eines Restaurants Patrick Heidegger Franz Graf
Audio and Acoustics
Intelligent Systems In work Bachelor Project Reverberation in elongated hallsin work Nicolai Halaczinsky Jamilla Balint
Intelligent Systems
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Room Acoustic Investigation of Robot Laboratories / Raumakustische Untersuchung von Roboter Laboren Andree Scambor, Andreas Greindl, Max Adrian Bürgener Franz Graf
Audio and Acoustics
Speech Communication Open Master Project Effects of Room Acoustics on Conversational Speechopen! Julian Koch, Barbara Schuppler, Martin Hagmüller
Speech Communication
Speech Communication Finished Bachelor Project Single-channel source separation for conversational speech in realistic environments Emil Berger Barbara Schuppler, Franz Pernkopf
Speech Communication
Audio and Acoustics, Nonlinear Signal Processing Open Master Thesis Simulation of Auditory Masking Tests for Outer Hair Cell Modelopen! Sebastian Handel, Martin Hagmüller
Audio and Acoustics,
Nonlinear Signal Processing
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Software for Calibration and EQing of Measurement Microphones Fritz Hierzegger Eric Kurz
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Sound Level Monitoring Tool Monika Steinbäck, Lisa Kristina Kerle Eric Kurz
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Tool for Measurement of Directivity Patterns Luca Langgartner Eric Kurz
Audio and Acoustics
Intelligent Systems Open Master Thesis Generative Deep Learning for the Creation of 3D Objectsopen! Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Lochplatten-, Schlitzplatten- und Helmholtzabsorber (April 2010) Jan Bräuer Werner Weselak
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Dimensionierung und Simulation von Helmholtz-Resonatoren (Oktober 2011) Markus Meister Werner Weselak, Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis FEM-Simulationen mit COMSOL Multiphysics im Anwendungsbereich der Technischen Akustik (März 2011) Herbert Petritsch Werner Weselak, Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Qualitätskontrolle der Akustik von reflexionsarmen Messräumen und FEM-Simulation der Eigenmoden (Mai 2011) Patrick Stöhs Werner Weselak, Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Implementierung einer Nachhallzeitmessung mit Sinus-Sweep (Oktober 2013) Jakob Spötl Werner Weselak
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Bestimmung des Luftschallleistungspegels mittels Vibrationsmessung (April 2013) James Dommisse & Eric Kurz Werner Weselak
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Akustik-Prüfstand für kleine Schalldämpfer (Dezember 2013) Felix Brielmaier Werner Weselak, Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Untersuchung des Einflusses der Mikrofonpositionen in einem Hallraum (September 2014) Jakob Spötl Werner Weselak, Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Entwurf von Schallabsorbern für Produktionshallen (September 2013) Florian Mitsch Werner Weselak
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Kalibrierung von pv-Sonden (Juni 2013) Stefan Kaiser & Mathias Wutti Werner Weselak
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Messung tieffrequenter Absorptionsgrößen im Hallraum (Feber 2019) Reinhard Nell Werner Weselak
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project PAK-Messablaufsteuerungen für Laborübungen der akustischen Messtechnik (Jänner 2016) Christoph Baumgartner & Dominik Hemmer Werner Weselak
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Absorptionsgradbestimmung von Lochplatten im Impedanzrohr (Mai 2016) Stefan Plagg Werner Weselak
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Messraumabgleich zwischen Viertel-Freifeldraum und Sonderhallraum (Mai 2016) Stefan Plagg Werner Weselak, Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Implementation einer Freifeld-Klassifizierungsmessung mit Multisinus (April 2017) Simon Meyer Werner Weselak
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Implementation einer Diffusfeld-Klassifizierungsmessung mit Multisinus (Mai 2017) Simon Julian Lohrmann Werner Weselak
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Amplitudengangoptimierung am Studio-Abhörplatz durch Resonanzabsorber (September 2016) Thomas Kumar Werner Weselak
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project ANC bei Elektrogeräten (März 2017) Stefan Kaiser Werner Weselak
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Entwicklung eines akustischen Prüfstandes zur Schallemissionsmessung kleiner elektrischer Geräte (September 2017) Martin Müller Werner Weselak
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Analyse des akustischen Verhaltens von elektromechanisch verstellbaren Bürotischen (Feber 2018) Christoph Baumgartner Werner Weselak
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Optimierung eines akustischen Prüfstandes (November 2018) Thomas Kumar & Simon Meyer Werner Weselak
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Übekabine eines Marimbaphons (November 2018) Thomas Kumar Werner Weselak
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Realisierung eines modularen Lautsprechersystems (Oktober 2020) Florian Loacker-Schöch Werner Weselak, Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Innenraumgeräusch von Elektrofahrzeugen (Oktober 2020) Georg Klein Werner Weselak
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Loudspeaker Simulation considering Suspension Creep (Dezember 2020) Richard Heinz Brosch Werner Weselak, Holger Hiebel
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Electro-Mechanical Modelling of Dynamic Loudspeakers (März 2021) Markus Faymann Werner Weselak
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Comsol Model of the Measurement Setup of In-Ear Headphones (September 2021) Georg Klein Werner Weselak
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Bau und Vermessung eines TT-Hornlautsprechers (Juli 2021) Jan Moling Werner Weselak
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Untersuchung und Modellierung der Funktionsweise von Kantenabsorbern (September 2021) Andreas Steffek Werner Weselak, Eric Kurz, Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Untersuchung von Temperatureinflüssen auf Geräuschquellen von Motorrädern (Dezember 2021) Thomas Standecker Werner Weselak
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Modellierung eines aktiven elektroakustischen Absorbers (Jänner 2022) Matthias Stangl Werner Weselak
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Theory and Construction of a Plasma Tweeter (Jänner 2022) Niklas Urban Werner Weselak
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Analyse des modalen Schallfeldes zur Untersuchung der Funktionsweise von Kantenabsorbern (September 2022) Robert Hofer Werner Weselak, Eric Kurz
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Adaption der Lightmap als Datenstruktur in der raumakustischen Simulation (Dezember 2022) Matthias Fottner & David Keller Werner Weselak
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Raumakustik eines Tonstudios (Juni 2023) Jakob Siebenrock Werner Weselak
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Exakte Bestimmung der Nachhallzeit im Hallraum der TU Graz (Dezember 2023) Lazar Radovanovic Werner Weselak, Julian Koch
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Alginate Acoustics (September 2023) Dominik Hemmer Werner Weselak, Jamilla Balint
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Miniaturlautsprecher für die Verwendung in Haushaltsgeräten (Juni 2023) Michael Aurenhammer & Nadja Hölzl Werner Weselak
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Dimensionierung von Verbundplattenresonatoren (Juni 2023) Johanna Kristl Werner Weselak
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Development of a software based optimization of an acoustic camera for the analysis of ship noise in industrial port areas (September 2023) Francesca Tonetti Werner Weselak, Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Entwurf eines Referenzlautsprechers nach ISO 6926 (Juni 2023) Rodrigo Feitl-Schönleitner Werner Weselak
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Modelling a Paraflex Loudspeaker System (Juni 2023) Philipp Hovorka Werner Weselak
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Biegeschwingungsresonanzen von Plattenresonatoren (Juni 2024) Johannes Solhdju Werner Weselak
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Analyse von Plattenresonatoren (September 2024) Johanna Kristl Werner Weselak
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Aufbau und Verifikation eines Referenzlautsprechers nach ISO 6926 (Jänner 2025) Rodrigo Feitl-Schönleitner Werner Weselak
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics In work Master Thesis Elektroakustische Messungen an Lautsprechernin work Michael Aurenhammer Werner Weselak
