Martin Hagmüller
- Room number
- IDEG078
- Telephone number
- office: +43 316 873 - 4377
- Position
- Senior Researcher
- Research interests
Speech Signal Processing, Disordered Voice Processing, Augmented Speech Communication, Barrier-Free Communication, Hearing Aids, Medical Acoustics, Biological Acoustics, Automatic Speech Recognition *** Share with me via Nextcloud
2024 - present: Member of the TU Graz ethics board
2016 - present: Member of BioTechMed Graz
2014 - present: Deputy General Secretary of the Austrian Acoustics Association
2009 - present: Senior Scientist at the Signal Processing and Speech Communication Laboratory, Graz University of Technology
12/2006 - 2012: National Coordinator for the European COST Action 2103 “Advanced Voice Function Assessment”
09/2005-11/2006: Parental leave
2003 - 2009: Doctoral studies in Electrical Engineering at Graz University of Technology
2002 - 2009: Research Assistant at the Signal Processing and Speech Communication Laboratory, Graz University of Technology
1994 - 2001: Diploma of Engineering Studies in EE/Sound Engineering at the Graz University of Technology (TU Graz)and the University of Music and Dramatic Arts in Graz (KUG)
Research Programs
Research Topics
Research Projects
- Cross-layer language models for conversational speech (FWF Stand-Alone Project P 32700-N)
- PipeSense
- KONDE - Kompetenznetzwerk Digitale Edition
- HumanEVoice -- The Bionic Voice (FFG 849824)
- Monitoring of Mars Isolation Crew by Speech Processing and Psychological Content Analysis (MIMIC)
- Evaluation tool for plain language
- CAPA - Psychological Status Monitoring by Content Analysis and Acoustic-Phonetic Analysis of Crew Talks and Video Diaries
- Speaking Aid for Laryngectomized People
- COST 2103 - Advanced Voice Function Assessment
- Speech Watermarking for Security Applications
- ASR for Telehealth Applications (COAST)
- Speech Watermarking for Air Traffic Control Communication
- Acoustic Signal Processing and Noise Analysis for the Localization of Leaks in Water Pipes
Student Projects
- Bird Scanner(open)
- Bionic Voice Projects(open)
- Effects of Room Acoustics on Conversational Speech(open)
- Modelling Backchannels for Human-Robot Interaction
- Furhat -- Interaction with a Social Robot(open)
- Noise source localization using a small microphone array
- Automatic Event Classification in Massive Multi-Channel Audio Signals(open)
- Active Noise Cancellation Demo
- Self-explaining recording device(open)
- Add features to our Bionic Voice on a Raspberry Pi(open)
- Amplifier with Feedback Cancellation(open)
- Version control for speech corpora
- Speaker Diarization and Recognition for RadioPlays with SpeechBrain(open)
- Speaker Diarization using a small microphone array(open)
- Microphone Arrays for Lecture Halls
- Automatic Speech Segmentation using Kaldi
- Training Tool for Speaking with a Bionic Voice(open)
- Synthesis of disordered voices(open)
- Bionic Voice Intelligibility Test(open)
- Parameters for gender adequate voice perception(open)
- Automatic Transcription of Analog Space Missions(open)
- Space/Mars Mission conversation analysis(open)
- Singing with a Bionic Voice(open)
- Multi E-Larynx Stimulation
- Bionic Voice Design(open)
- Best Channel Selection for Distant Speech Recognition
- Gradient flow localizer with a miniature microphone array(open)
- Measurement of Impact of Pop Sound Distortions on Automatic Speech Recgonition(open)
- Pop Sound Detection and Suppression(open)
- Pop Informed Speech Recognition(open)
- Voice-controlled home automation
- Implementation of Joint Spatio-Temporal Filtering Methods for Direction of Arrival and Fundamental Frequency Estimation
- Implementation of an Acoustic Joint Direction and Fundamental Frequency Estimator Based on 2-D Filtering
- Implementation of a Maximum Negentropy Beamformer(open)
- Implementation of a Maximum Kurtosis Beamformer(open)
- EL Speech improvement on a Raspberry Pi(open)
- Reduction of Heart Sounds from Lung Sounds(open)
- Implementation of an Acoustic Joint Direction and Fundamental Frequency Estimator Based on Nonlinear Least Squares Methods
- Development and Comparison of Lung Sound Transducers(open)
- Acoustic Imaging of the Human Respiratory System(open)
- Using sEMG for Disordered Speech Enhancement IV -- Myo Gesture Control Armband
- Using sEMG for Disordered Speech Enhancement III -- Adaptive Threshold
