Signal Processing and Speech Communication Laboratory
hometheses & projects › Audiovisual Congruency – Effect on Short-Term Memory

Audiovisual Congruency – Effect on Short-Term Memory

Master Project
Announcement date
01 Oct 2016
Benjamin Stahl
Research Areas

This project explores the effect of spatial congruency of audio-visual stimulation on short term memory. Motivated from the multitude of findings concerning the impact of spatial congruency on cross-modal perception, the project aims to examine whether spatial congruency of audiovisual stimulation affects short-term memory.

To this end, experiment designs pertinent to short-term memory will be compared to cross-modal integration experiments with the goal of defining a suitable experimental task. Subsequently, an experiment will be designed and executed in order to examine our hypotheses concerning the impact of spatial congruency of audiovisual stimulation on short-term memory.

The compatibility of the results with different models of short-term memory will be discussed.