Audio and Acoustics
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis A Flexible Sender-Based Packet Loss Recovery Method Franz Pernkopf, Christian Feldbauer
Speech Communication
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis A Machine-Learning Approach to Recognition of Spoken German Variants Dizarevic Vodran Martin Hagmüller, Gernot Kubin
Speech Communication
Nonlinear Signal Processing Finished Master Thesis A New Difficulty Metric for Soduku Klemens Kranawetter Bernhard Geiger
Nonlinear Signal Processing
Nonlinear Signal Processing, Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project A Study of Tube Amplifier Modeling Using Nonlinear Wave Digital Filters Matthias Hotz Christian Vogel, Gerhard Graber, Bernhard Geiger
Nonlinear Signal Processing,
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Abhängigkeiten des STI Wertes und deren Berücksichtigung in Simulationsprogrammen Jonas Schültke Thorsten Rohde
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Absorber für variable Raumakustik Jan Kasim Franz Graf
Audio and Acoustics
Intelligent Systems In work Master Thesis Acoustic Detection of General Audio Eventsin work Michael Peitler Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Acoustic Engine Speed Measurement Neffe Michael Gernot Kubin, Martin Hagmüller
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Acoustic Enhancement Systeme Marco Schretter Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Acoustic Enhancement Systems Fabio Kaiser Franz Graf
Audio and Acoustics
Intelligent Systems Open Master Thesis Acoustic Event Detection and Classificationopen! Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Speech Communication Finished Master Project Acoustic Source Localization using Different Array Geometries and Microphones Antonio Hoelzl Harald Romsdorfer, Tania Habib
Speech Communication
Audio and Acoustics, Wireless Communications Finished Master Thesis Acoustic Source Localization using Reflected Signals Rudolf Liepins Paul Meissner, Erik Leitinger, Martin Hagmüller
Audio and Acoustics,
Wireless Communications
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Acoustic Source Localization with a Circular Microphone Array Ottowitz Lukas Gernot Kubin
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Acoustical analysis and simulation of the Graz Opera House as a basis for planning improvements Kuenstner Markus Gerhard Graber, Thorsten Rohde
Audio and Acoustics
Wireless Communications Finished Master Thesis Acquisition for a Transmitted Reference UWB Receiver Schranzhofer Andreas Klaus Witrisal
Wireless Communications
Audio and Acoustics, Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis Active Direct Sound Control Antonio Hölzl Martin Hagmüller
Audio and Acoustics,
Speech Communication
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Active Noise Cancelation (ANC) Thomas Wilding Thorsten Rohde
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Adaptive Acoustics Christian Blöcher, Michael Sattler Jamilla Balint
Audio and Acoustics
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis Adaptive Beamforming using Uniform Circular Arrays Hannes Pessentheiner Harald Romsdorfer, Tania Habib
Speech Communication
Speech Communication, Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Adaptive Differential Beamformer Demo Thomas Pichler Martin Hagmüller
Speech Communication,
Audio and Acoustics
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis Adaptive Differential Beamformer Elmar Messner Martin Hagmüller, Hannes Pessentheiner
Speech Communication
Nonlinear Signal Processing Finished Master Thesis Adaptive predistortion for a nonlinear data transmission system Angeringer Ulrich Gernot Kubin
Nonlinear Signal Processing
Speech Communication Open Master Thesis Add features to our Bionic Voice on a Raspberry Piopen! Martin Hagmüller
Speech Communication
Nonlinear Signal Processing In work Master Project Aggregating Markov Chains Efficientlyin work Markus Mayerwieser Bernhard Geiger
Nonlinear Signal Processing
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Aktive Zeilenlautsprecher (gesteuerte Line Arrays) Johannes Itzinger Thorsten Rohde
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Akustik für Motor und Fahrzeug Klaus Schiller & Thomas Standecker Franz Diwoky
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Akustik in Mehrzwecksälen Marco Schretter Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Akustische Analyse der Liebfrauenkirche in Eisenerz Roland Wetzl Franz Graf
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Akustische Bestandsaufnahme der Hörsäle der TU Graz Robert Hofer, Klaus Schiller, Clemens Frischmann Jamilla Balint
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Akustische Diffusoren Alexander Ulz Franz Graf
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Akustische Maßnahmen bei Elektrofahrzeugen Michael Kalcher Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Akustische Messtechnik für Interkom-Sprechstellen Michel Peitler Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Akustische Sanierung am Bundesrealgymnasium Kepler Rüdiger Fasching, Korbinian Wegler Jamilla Balint, Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Akustische Sanierung von Klassenräumen Claudia Reithner Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Finished Bachelor Project Akustische Untersuchung fehlerhafter Verzahnungen bei Fahrzeuggetrieben Johanna Kerber Werner Magnes 2016-03-19
Nonlinear Signal Processing, Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis Alternative Descriptions for Random Variables Christian Knoll Paul Meissner, Bernhard Geiger
Nonlinear Signal Processing,
Intelligent Systems
Speech Communication, Audio and Acoustics Open Master Project Amplifier with Feedback Cancellationopen! Martin Hagmüller
Speech Communication,
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Analogfilter für Audio David Fischer
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Analyse der akustischen Kommunikation in Klassenräumen im realen Unterrichtsbetrieb Rafael Ludwig Gerhard Graber, Jamilla Balint
Audio and Acoustics
Wireless Communications Finished Master Thesis Analysis and Design of an OFDMA Wideband Repeater Architecture Piewald Georg Klaus Witrisal
Wireless Communications
Finished Master Thesis Analysis and implementation of the Position-Pitch source localization algorithm on a hybrid reconfigurable CPU Jäger Wolfgang Harald Romsdorfer 2011-01-01
Nonlinear Signal Processing Finished Master Project Analysis of the SB-ZePoC Method for RF Transmitters Gregor Dumphart Christian Vogel
Nonlinear Signal Processing
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Analysis tool for multiexponential energy decay curves in room acoustics Florian Muralter Gerhard Graber, Jamilla Balint
Audio and Acoustics
Speech Communication In work Master Thesis Analysis of Acoustic Parameters for Detecting Voice Changes in Long-Term Voice Recordingsin work Nico Seddiki Julian Linke, Gernot Kubin
Speech Communication
Speech Communication In work Master Project Analysis of Acoustic Parameters of Vowels for Detecting Voice Changes in Long-Term Voice Recordingsin work Simon Lohrmann Julian Linke
Speech Communication
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Analytische Berechnung der Schallabstrahlung des ebenen Biegewellenwandlers Holger Hiebel Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics In work Master Project Active Noise Cancellation Demoin work Lukas Quehenberger and Moritz Pfeiler Martin Hagmüller
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Angewandte Lautsprechermesstechnik im Klein- und Großsignalbereich am Beispiel des Klippel-Messsystems Wolfgang Weissensteiner Holger Hiebel, Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Intelligent Systems Open Master Thesis Anomaly Detection in Industrial Applicationsopen! Christian Knoll
Intelligent Systems
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Anwendung von Funkvernetzungen in der Beschallungstechnik Blasius Buchegger, Stefan Könighofer Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Intelligent Systems, Wireless Communications Finished Master Project Application of Nonparametric Belief Propagation for Localization Ricard Comas Martinez Thomas Buchgraber, Paul Meissner
Intelligent Systems,
Wireless Communications
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Architectural Acoustics - Acoustic Design of Lecture Halls Alexander Mülleder, Djordje Perinovic, Lazar Radovanovic Jamilla Balint
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Open Master Thesis Architectural Acoustics - Evaluation of Impulse Responses in Concert Hallsopen! Jamilla Balint
Audio and Acoustics
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis Artificial Bandwidth Extension of Narrowband Speech Schäfer Friedrich Paul N.N.