- Subjective Measures for Electro-Larynx Speech(open)
- Parametrization of a Transducer for EL Speech Production II(open)
- Excitation Signal Analysis -- Gender Aspekts
- Wake-up-word recognition
- Circular Differential Microphone Arrays
- Automatic Speech Recognition for Austrian German on a Raspberry Pi
- Capabilities of Beamforming-Arrays for Vehicle Pass-by Measurements
- Spatial Filtering by Applying State-Of-The-Art Beamformers: The Generalized Eigenvector Beamformer
- Automatic Speech Recognition for Electro-Laynx Speech
- Computer Assisted Aphasia Therapy
- Parametrization of a Transducer for EL Speech Production
- Multichannel Voice Activity Detection for ASR
- Using sEMG for Disordered Speech Enhancement III
- Using sEMG for Disordered Speech Enhancement II
- Reference-Free Speech Quality Measure for Electro-Larynx Speech(open)
- Implementation of an audio processing algorithm as gstreamer plugin(open)
- Artificial Pitch for Electro-Larynx Speech(open)
- Adaptive Differential Beamformer Demo
- Inverse Filtering of Pathologic Voice
- Pop Sound Protection and Reduction for Small Microphone Enclosures
- Acoustically Coupled Microphones(open)
- Real-time Controllable Sound Source Generator for Electro-Larynx Speech(open)
- Sample Based Glottal Excitation Signal Database(open)
- Using sEMG for Disordered Speech Enhancement
- Adaptive Differential Beamformer
- Active Direct Sound Control
- Acoustic Source Localization using Reflected Signals
- Rhetorical Acoustic Phonetic Feedback Device
- Smartphone App for Electro-Larynx Speech
- Realitätsnahe Visualisierung menschlicher Spracherzeugung
- Künstliche Grundfrequenzkontur für Elektro-Larynx-Sprache in Echtzeit-Simulation
- Real-Time Enhancement of E-Larynx Speech Signals
- Classification of Acoustic Plastic Pipe Water Leak Signals with Gaussian Mixture Models
- Comparison of Excitation Signals for an Electronic Larynx
- Acoustic Engine Speed Measurement
- Speech enhancement: Simulation and quality evaluation
- Automatic Tone Removal Algorithm and DSP Implementation
- A Machine-Learning Approach to Recognition of Spoken German Variants
PhD Theses
- Journal article Fragner S., Pfeifenberger L., Hagmüller M. & Pernkopf F. (2024) Dataset of directional room impulse responses for realistic speech data. in Data in Brief , 53. [more info] [doi]
- Journal article Fragner S., Pfeifenberger L., Hagmüller M. & Pernkopf F. (2024) Dataset of Room Impulse Responses for Realistic Speech Data. in Data in Brief . [more info]
- Journal article Pokorny F., Linke J., Seddiki N., Lohrmann S., Gerstenberger C., Haspl K., Feiner M., Hagmüller M., Schuppler B., Kubin G., Gugatschka M. & Eyben F. (2024) VocDoc, what happened to my voice? Towards automatically capturing vocal fatigue in the wild. in Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 88(B). [more info] [doi]
- Abstract Schuppler B., Kelterer A. & Hagmüller M. (2023) 10 Years of GRASS development: Experiences from annotating a large corpus of conversational Austrian German.. [more info]
- Conference paper Hagmüller M., Linke J., Lohrmann S., Pokorny F. & Schuppler B. (2023) An acoustic analysis of vowels to predict voice changes in a long reading task. in 13th International Workshop on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications (pp. 23-26). [more info] [doi]
- Conference paper Zieliński K., Grzelec M. & Hagmüller M. (2022) Humanizing bionic voice. in 23rd Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (pp. 1953-1954). [more info]
- Conference paper Krusic L., Schuppler B., Hagmüller M. & Kopeinik S. (2021) Exploring Gender Bias in Austrian Education: Seeing What Students are Exposed to. in 19th STS Conference: Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies (pp. 243- 262). [more info] [doi]
- Abstract Krusic L., Schuppler B., Hagmüller M. & Kopeinik S. (2021) Gender representation in Austrian EFL schoolbooks and university viewbooks.. [more info]
- Conference paper Klimashevskaia A., Geiger B., Hagmüller M., Helic D. & Fischer F. (2020) "To be or not to be central" - On the Stability of Network Centrality Measures in Shakespeare's "Hamlet". in 15th Annual International Conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations. [more info]
