Signal Processing and Speech Communication Laboratory
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Julian Linke

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  • office: +43 316 873 - 4433
Research and Teaching Associate
Research Projects
Student Projects
PhD Theses
  • Conference paper Mihajlik P., Meng Y., S. M., Linke J., Schuppler B. & Mady K. (2024) On Disfluency and Non-lexical Sound Labeling for End-to-end Automatic Speech Recognition. in 25th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (pp. 1270-1274). [more info] [doi]
  • Journal article Pokorny F., Linke J., Seddiki N., Lohrmann S., Gerstenberger C., Haspl K., Feiner M., Hagmüller M., Schuppler B., Kubin G., Gugatschka M. & Eyben F. (2024) VocDoc, what happened to my voice? Towards automatically capturing vocal fatigue in the wild. in Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 88(B). [more info] [doi]
  • Conference paper Hagmüller M., Linke J., Lohrmann S., Pokorny F. & Schuppler B. (2023) An acoustic analysis of vowels to predict voice changes in a long reading task. in 13th International Workshop on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications (pp. 23-26). [more info] [doi]
  • Conference paper Mihajlik P., Kadar M., Dosinszky G., Meng Y., Kedalai M., Linke J., Fegyo T. & Mady K. (2023) What kind of multi- or cross-lingual pre-training is the most effective for a spontaneous, less-resourced ASR task?. in 2nd Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Under-resourced Languages: SIGUL 2023. [more info]
  • Poster Linke J., Kadar M., Dosinszky G., Mihajlik P., Kubin G. & Schuppler B. (2023) What do self-supervised speech representations encode? An analysis of languages, varieties, speaking styles and speakers.. [more info] [doi]
  • Preprint Linke J., Wepner S., Kubin G. & Schuppler B. (2023) Using Kaldi for Automatic Speech Recognition of Conversational Austrian German.. [more info] [doi]
  • Conference paper Linke J., Kubin G. & Schuppler B. (2023) Using word-level features for prosodic prominence detection in conversational speech. in 20th International Congress on Phonetic Sciences (pp. 3101). [more info]
  • Conference paper Kelterer A., Wepner S., Linke J. & Schuppler B. (2023) Points of maximum grammatical control – The prosody of a turn-holding practice. in 20th International Congress on Phonetic Sciences (pp. 3467). [more info]
  • Conference paper Linke J., Garner P., Kubin G. & Schuppler B. (2022) Conversational Speech Recognition Needs Data? Experiments with Austrian German. (pp. 4684–4691). [more info]
  • Abstract Kelterer A., Christian S., Wepner S., Linke J. & Zarka D. (2021) Prosodic cues to agreement and disagreement in "ja" and "nein" prefaces in Austrian German conversations.. [more info]
  • Conference paper Linke J., Kelterer A., Dabrowski M., Zarka D. & Schuppler B. (2020) Towards automatic annotation of prosodic prominence levels in Austrian German. in 10th International Conference on Speech Prosody (pp. 1000 - 1004). [more info] [doi]