Speech Communication
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Audio augmented reality in telecommunication Gamper Hannes Gernot Kubin
Audio and Acoustics
Speech Communication Open Master Thesis Audio-visual speech enhancement for the improvement of pathological speechopen! Martin Hagmüller
Speech Communication
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Audiovisual Congruency – Effect on Short-Term Memory Benjamin Stahl Georgios Marentakis
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Aufbau, Evaluierung und Programmierung einer Sigma-DSP Testplatine Martin Finsterer Werner Magnes
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Aufbau und Programmierung der 2p Messmethode im Impedanzrohr für die Messung akustischer Materialparameter Rudolf Brunnader Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Auralisation of the Herz Jesu Church in Graz Carmen Herraiz, Ander Perez Palacios Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Auralisierung von bauakustischen Schalldämmwerten Hannes Unterholzner Thorsten Rohde
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Auralization in Room Acoustics Marius Förster Franz Graf
Audio and Acoustics
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis Automatic detection of laughter in conversational speech Witold Łuszcz Barbara Schuppler
Speech Communication
Audio and Acoustics Open Master Thesis Automatic Event Classification for Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS)open! Martin Hagmüller
Audio and Acoustics
Speech Communication Finished Bachelor Project Automatic Pitch Accent Annotation of Conversational German Maximilian Karner and Adam Toeroek Barbara Schuppler, Julian Linke
Speech Communication
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis Automatic Speech Recognition for Air Traffic Controllers Ackerl Mario Stefan Petrik, Gernot Kubin
Speech Communication
Speech Communication Finished Bachelor Project Automatic Speech Recognition for Austrian German on a Raspberry Pi Matthias Blochberger, Markus Huber Martin Hagmüller
Speech Communication
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis AUTOMATIC SPEECH RECOGNITION FOR DYSARTHRIC SPEAKERS Rexeis Susanne Stefan Petrik, Gernot Kubin
Speech Communication
Speech Communication Finished Bachelor Project Automatic Speech Recognition for Electro-Laynx Speech Gabriel Hülser, Felix Rothmund Anna Katharina Fuchs, Martin Hagmüller
Speech Communication
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis Automatic Speech Segmentation using Kaldi Simon Wasserfall Barbara Schuppler, Martin Hagmüller
Speech Communication
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Automatic Tone Removal Algorithm and DSP Implementation Baldauf Hermann Gernot Kubin, Martin Hagmüller
Audio and Acoustics
Speech Communication Open Master Project Automatic Speech Recognition on the Vienna Scientific Clusteropen! Julian Linke
Speech Communication
Intelligent Systems In work Master Thesis Battery modeling using statistical modelsin work Maria Schag Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis Bayesian Neural Networks for Missing Data Scenarios Wolfgang Roth, Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Finished Master Thesis Beamforming Using Uniform Circular Arrays for Distant Speech Recognition in Reverberant Environment and Double-Talk Scenarios Pessentheiner Hannes Tania Habib 2012-01-01
Intelligent Systems Open Master Thesis Improving Probabilistic Inferenceopen! Christian Knoll
Intelligent Systems
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Beschallung von großen Räumen Paco Langjahr Thorsten Rohde
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Beschallungskonzept für das Stück "Jedermann" in Salzburg Lukas Schaffenrath Thorsten Rohde
Audio and Acoustics
Speech Communication Finished Master Project Best Channel Selection for Distant Speech Recognition Jonas Helm Martin Hagmüller
Speech Communication
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Beurteilung des Fahrzeuginnenraumschallpegels anhand der Außenumströmung Eva-Elisabeth Spitzer Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics In work Bachelor Project Binaural reproduction libraryin work Lukas Müllner Georgios Marentakis
Audio and Acoustics
Speech Communication Open Master Project Bionic Voice Intelligibility Testopen! Martin Hagmüller
Speech Communication
Speech Communication Open Master Project Bionic Voice Projectsopen! Martin Hagmüller
Speech Communication
Audio and Acoustics Open Master Thesis Bird Scanneropen! Martin Hagmüller
Audio and Acoustics
Speech Communication Open Master Thesis Breathing patterns in text readings of pathological speakersopen! Barbara Schuppler
Speech Communication
Speech Communication Finished Bachelor Project Burst Detection in Plosives for ASR Sebastian Grill, André Menrath Barbara Schuppler
Speech Communication
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Capabilities of Beamforming-Arrays for Vehicle Pass-by Measurements Andreas Fuchs (old) Martin Hagmüller, Hannes Pessentheiner
Audio and Acoustics
Finished Master Thesis Capacity and Capacity-Achieving Input Distribution of the Energy Detector Leitinger Erik Klaus Witrisal 2011-01-01
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Car-HiFi-Establishing a clear and systematic testing process for audio output Bernadette Schreyer Thorsten Rohde
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project CATT Acoustic vs. Ulysses ein Vergleich am Beispiel der Mehrzweckhalle "Cubus Wolfurt" Anika von Heymann Franz Graf, Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Cepstrale Techniken für die Lautsprechermessung Michael Tauch Holger Hiebel
Audio and Acoustics
Intelligent Systems In work Master Thesis Change Point Detection in Smartphone Usagein work Christian Knoll
Intelligent Systems
Wireless Communications Finished Master Thesis Charakterisierung eines Demonstrationssystems für UWB-Übertragungsstrecken Gruber Josef Klaus Witrisal
Wireless Communications
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis Circular Differential Microphone Arrays Thomas Pichler Martin Hagmüller
Speech Communication
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis Circular microphone array based beamforming and source localization on reconfigurable hardware Boris Clenet Harald Romsdorfer
Speech Communication
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Classification of Acoustic Plastic Pipe Water Leak Signals with Gaussian Mixture Models Priewald Robin Gernot Kubin, Martin Hagmüller
Audio and Acoustics
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis Analyzing the different meanings of laughter in conversational speech Eva Schmallegger Barbara Schuppler
Speech Communication
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis Classifying the meaning of breathings in conversational speech André Menrath Barbara Schuppler
Speech Communication
Wireless Communications Finished Master Thesis Comparison of Excitation Signals for an Electronic Larynx Christian Jochum, Peter Reiner Gernot Kubin, Martin Hagmüller
Wireless Communications
Finished Master Thesis Compressed Sensing of Block-Sparse Signals Tschiatschek Sebastian Christian Feldbauer 2010-01-01
Speech Communication Finished Bachelor Project Computer Assisted Aphasia Therapy Lina Reitz Martin Hagmüller
Speech Communication
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Computergestuetzte FEM-Simulation in der Raumakustik Wolfgang Hauer Jamilla Balint
Audio and Acoustics
Finished Master Thesis Continuous Non-invasive Arterial Pressure, CNAP combined with Pulse Oximetry (CNAP - SpO2) Feuersinger Andreas Gernot Kubin 2008-01-01
Speech Communication In work Master Project Automatic Labelling of Creaky Patterns in Speech Signalsin work Michael Paierl and Thomas Röck Saskia Wepner
Speech Communication
Speech Communication Finished Bachelor Project Creak Detection In Pathological Voices Anna Viehhauser Barbara Schuppler
Speech Communication
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis Creating a new combined confidence measure for ASR-errors on the word-level Philipp Salletmayr Barbara Schuppler
Speech Communication
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Das Hörmodell nach Alfred Tomatis und die Untersuchung sprachspezifischer Spektraleigenschaften von Deutsch, Englisch und Französisch Andrea Sereinig Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Das Kundtsche Rohr Matlab-Simulation unter Berücksichtigung von Mehrfachreflexionen Holger Hiebel Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Finished Master Thesis Data-Based Automatic Phonetic Transcription Leitner Christina Gernot Kubin, Stefan Petrik 2008-01-01
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis Data Driven Pronunciation Modeling for Large Vocabulary Spontaneous Speech Recognition Resch Barbara Gernot Kubin
Speech Communication
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Database for multi-pitch tracking Gregor Pirker Franz Pernkopf
Audio and Acoustics
Speech Communication Open Master Thesis Deep clustering of pathological speakersopen! Barbara Schuppler
Speech Communication
Wireless Communications Finished Master Thesis Deployment of an Ultra-Wideband Indoor Positioning System Hinteregger Stefan Klaus Witrisal