- Journal article Aichinger P., Hagmüller M., Schneider-Stickler B., Schoentgen J. & Pernkopf F. (2018) Tracking of Multiple Fundamental Frequencies in Diplophonic Voices. in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing, 26(2), p. 330-341. [more info] [doi]
- Conference paper Hagmüller M., Fuchs A. & Bath C. (2017) Participatory enquiry for a bionic voice. (pp. 35-38). [more info]
- Conference paper Messner E., Hagmüller M. & Pernkopf F. (2017) Impact of Airflow Rate on Amplitude and Regional Distribution of Normal Lung Sounds.. [more info]
- Journal article Schuppler B., Hagmüller M. & Zahrer A. (2017) A corpus of read and conversational Austrian German. in Speech Communication, 94, p. 62-74. [more info] [doi]
- Conference paper Messner E., Hagmüller M., Swatek P., Smolle-Juttner F. & Pernkopf F. (2017) Respiratory airflow estimation from lung sounds based on regression. in 2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (pp. 1123-1127). [more info] [doi]
- Journal article Aichinger P., Hagmüller M., Roesner I., Schneider-Stickler B., Schoentgen J. & Pernkopf F. (2017) Fundamental Frequency Tracking in Diplophonic Voices. in Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 37, p. 69-81. [more info] [doi]
- Journal article Aichinger P., Roesner I., Leonhard M., Schneider-Stickler B., Denk-Linnert D., Bigenzahn W., Fuchs A., Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2017) Comparison of an audio-based and a video-based approach for detecting diplophonia. in Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 31, p. 576–585. [more info] [doi]
- Abstract Aichinger P., Schneider-Stickler B., Hagmüller M. & Schoentgen J. (2016) Acoustic detection of diplophonia among other types of dysphonia.. [more info]
- Abstract Aichinger P., Schneider-Stickler B. & Hagmüller M. (2016) Terminology of voice phenomena related to diplophonia.. [more info]
- Conference paper Messner E., Hagmüller M., Swatek P. & Pernkopf F. (2016) A Robust multichannel lung sound recording device. in 9th International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices, BIODEVICES 2016 - Part of 9th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, BIOSTEC 2016 (pp. 34-39). [more info]
- Journal article Pessentheiner H., Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2016) Localization and characterization of multiple harmonic sources. in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing, 24(8), p. 1348-1363. [more info] [doi]
- Journal article Fuchs A., Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2016) The New Bionic Electro-Larynx Speech System. in IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 10(5), p. 952-961. [more info] [doi]
- Journal article Aichinger P., Hagmüller M., Roesner I., Bigenzahn W., Schneider-Stickler B. & Schoentgen J. (2016) Diplophonia Disturbs Jitter and Shimmer Measurement. in Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 68(1), p. 22-28. [more info] [doi]
- Conference paper Pessentheiner H., Pichler T. & Hagmüller M. (2016) AMISCO: The Austrian German Multi-Sensor Corpus. in International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. [more info]
- Journal article Aichinger P., Roesner I., Schneider-Stickler B., Leonhard M., Denk-Linnert D., Bigenzahn W., Fuchs A., Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2016) Towards Objective Voice Assessment: The Diplophonia Diagram. in Journal of voice. [more info] [doi]
- Conference paper Aichinger P., Hagmüller M., Roesner I., Bigenzahn W., Schneider-Stickler B., Schoentgen J. & Pernkopf F. (2015) Measurement of fundamental frequencies in diplophonic voices. in 9th International Workshop on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications (pp. 21-24). [more info]
- Conference paper Aichinger P., Hagmüller M., Roesner I., Bigenzahn W., Schneider-Stickler B. & Schoentgen J. (2015) Differentiating Diplophonia from other Types of Severe Dysphonia by Acoustic Analysis. in Pan European Voice Conference (pp. 34-34). [more info]
- Conference paper Aichinger P., Hagmüller M., Roesner I., Bigenzahn W., Schneider-Stickler B., Schoentgen J. & Pernkopf F. (2015) Measurement of Fundamental Frequencies in Diplophonic Voice. in 9th International Workshop on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications (pp. 21-24). [more info]
- Conference paper Messner E., Pessentheiner H., Cordovilla J. & Hagmüller M. (2015) Adaptive Differential Microphone Arrays used as a Front-End for an Automatic Speech Recognition System. in 2015 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (pp. 2689-2693). [more info]