Wireless Communications
Wireless Communications Finished Master Thesis Deployment of Ultra-Wideband Indoor Positioning Systems Stefan Hinteregger Klaus Witrisal
Wireless Communications
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Design and construction of a 1:10 scale model reverberation chamber Martin Mueller Jamilla Balint
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Open Bachelor Project Design and Implementation of an Navigation System for Visually Impaired based on Sonification of 3D Scene Measurementsopen! Gernot Kubin, Sebastian Handel
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Open Master Project Design and Implementation of an Navigation System for Visually Impaired based on Sonification of 3D Scene Measurementsopen! Gernot Kubin, Sebastian Handel
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Open Master Thesis Design and Implementation of an Navigation System for Visually Impaired based on Sonification of 3D Scene Measurementsopen! Gernot Kubin, Sebastian Handel
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Design of a combined air and bone-conductive microphone headset Domes Christoph Michael Stark, Gernot Kubin
Audio and Acoustics
Wireless Communications Finished Master Thesis Design of a digital low-power IIR Filter using Heuristic Optimization Methods Alexander Melzer Manfred Mücke, Andreas Pedroß-Engel, Klaus Witrisal
Wireless Communications
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Development of a Life-Time Testing System for MEMS Speakers Jonathan Arweck Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Development of a Tool to Detect and Analyze Regular and Irregular Loudspeaker Distortions Florian Mitsch Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Die ohrträgheitsbewertete Raumimpulsantwort Elias Hoffbauer Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Finished Bachelor Project Digital Basics Matti Kruse Thorsten Rohde 2011-04-04
Wireless Communications Finished Master Thesis Digital Communications over the Audio Channel Maier Karl Klaus Witrisal
Wireless Communications
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Digitale Audiotechnik Domonstrations-Software Marian Forster Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Dimensioning and Simulation of Helmholtz-Resonators Meister Markus Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Diskrete Lautsprechermodelle zur Simulation des Membranhubs und des Schalldrucks Andreas Gaich Holger Hiebel
Audio and Acoustics
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis DSP Implementation of a Perceptual Speech Coder Rauter Markus Gernot Kubin, Christian Feldbauer
Speech Communication
Finished Bachelor Project DSP Labor Uebung Peter Kapfer Bernhard Geiger 2011-12-09
Finished Master Thesis Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation for ATM-Based Passive Optical Networks Forst Martin Gernot Kubin 2002-01-01
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Dynamische Intonation von digitalen Konzertorgeln Jan Simon Rocnik Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Project Effect of Quantization in Bayesian Network Classifiers Peter Reinprecht Manfred Mücke, Franz Pernkopf, Sebastian Tschiatschek
Intelligent Systems
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis Efficient Coding Methods for a Perceptual Speech Coder Stocker Markus Gernot Kubin, Christian Feldbauer
Speech Communication
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Eigenfrequenzen - Eigenmoden, Resonanzfrequenzen - Raummoden Stefan Plagg, Maritn Pobitzer Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Einfluss der Nachhallzeit von tiefen Frequenzen auf die Sprachqualität Philipp Reents Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Einsatz von Line-Array Lautsprechern und Punktschallquellen Christoph Santer Thorsten Rohde
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Elektroakustische Modellbildung und Optimierung von Lautsprechersystemen Florian Loacker-Schöch Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Wireless Communications Finished Master Thesis Enhanced Accuracy Channel Estimation and Ranging for Energy Detectors Geiger Bernhard Klaus Witrisal
Wireless Communications
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis Enhancement of spectral envelope modeling in HMM-based speech synthesis Krebs Florian Harald Romsdorfer
Speech Communication
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis Enhancement of spectral envelope modelling in HMM-based speech synthesis Florian Krebs Harald Romsdorfer
Speech Communication
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Entwicklung eines DSP-Boards mit Audio-Codecs Julius Drescher Werner Magnes
Audio and Acoustics
Wireless Communications Finished Master Thesis Entwicklung eines Korrekturverfahrens zur Miniminierung des Fehlereinflusses der elektro-akustischen Übertragungscharakteristik eines Ultraschalldurchflussmessgeräts Michael Tauch Klaus Witrisal
Wireless Communications
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Entwicklung eines mobilen und variablen Akustikstellwandsystems Alexander Ulz Franz Graf
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Entwicklung eines modularen Messsystems zur Bestimmung raumakustischer Gütemaße Robert Saurug Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics In work Bachelor Project Entwicklung und Vermessung eines Mikrofonarrays bestehend aus MEMS Mikrofonenin work Benjamin Bugl Ferdinand Fuhrmann
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Entwicklung von Werkzeugen zur Untersuchung der Klassenraumakustik im Unterrichtsbetrieb Rafael Ludwig Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Entwurf einer Matlab-Toolbox zur Simulation und Visualisierung des Abstrahlverhaltens von Quellen und Quellsystemen Ralf Baumgartner Holger Hiebel
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Entwurf und Aufbau eines Basshornlautsprechersystems Wolfgang Maurer Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Entwurf und Bau einer variablen Akustik Stefan Ziesemer Jamilla Balint
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Entwurf und Bau eines ventilierten Lautsprechersystems David Neussl Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Entwurf und Realisierung eines Gitarrenvorverstärkers Philipp Hack David Fischer
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Entwurf und Realisierung eines Single-Chip Broadcast Mischers auf einem FPGA Voraberger Roland Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Equipment (Siderack) bei Tonregieanlagen Andreas Kapfer Thorsten Rohde
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Erdungskonzepte für Audioinstallationen Philipp Schmidt Thorsten Rohde
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Erwärmungskurvenmessung an Lautsprechern Florian Mitsch Holger Hiebel
Audio and Acoustics
Wireless Communications Finished Master Project Estimation of Reflected Signal Paths for Ultra-wideband Channels Markus Froehle Paul Meissner
Wireless Communications
Finished Master Thesis Evaluation of a Redundancy-aided Packet Loss Recovery Method vor VoIP Schwarz Mario Christian Feldbauer 2010-01-01
Finished Master Thesis Evaluation of Downlink Beamforming and Transmission Polarization Adaptation Using a GSM Smart Antenna Demonstrator Doppler Klaus Franz Gernot Kubin 2003-01-01
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Evaluierung von Mikrofonarrays für den Einsatz in zukünftigen User Interfaces Lukas Schaffenrath Ferdinand Fuhrmann
Audio and Acoustics
Finished Master Thesis Evalution platform for sigma-delta-modulators Halper Christian Klaus Witrisal, Gernot Kubin 2003-01-01
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis Excitation Signal Analysis -- Gender Aspekts Julia Ziegerhofer Anna Katharina Fuchs, Martin Hagmüller
Speech Communication
Finished Master Thesis Experimental Evaluation of the IEEE 802.15.4a Standard Buchgraber Thomas Klaus Witrisal 2008-01-01
Finished Master Thesis Experimental Setup for Subjective Evaluation of Interactive Multimedia Quality over IP Networks Bräuer Franz Gernot Kubin 2008-01-01
Speech Communication, Intelligent Systems Finished Bachelor Project Machine Learning for Automatic F0 Contour Discrimination and Labelling Laurenz Nagler und Oliver Kohlhofer Saskia Wepner, Barbara Schuppler, Franz Pernkopf
Speech Communication,
Intelligent Systems
Finished Master Thesis Fixed-Point Algorithms for Channel Mismatch Calibration of Time-Interleaved Analog-to-Digital Converters Leopold Alexander Christian Vogel, Gernot Kubin 2007-01-01
Finished Master Thesis FSK Signal Detection in a Limiter-Based Receiver Architecture Lessiak Andreas Klaus Witrisal 2008-01-01
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Funktionsgruppen eines Tonregieplatzes Christian Klotzbücher Thorsten Rohde
Audio and Acoustics
Intelligent Systems In work Master Thesis Generative adversarial networks for time-series tasksin work Nico Mittendrein Franz Pernkopf, Alexander Fuchs
Intelligent Systems
Speech Communication Finished Bachelor Project Glottal Movement Extraction from High-Speed Videos Christoph Aigner Franz Pernkopf, Philipp Aichinger
Speech Communication
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Grenzflächen - Trennkörper - Stereomikrophon Boris Müller Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Helmholtzresonatoren Sebastian Braun Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Hochwertige Analog zu Digital Umsetzer - Audio over Ethernet Daniel Hojka Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Speech Communication Finished Bachelor Project Classification of homophones in conversational Austrian German via Random Forest Xenia Kogler Barbara Schuppler
Speech Communication
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis Hybrid Generative-Discriminative Training of Gaussian Mixture Models Wolfgang Roth Franz Pernkopf, Sebastian Tschiatschek, Robert Peharz
Intelligent Systems
Wireless Communications, Intelligent Systems, Audio and Acoustics Open Master Thesis Hybrid ML for Music Analysisopen! Jakob Möderl, Erik Leitinger
Wireless Communications,
Intelligent Systems,
Audio and Acoustics
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis Identifying relevant cues for uncertainty in dialogue Tobias Schrank Barbara Schuppler
Speech Communication
Finished Master Thesis IEEE 802.15.4a-UWB compliant Positioning using Energy Detectors Till Johannes Benjam Klaus Witrisal 2010-01-01
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Implementation of a modular audio analysis software in Python Malte Merdes, Philipp Merz Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Wireless Communications Finished Master Project Implementation of a UWB Tranceiver for the Audio Channel on a DSP Franz Patz Paul Meissner, Andreas Pedroß-Engel
Wireless Communications
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis Implementation of an Acoustic Joint Direction and Fundamental Frequency Estimator Based on 2-D Filtering Fabio Perathoner Martin Hagmüller
Speech Communication
Audio and Acoustics, Speech Communication Finished Master Project Implementation of an Acoustic Joint Direction and Fundamental Frequency Estimator Based on Nonlinear Least Squares Methods Mattia Gabbrielli Martin Hagmüller, Hannes Pessentheiner
Audio and Acoustics,
Speech Communication
Speech Communication Finished Master Project Implementation of Joint Spatio-Temporal Filtering Methods for Direction of Arrival and Fundamental Frequency Estimation Fabio Perathoner Martin Hagmüller
Speech Communication
Nonlinear Signal Processing In work Master Project Implementation of Mutual Information Calculation Algorithmsin work Johann Steiner Bernhard Geiger
Nonlinear Signal Processing
Nonlinear Signal Processing, Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Implementierung von Audio in eine Dokumentenkamera Anna Maly Bernhard Geiger
Nonlinear Signal Processing,
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Improved Engine Noise Synthesis Algorithm Benjamin Stahl Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis Improving inference runtime for Dirichlet Process Bayesian Neural Networks Wolfgang Roth, Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Influence of Vegetated Courtyards on the Auditory Perception of Sound in Urban Surroundings Thomas Zechner Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Nonlinear Signal Processing Finished Master Thesis Information Loss, Dynamical Systems, and Landauer's Principle Gebhard Wallinger Bernhard Geiger
Nonlinear Signal Processing
Speech Communication In work Master Project Integration of Prosodic Features to Automatic Speech Recognition Systemsin work Pablo Melendez Julian Linke, Barbara Schuppler
Speech Communication
Intelligent Systems Open Master Thesis Projects with the Intelligent Systems Groupopen! Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Interactive Visualization of Frequency Azimuth Estimations Kaspar Müller Georgios Marentakis
Audio and Acoustics
Nonlinear Signal Processing Finished Master Project Interpolation Filters for the GNURadio+USRP2 Platform Hermann Kureck Christian Vogel
Nonlinear Signal Processing
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis Intonation Prediction for Speech Synthesis Using the Fujisaki Model and Machine Learning Wimmer Klaus Gernot Kubin
Speech Communication
Speech Communication Finished Bachelor Project Inverse Filtering of Pathologic Voice Paul Berghold Philipp Aichinger, Martin Hagmüller
Speech Communication
Nonlinear Signal Processing, Intelligent Systems In work Master Thesis Is Online PCA Information-Preserving?in work Simon Wasserfall Bernhard Geiger
Nonlinear Signal Processing,
Intelligent Systems
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Entwicklung und Messung von Kantenabsorbern Daniel Reisinger Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis MESSUNG UND BERECHNUNG VON KANTENABSORBERN - Entwicklung einer Berechnungsmethode für Kantenabsorber mittels Optimierungsverfahren Christoph Santer Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis Keyword Spotting for Emergency Andreas Zehetner Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Klassenraumakustik Maurice Müller Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Künstliche Grundfrequenzkontur für Elektro-Larynx-Sprache in Echtzeit-Simulation Florian Pokorny Martin Hagmüller
Audio and Acoustics
Intelligent Systems In work Master Thesis Keyword spotting using resource-efficient deep learningin work Franz Pernkopf, Wolfgang Roth
Intelligent Systems
Speech Communication Open Master Thesis Development of a transcription system for the documentation of endangered languagesopen! Barbara Schuppler, Julian Linke
Speech Communication
Speech Communication Open Master Thesis Language and pronounciation assessment in speech-language pathologiesopen! Barbara Schuppler
Speech Communication
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Lärm, Gehörschäden und Schutzmaßnahmen António Maria Hölzl Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Lärmexpositionsmessungen bei Professoren der KUG und Entwicklung eines SW-Lärmprognose-Tools Simon Schindler Thorsten Rohde
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Lärmexpositionsmessungen bei ProfessorInnen der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz Simon Schindler Thorsten Rohde
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Lautsprecherentwicklung für das Elektroakustik Labor Daniel Deboy, Benjamin Dietze Gerhard Graber, Holger Hiebel
Audio and Acoustics
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis Learning Effect in EL speech Hartwig Klammer Anna Katharina Fuchs
Speech Communication
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project LED-Stroboskop/Signalgenerator für Lautsprechermessungen David Fischer
Audio and Acoustics
In work Bachelor Project Lerntool fuer Betragsfrequenzgaenge 2: Auswertung, Highscores und Hall-of-Famein work Markus Poelzl Bernhard Geiger 2013-01-18
Finished Master Project Lerntool fuer Betragsfrequenzgaenge Peter Casapicola Bernhard Geiger 2012-07-27
Wireless Communications In work Master Thesis Localization in Wireless Communication Systemsin work Christian Holzner Klaus Witrisal, Paul Meissner
Wireless Communications
Wireless Communications Finished Master Thesis Localization of smart labels Franz Lampel Stefan Grebien
Wireless Communications
Wireless Communications Finished Master Project LOS/NLOS Classification for UWB Channels Alexander Aigner Paul Meissner
Wireless Communications
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project LSMESS - Hardware fuer Akustikmessungen Jürgen Fehringer Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Intelligent Systems Open Master Thesis Machine Learning Based Speech (or Music) Separationopen! Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems In work Master Thesis Machine Translation with Deep Neural Networksin work Martin Ratajczak
Intelligent Systems
Finished Master Thesis Magnitude Response Mismatch Compensation in Time-interleaved Analog-to-Digital Converters Mendel Stefan Gernot Kubin 2006-01-01
Wireless Communications Finished Master Project Making Wireless Communications Visible: Implementation of Transmission Demos using a Channel Sounder Mate Toth/Franz Lampel Klaus Witrisal, Erik Leitinger
Wireless Communications
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Marktstudie: FPGAs für Audio-Signalverarbeitung Felix Bissardella Werner Magnes
Audio and Acoustics
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis Maximum Margin Hidden Markov Models Nikolaus Mutsam Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Mehrkanalige Messung von Impulsantworten (Oktober 2007) Luka Mikula Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Wireless Communications Finished Master Thesis Memristor Emulation for Signal Processing Applications Matthias Leeb Klaus Witrisal
Wireless Communications
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Messmikrofone Rudolf Liepins Thorsten Rohde
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Messsystem für akustische Zweitore (April 2008) Felix Kappler, Wolfgang Truppe Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Messsystem für akustische Zweitore Martin Denda Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Messtechnische Erfassung und Simulation eines digitalen Miniaturmikrofonarrays mit Echtzeit-Signalverarbeitungsalgorithmus Hannes Dieterle Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Messungen an mikroperforierten Folien im Hallraum Markus Geigl Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Messungen von Schallschutz und Akustik in Büros Laura Leuke Thorsten Rohde