- Conference paper Aichinger P., Schneider-Stickler B., Bigenzahn W., Hagmüller M., Sontacchi A. & Schoentgen J. (2015) Assessment and Psychoacoustic Modelling of Auditory Streams in Diplophonic Voice. in 9th International Workshop on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications (pp. 135-138). [more info]
- Conference paper Fuchs A., Amon C. & Hagmüller M. (2015) Speech/Non-Speech Detection for Electro-Larynx Speech Using EMG. in Biosignals - 8th International Conference on Bio-Inspired and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS 2015) (pp. 138-144). [more info]
- Conference paper Pfeifenberger L., Schrank T., Zöhrer M., Hagmüller M. & Pernkopf F. (2015) Multi-channel speech processing architectures for noise robust speech recognition: 3rd CHiME Challenge results. in IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition & Understanding. [more info]
- Conference paper Fuchs A., Conter M., Wehr R., Hagmüller M. & Pessentheiner H. (2015) Anwendung von Beamforming für Vorbeifahrtsmessungen. in Deutsche Jahrestagung für Akustik (pp. 173-176). [more info]
- Conference paper Aichinger P., Roesner I., Schneider-Stickler B., Leonhard M., Denk-Linnert D., Bigenzahn W., Fuchs A., Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2015) Towards Objective Voice Assessment: The Diplophonia Diagram. in The Voice Foundation Annual Symposium (pp. 55-56). [more info]
- Conference paper Cordovilla J., Pessentheiner H., Hagmüller M., Gonzales J. & Kubin G. (2014) CVX-Optimized Beamforming and Vector Taylor Series Compensation with German ASR Employing Star-Shaped Microphone Array. in IberSpeech 2014 (pp. 148-157). [more info] [doi]
- Conference paper Fuchs A., Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2014) Artificial Fundamental Frequency Contour for Electro-Larynx Speech. in Deutsche Jahrestagung für Akustik (pp. 507-508). [more info]
- Conference paper Schuppler B., Hagmüller M., Cordovilla J. & Pessentheiner H. (2014) GRASS: The Graz Corpus of Read and Spontaneous Speech. in International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (pp. 1465-1470). [more info]
- Conference paper Cristoforetti L., Ravanelli M., Omologo M., Sosi A., Abad A., Hagmüller M. & Maragos P. (2014) The DIRHA simulated corpus. in International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (pp. 2629-2634). [more info]
- Conference paper Zehetner A., Hagmüller M. & Pernkopf F. (2014) Wake-Up-Word Spotting for Mobile Systems. (pp. x-x). [more info]
- Conference paper Cordovilla J., Pessentheiner H., Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2014) Room Localization for Distant Speech Recognition. in 15th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (pp. 2450-2453). [more info]
- Conference paper Cordovilla J., Hagmüller M., Pessentheiner H. & Kubin G. (2014) Distant speech recognition in reverberant noisy conditions employing a microphone array. in 22nd European Signal Processing Conference (pp. 2380-2384). [more info]
- Poster Fuchs A., Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2014) Artificial Fundamental Frequency Contour for Electro-Larynx Speech.. [more info]
- Poster Hagmüller M. & Zehetner A. (2014) Wake-Up-Word Spotting for Mobile Systems.. [more info]
- Conference paper Aichinger P., Roesner I., Schneider-Stickler B., Bigenzahn W., Feichter F., Fuchs A., Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2013) Spectral Analysis of Laryngeal High-Speed Videos: Case Studies on Diplophonic and Euphonic Phonation. in 8th International Workshop on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications (pp. 81-84). [more info]
- Conference paper Mowlaee Beikzadehmahaleh P., Cordovilla J., Pernkopf F., Pessentheiner H., Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2013) The 2nd CHiME Speech Separation and Recognition Challenge: Approaches on Single-Channel Speech Separation and Model-Driven Speech Enhancement. (pp. X-X). [more info]
- Conference paper Fuchs A., Cordovilla J. & Hagmüller M. (2013) ASR for Electro-Laryngeal Speech. in IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition & Understanding. [more info]