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics, Speech Communication Finished Bachelor Project Microphone Arrays for Lecture Halls Mattia DiBiase, Christian Pichler Jamilla Balint, Martin Hagmüller
Audio and Acoustics,
Speech Communication
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Mikrofonkabel: Vergleich und Analyse der Klangqualität verscheidener Typen Felix Pfahler Thorsten Rohde
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics In work Bachelor Project Mobile Multichannel Playback Systemin work Georgios Marentakis
Audio and Acoustics
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis Model Self-Adaptation during Operation Using Mixture Data Ludwig Mohr Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Finished Master Thesis Modeling and Simulation of an LF-Receiver Pedroß Andreas Klaus Witrisal 2009-01-01
Finished Master Thesis Modeling and Simulation of Error Correction Encoding for Networks-on-Chip Lauter Robert Gernot Kubin 2009-01-01
Nonlinear Signal Processing Finished Master Thesis Modeling of Receiver Nonlinearities Dielacher Markus Klaus Witrisal
Nonlinear Signal Processing
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Modellierung elektroakustischer Wandler in MATLAB Florian Pokorny Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Finished Master Thesis Monaural Sound Localization Fuchs Anna Katharina Christian Feldbauer 2011-01-01
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis Multi-Channel Speech Enhancement Lukas Pfeifenberger Franz Pernkopf
Speech Communication
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Multi E-Larynx Stimulation Georgios Marentakis, Martin Hagmüller
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Multi-Impedanzabsorber für die Raumakustik Haunsperger Thorsten Rohde
Audio and Acoustics
Finished Master Thesis Multi-target Tracking for UWB Channels Using PHD Filters Fröhle Markus Klaus Witrisal 2011-01-01
Wireless Communications Finished Master Thesis Multichannel Ultra-wideband Systems with Noncoherent Autocorrelation Detection Meissner Paul Klaus Witrisal
Wireless Communications
Wireless Communications Finished Master Thesis Multichannel UWB Systems with Noncoherent Autocorrelation Detection Paul Meissner Klaus Witrisal
Wireless Communications
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis Multichannel Voice Activity Detection for ASR Florian Iglisch Martin Hagmüller, Juan Andrés Morales Cordovilla
Speech Communication
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis Multiresolution Spectrotemporal Features for Speech Nonspeech Discrimination Wohlmayr Michael Gernot Kubin
Speech Communication
Wireless Communications Finished Master Thesis Multitarget Tracking for UWB Channels using PHD Filters Markus Fröhle Paul Meissner, Klaus Witrisal
Wireless Communications
Wireless Communications Finished Master Thesis Multiuser Interference Modeling and Suppression for Differential IR-UWB Systems Steiner Christoph Klaus Witrisal, Gernot Kubin
Wireless Communications
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Music Perception with Hearing Aids: The M.U.S.I.C. Test Battery Kirchberger Martin Harald Romsdorfer
Audio and Acoustics
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis Music Perception with Hearing Aids Martin Kirchberger Harald Romsdorfer
Speech Communication
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Nachhallakustik langgestreckter Räume Peter Gutmann Gerhard Graber, Maria Fellner
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Neustrukturierung des KUG Tonstudios Martin Denda Thorsten Rohde
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Noise-Dose Measurement of Musicians in the Opera in Graz Gerold Nistelberger Thorsten Rohde
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics In work Master Thesis Noise source localization using a small microphone arrayin work Thomas Röck Martin Hagmüller
Audio and Acoustics
Nonlinear Signal Processing Finished Master Thesis Nonlinear Equalization for a Frame-Differential IR-UWB Receiver Krall Christoph Klaus Witrisal, Gernot Kubin
Nonlinear Signal Processing
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Objective evaluation of radio receivers -- Conception of a noise classification system for audio signals Siller Christian Christian Feldbauer
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Office Sound Design Nikolaus Fankhauser Thorsten Rohde
Audio and Acoustics
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis On distributed selfish routing Wolkersdorfer Martin Gernot Kubin
Intelligent Systems
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis Online Signal Separation Based on Microphone Arrays in a Multipath Environment Stefan Richardt Harald Romsdorfer
Speech Communication
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Optimierung der Akustik und der Abhoersituation im Tonstudio der TU Graz Stefan Behr Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Optimierung des „Leitfaden für die akustische Sanierung von Klassenräumen“ Michael Flohrschütz Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Intelligent Systems In work Master Thesis Dynamical Compuation Graphs in Universal Probabilistic Programmingin work Philipp Gabler Martin Trapp, Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems In work Master Thesis Oxygen Measurements for Apnea Diversin work Christian Knoll, Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Speech Communication Open Master Thesis Parameters for gender adequate voice perceptionopen! Martin Hagmüller
Speech Communication
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Parametrization of a Transducer for EL Speech Production Linda Ines Lüchtrath Anna Katharina Fuchs, Martin Hagmüller
Audio and Acoustics
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Project Pattern Recognition of Hydroacoustic Signals Nikolaus Mutsam Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Wireless Communications Finished Master Thesis Performance Bounds for Anchorless Cooperative Indoor Localization exploiting Multipath Gregor Dumphart Erik Leitinger, Paul Meissner
Wireless Communications
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Planung der Raumakustik und der Beschallungsanlage eines Hörprobenraumes Markus Künstner Franz Graf
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Planung eines Akustiklabors Wolfgang Weissensteiner Franz Graf
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Planung und Design von schallabsorbierenden Matten für variable Frequenzbänder Benjamin Weinmüller Thorsten Rohde
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Planung und Evaluierung von Kantenabsorbern Sieglinde Hetz, Janina Kordesch Helmut V. Fuchs, Jamilla Balint, Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Finished Master Thesis Playout Buffers for VoIP Sakir Emine Zerrin Gernot Kubin 2008-01-01
Audio and Acoustics, Speech Communication Finished Bachelor Project Pop Sound Protection and Reduction for Small Microphone Enclosures Martin Blaß & Michael Pirolt Martin Hagmüller
Audio and Acoustics,
Speech Communication
Speech Communication, Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Postprocessing Tools for Binaural Rendering of Stereo Music Signals Andreas Zehetner Harald Romsdorfer
Speech Communication,
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Prevention of flutter echos in architectural demanding spaces Maximilian Giller Jamilla Balint
Audio and Acoustics
Finished Master Thesis Pricing and Regulation Quality of Experience Wahlmüller Stefan Gernot Kubin 2012-01-01
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis Probabilistic Graphical Models for Signal Analysis and Recognition Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Speech Communication Open Master Thesis Homophone disambiguation for conversational Austrian Germanopen! Barbara Schuppler
Speech Communication
Speech Communication Finished Bachelor Project Prosodische Prominenz. Berechnung von akustischen Merkmalen zur Erkennung von prosodischer Prominenz in gesprochener Sprache. Markus Alexander Dabrowski Barbara Schuppler
Speech Communication
Speech Communication In work Master Project Prosody-Based Speaking Style Detectionin work Nico Seddiki Barbara Schuppler
Speech Communication
Speech Communication Open Master Thesis Prosthetics for hearing & cognitive impairmentsopen! Martin Hagmüller
Speech Communication
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis Quality of Service for Speech Transmission in Heterogeneous Networks Badic Biljana Gernot Kubin
Speech Communication
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis FPGA Implementation of a Neural Network for Radar Interference Mitigation Michael Hirschmugl Johanna Rock, Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Wireless Communications Finished Master Thesis Ranging and Positioning in Ultra-wideband Prior Simon Klaus Witrisal
Wireless Communications
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Raumakustik: Grundlagen, Konzepte und Anwendungsbeispiele Daniel Reisinger Jamilla Balint
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Raumakustik in der Neuen Burg Völkermarkt Christoph Santer Thorsten Rohde
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Raumakustik in sehr großen Räumen Johannes Felber Thorsten Rohde
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Raumakustiksimulation mit Auralisation unter Verwendung von CATT-Acoustic Stefan Behr Gerhard Graber, Franz Graf
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Raumakustische Messungen mit Apps Manuel Schober, Patrick Windischbauer Gerhard Graber, Jamilla Balint
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Raumakustische Optimierung einer Turnhalle im Hinblick auf Sprachverständlichkeit und Lärmvermeidung Manuel Kubicka Thorsten Rohde
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Raumakustische Optimierung eines Aufnahmeraumes im Tonstudio der Kunstuniversität Graz Valentin Huber, Jan Godde Jamilla Balint
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Raumakustische Optimierung eines Verkostungsraumes Nghia Than Pham Jamilla Balint
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Raumakustische Sanierung von Räumen der NMS Vorau Monika Steinbäck, Marco Piccolotto Franz Graf
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Raumakustische Sanierungen mittels Kantenabsorber und herkömmlicher Methodik im Vergleich Benedikt Peters Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Raumakustische Simulation Patrick Stöhs Franz Graf
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics In work Bachelor Project Raumakustische- und elektroakustische Planung für Ambisonics Produktionsräumein work David Schöggl/Julian Verdel Thorsten Rohde
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Room Acoustic Optimization of a Multi-purpose Room / Raumakustische Untersuchung eines Mehrzweckraums Tobias Krautgartner, Martin Maitz Franz Graf
Audio and Acoustics
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis Real-Time Enhancement of E-Larynx Speech Signals Noisternig Thomas Gernot Kubin, Martin Hagmüller
Speech Communication
Wireless Communications Finished Master Project Real-Time Multipath-Assisted Indoor-Localization using a Channel Sounder Manuel Lafer Erik Leitinger, Paul Meissner
Wireless Communications
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Realisierung eines digitalen Gitarren-Effektgerätes Georg Teschinegg Werner Magnes
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Realisierung eines motorisierten Gitarrenstimmgerätes Weissensteiner / Viehauser David Fischer
Audio and Acoustics
Speech Communication Finished Bachelor Project Realitätsnahe Visualisierung menschlicher Spracherzeugung Johannes Maier Martin Hagmüller, Manfred Mücke
Speech Communication
Nonlinear Signal Processing Finished Master Thesis Reconstruction Methods for Time-Varying Systems Matthias Hotz Christian Vogel
Nonlinear Signal Processing
Nonlinear Signal Processing Finished Master Project Reconstruction of Nonlinearly Distorted Signals Stefan Wakolbinger Bernhard Geiger
Nonlinear Signal Processing
Finished Master Thesis Reconstruction of Nonuniformly Sampled Signals Tertinek Stefan Christian Vogel, Gernot Kubin 2007-01-01
Intelligent Systems, Audio and Acoustics In work Master Thesis Recording, analysis, statistical modeling and synthesis of singing birdsin work Lorenz Gutscher Michael Pucher
Intelligent Systems,
Audio and Acoustics
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis Reduced Precision Bayesian Network Classifiers Carlos Sebastian Tschiatschek, Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Wireless Communications Finished Master Thesis Reflection Characteristics in UWB Propagation Environments Unterkofler Christian Klaus Witrisal
Wireless Communications
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis Relation of Loopy Sum-Product Algorithm and Rank-1 Tensor Approximation Carlos Eduardo Cancino Chacon Franz Pernkopf, Sebastian Tschiatschek, Michael Wohlmayr
Intelligent Systems
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis Reliable Voice Activity Detection Under Adverse Environments Stadtschnitzer Michael Gernot Kubin
Speech Communication
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis Residual Belief Propagation and Beyond Michalel Rath Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis Resource-efficient Neural Networks Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis Rhetorical Acoustic Phonetic Feedback Device Christoph Klug Martin Hagmüller
Speech Communication
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Richtungsbeschallung und virtuelle Raumakustik am Beispiel der Opernproduktion "Maria de Buenos Aires" Felix Holzmüller und Kaspar Glattfellner Thorsten Rohde
Audio and Acoustics
Wireless Communications Finished Master Thesis Robust Modulation Techniques in IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Personal Area Networks Lobnik Robert Klaus Witrisal
Wireless Communications
Finished Master Thesis Robust Transit Time Measurement for Ultrasound Flowmeters Tauch Michael Klaus Witrisal 2011-01-01
Wireless Communications Finished Master Thesis Robust Real-Time Tracking for UWB based Smart Car Access Systems Tobias Gailhofer Alexander Venus, Klaus Witrisal
Wireless Communications
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Room acoustic design of a listening room - Raumakustische Planung eines Abhörraums Andreas Steffek Franz Graf
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Room acoustic design of the day center Robert Stolz - Raumakustische Planung im Tageszentrum Robert Stolz Florian Muralter, Lorenz Gutscher Franz Graf
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Room Respoonse Equalization and Loudspeaker Crossover Networks Benjamin Mathias Dietze Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Raumakustische Sanierung eines Mehrzweckraumes / Room acoustic renovation of a multi-purpose room Isabell Bühler, Benjamin Richter Eric Kurz
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Raumakustische Messungen unter Einfluss von Störschall durch Drohnen Peter Wallis Eric Kurz
Audio and Acoustics
Wireless Communications In work Master Project RSS based channel characterization of electronic shelf labelsin work Manuel Brunner Stefan Grebien
Wireless Communications
Finished Bachelor Project Sample Rate Conversion for the Audio Doppler Effect Joerg Mueller Bernhard Geiger 2011-09-15
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Sample Rate Conversion in Digital Signal Processors Marian Forster Werner Magnes
Audio and Acoustics
Finished Master Thesis Sampling of Sparse Analog Signals Hammler Nikolaus Klaus Witrisal, Christian Vogel 2012-01-01
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Schallimmissionsmessung in Gebäuden Andreas Zehetner Thorsten Rohde
Audio and Acoustics
Speech Communication Open Master Project Self-explaining recording deviceopen! Martin Hagmüller
Speech Communication
Wireless Communications, Audio and Acoustics Open Master Thesis Sequential Multi-pitch Trackingopen! Jakob Möderl, Erik Leitinger
Wireless Communications,
Audio and Acoustics
Finished Master Thesis Signal Detection under Consideration of Realistic Interference Models Prainsack Josef Klaus Witrisal 2006-01-01
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Simulation und Untersuchung von Sampling Jitter Bernhard Neugebauer Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Project Single Channel Source Separation applied to Polyphonic Music Clara Maria Hollomey Robert Peharz
Intelligent Systems
Finished Master Thesis Single Channel Source Separation using Dictionary Design Methods for Sparse Coders Peharz Robert Michael Stark, Franz Pernkopf 2010-01-01
Speech Communication Finished Master Project Smartphone App for Electro-Larynx Speech Daniel Pellicer García Martin Hagmüller, Anna Katharina Fuchs
Speech Communication
Intelligent Systems Finished Bachelor Project Anomaly Detection in Dairy Cows Christian Knoll, Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis Monitoring of Dairy Cows with Deep Learning Christian Knoll, Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Software Interface for the Configuration of an AD1835A Audio Codec on an ADSP-21369 Processor Matthias Hotz Werner Magnes
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics, Intelligent Systems Open Master Project Sonification of Electric Power Grid Dataopen! Martin Hagmüller, Franz Pernkopf
Audio and Acoustics,
Intelligent Systems
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Sound Propagation in a Reverberation Chamber Martina Kreuzbichler Jamilla Balint
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Soundscape Untersuchung in Themenparks Katharina Zenke Thorsten Rohde
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Soundscapeanalyse und -monitoring Katharina Zenke Maria Fellner
Audio and Acoustics
Speech Communication Finished Master Project Spatial Filtering by Applying State-Of-The-Art Beamformers: The Generalized Eigenvector Beamformer Nikolaus Fankhauser Martin Hagmüller, Hannes Pessentheiner
Speech Communication
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis Speaker Verification for a Telehealth System Schönemann Nikolaus Gerhard Gernot Kubin
Speech Communication
Speech Communication Open Master Thesis Speaker Diarization using a small microphone arrayopen! Martin Hagmüller
Speech Communication
Speech Communication In work Master Thesis Speaker interpolation based data augmentation for conversational speech recognitionin work Lisa Kerle Michael Pucher, Barbara Schuppler
Speech Communication
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Specification of a Standardized Listening Room for an Expert Listening Panel Andrea Sereinig Maria Fellner
Audio and Acoustics
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis Speech enhancement: Simulation and quality evaluation Serdarevic Emir Martin Hagmüller, Gernot Kubin
Speech Communication
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis Speech Recognition for Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Friedl Alexander Gernot Kubin
Speech Communication
Speech Communication Finished Master Project Speech Segmentation of Audio Books Philipp Salletmayr Harald Romsdorfer
Speech Communication
Speech Communication Open Master Thesis Speaker Diarization and Recognition for RadioPlays with SpeechBrainopen! Martin Hagmüller
Speech Communication
Nonlinear Signal Processing Finished Bachelor Project State Space Reduction without Information Loss Markus Mayerwieser Bernhard Geiger
Nonlinear Signal Processing
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Statistical Energy Analsysis for Room Acoustics Nikolaus Fankhauser Gerhard Graber, Jamilla Balint
Audio and Acoustics
Speech Communication Open Master Thesis Streaming voice conversion for the improvement of pathological speechopen! Martin Hagmüller
Speech Communication
Wireless Communications Finished Master Thesis Study of an AoA Based UWB Indoor Positioning System Blocher Thomas Klaus Witrisal
Wireless Communications
Finished Master Thesis Study of RF Impairments in an LTE Receiver Chain Haselmayr Werner Klaus Witrisal 2007-01-01
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Synästhesie in der Akustik Maurice Müller Maria Fellner
Audio and Acoustics
Wireless Communications Finished Master Thesis Synchronisation for Multipath-assisted Indoor Localization and Tracking Christoph Rüdisser Erik Leitinger, Paul Meissner
Wireless Communications
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project System on Chip Technology in Audio Applications Luca Marinelli Werner Magnes
Audio and Acoustics
Intelligent Systems Finished Bachelor Project Target Detection in Automotive Radar Signals Thomas Mayerwieser Johanna Rock, Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Speech Communication Open Master Project Temporal voice quality variation in pathological speechopen! Barbara Schuppler
Speech Communication
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis Text-to-Speech Engine with Austrian German Corpus Kranzler Christian Franz Pernkopf
Speech Communication
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Theoretische Planung und messtechnische Evaluierung eines Hallraumes Jamilla Balint Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Theory, Implementation and Evaluation of the Digital Phase Vocoder in the Context of Audio Effects Johannes Grünwald Werner Magnes
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Three-dimensional Audio Interfaces for the Blind Frauenberger Christopher Gernot Kubin
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Tonstudiogerätekunde "Digital Basics" Matti Kruse Thorsten Rohde
Audio and Acoustics
Speech Communication Open Master Project Training Tool for Speaking with a Bionic Voiceopen! Martin Hagmüller
Speech Communication
Wireless Communications Finished Master Thesis Ultra Wideband as Sensor Technology for 3D Mapping. A Feasibility Study. Pammer Viktoria Klaus Witrisal, Gernot Kubin
Wireless Communications
Wireless Communications Finished Master Thesis Ultra Wideband Location Fingerprinting: Efficient Parameter Estimation and Experimental Verification Kröll Harald Klaus Witrisal
Wireless Communications
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis Unsupervised Speaker Segmentation in One-Channel Speech Data Böhm Christoph Franz Pernkopf
Speech Communication
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Unsymmetrische und symmetrische Leitungsführung in der analogen Audiotechnik Marius Förster Thorsten Rohde
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Untersuchung und Implemetierung von CAA-SEA Koppelmodellen in der Fahrzeugtechnik Daniel Reiterlehner Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis Using frequency-domain features for speech recognition with variable sampling frequencies Bauerecker Hermann Gernot Kubin
Speech Communication
Speech Communication Finished Master Project Using sEMG for Disordered Speech Enhancement II Klaus Huber, Julia Ziegerhofer Anna Katharina Fuchs, Martin Hagmüller
Speech Communication
Speech Communication Finished Bachelor Project Using sEMG for Disordered Speech Enhancement III -- Adaptive Threshold Andreas Fuchs Martin Hagmüller, Anna Katharina Fuchs
Speech Communication
Speech Communication Finished Bachelor Project Using sEMG for Disordered Speech Enhancement III Theresa Petra Loss Martin Hagmüller, Anna Katharina Fuchs
Speech Communication
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis Using sEMG for Disordered Speech Enhancement IV -- Myo Gesture Control Armband Klaus Huber Martin Hagmüller, Anna Katharina Fuchs
Speech Communication
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis Using sEMG for Disordered Speech Enhancement Clemens Amon Martin Hagmüller, Anna Katharina Fuchs
Speech Communication
Wireless Communications Finished Master Thesis UWB Demonstrator with Scope on Synchronisation Egger Sebastian Klaus Witrisal
Wireless Communications
Wireless Communications Finished Master Thesis UWB Indoor Positioning based on Received Signal Strength Gigl Thomas Klaus Witrisal
Wireless Communications
Finished Master Thesis UWB Radio Channel Analysis Using the SAGE Algorithm Hausmair Katharina Klaus Witrisal 2010-01-01
Finished Master Thesis Variational Bayesian Reservoir Computing and its Applications to Handwriting Recognition Zechner Christoph Gernot Kubin 2010-01-01
Wireless Communications, Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis Verkehrslagenrekonstruktion auf Autobahnen mittels Datenfusion Erwin Nindl Paul Meissner
Wireless Communications,
Intelligent Systems
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Verlustlose Audiodatenkompression Clemens Halder Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Vermessung und Erarbeitung von Optimierungsvorschlägen für die Raumakustik mehrerer Räume im Palais Herberstein in Graz Felix BRIELMAIER, Ben-Daniel KELLER, Benjamin VONRHEIN Franz Graf, Maria Fellner
Audio and Acoustics
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis Version control for speech corpora Vlad Dumitru Matthias Böhm, Martin Hagmüller, Barbara Schuppler
Speech Communication
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Verstehen, Finden und Eliminieren von Erdschleifen in Audiosystemen Jürgen Konrad, Klaus Hostniker Thorsten Rohde
Audio and Acoustics
Finished Master Thesis Vibration Analysis for Adjustment and Monitoring of a Waste Shredder Schmauder Christoph Franz Pernkopf 2008-01-01
Intelligent Systems Finished Master Thesis Vibroakustisches Monitoring in Smart Homes Klaus Dobbler Franz Pernkopf
Intelligent Systems
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Thesis Virtuelle Ermittlung von SEA-Modellparametern Marlon Meißnitzer Gerhard Graber
Audio and Acoustics
Speech Communication Finished Master Project Voice-controlled home automation Simon Wasserfall, Julian Linke, Christoph Emlinger Martin Hagmüller, Hannes Pessentheiner
Speech Communication
Speech Communication Open Master Thesis Voice conversion for disease progression modellingopen! Martin Hagmüller
Speech Communication
Speech Communication Finished Master Project Wake-up-word recognition Clemens Vayda & Wolfgang Hrauda Martin Hagmüller
Speech Communication
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Waveform meta-data visualization Felix Brunhuber Georgios Marentakis
Audio and Acoustics
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis Wavelet Based Speaker Change Detection in Single Channel Speech Data Wiesenegger Michael Franz Pernkopf
Speech Communication
Audio and Acoustics Open Bachelor Project Weiterentwicklung eines FPGA Laborplatzes für digital Audioopen! Werner Magnes
Audio and Acoustics
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Wellenfeldsynthese für Eventbeschallungen Rafael Ludwig Thorsten Rohde
Audio and Acoustics
Nonlinear Signal Processing Finished Master Project Wiederholungscode Lukas Goertschacher Bernhard Geiger
Nonlinear Signal Processing
Audio and Acoustics Finished Master Project Wissensmanagement und Kreativität anhand der Erstellung eines Vorlesungsskriptes Dipl.-Ing(in). Annika Neidhardt Thorsten Rohde
Audio and Acoustics
Speech Communication Finished Master Thesis Wizard of Oz Experiments on Speech Dialogue Systems Petrik Stefan Gernot Kubin
Speech Communication
Audio and Acoustics Finished Bachelor Project Zukunft der Funkmikrofonie Jonathan Schorr Thorsten Rohde
Audio and Acoustics