- Conference paper Aichinger P., Schneider-Stickler B., Bigenzahn W., Fuchs A., Geiger B., Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2013) Double pitch marks in diplophonic voice. in 2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (pp. xx-xx). [more info]
- Conference paper Fuchs A. & Hagmüller M. (2013) A German Parallel Electro-Larynx Speech -- Healthy speech corpus. in 8th International Workshop on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications (pp. 55-58). [more info]
- Conference paper Cordovilla J., Pessentheiner H., Hagmüller M., Mowlaee Beikzadehmahaleh P., Pernkopf F. & Kubin G. (2013) A German distant speech recognizer based on 3D beamforming and harmonic missing data mask.. in 40. Deutsche Jahrestagung für Akustik (pp. 2049-2052). [more info]
- Poster Fuchs A., Cordovilla J. & Hagmüller M. (2013) ASR for Electro-Laryngeal Speech.. [more info]
- Conference paper Fuchs A. & Hagmüller M. (2012) Learning an Artificial F0-Contour for ALT speech. in International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (pp. 758-761). [more info]
- Patent Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2010) Methode zur Trennung von Signalpfaden und Anwendung auf die Verbesserung von Sprache mit Elektro-Larynx.. [more info]
- Journal article Faundez-Zanuy M., Lucena-Molina J. & Hagmüller M. (2010) Speech watermarking: An approach for the forensic analysis of digital telephonic recordings. in Journal of Forensic Sciences, 55(4), p. 1080-1087. [more info] [doi]
- Conference paper Jochum C., Reiner P. & Hagmüller M. (2009) Comparison of Excitation Signals for an Electronic Larynx. in 6th International Workshop on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications (pp. 161-164). [more info]
- Doctoral Thesis Hagmüller M. (2009) Speech Enhancement for Disordered and Substitution Voices.. [more info]
- Conference paper Faundez-Zanuy M. & Hagmüller M. (2007) Sistema de marcas de agua para mejorar la vulnerabilidad de sistemas de reconocimiento de locutores. in Ill Congreso da sociedade espanola de acustica forense (pp. 167-181). [more info]
- Conference paper Hagmüller M. (2007) PITCH CONTOUR FROM FORMANTS FOR ALARYNGEAL SPEECH. in 5th International Workshop on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications (pp. 205-208). [more info]
- Journal article Faundez-Zanuy M., Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2007) Speaker identification security improvement by means of speech watermarking. in Pattern Recognition, 40(11), p. 3027-3034. [more info] [doi]
- Journal article Faundez-Zanuy M., Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2006) Speaker verification security improvement by means of speech watermarking. in Speech Communication, 48(12), p. 1608-1619. [more info] [doi]
- Journal article Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2006) Poincare Pitch Marks. in Speech Communication, 48(12), p. 1650-1665. [more info] [doi]
- Journal article Faundez-Zanuy M., Hagmüller M., Kubin G. & Kleijn W. (2006) The COST-277 Speech Database. in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3817, p. 100-107. [more info] [doi]
- Conference paper Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2005) Poincare Sections for Pitch-Mark Determination. (pp. 107-113). [more info]
- Conference paper Faundez-Zanuy M., Hagmüller M., Kubin G. & Kleijn W. (2005) The COST-277 Speech Database. (pp. 122-129). [more info]
- Commissioned report Hagmüller M., Kubin G. & Rank E. (2005) Evaluation of the Human Voice for Indications of Workload Induced Stress in the Aviation Environment.. [more info]
- Conference paper Hagmüller M., Horst H., Kröpfl A. & Kubin G. (2004) Speech Watermarking for Air Traffic Control. in 12th European Signal Processing Conference (pp. 1653-1656). [more info]
- Conference paper Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2004) Voice enhancement of male speakers with laryngeal neoplasm. (pp. 541-544). [more info]
- Conference paper Baum M., Dizdarevic V., Hagmüller M., Kubin G. & Pernkopf F. (2004) Prosody-Based Recognition of Spoken German Varieties. in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (pp. 929-932). [more info]
- Poster Hagmüller M., Rank E. & Kubin G. (2004) Can Stress be Observed by Analyzing the Human Voice?.. [more info]
- Conference paper Hering H., Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2003) Safety and security increase for air traffic management through unnoticeable watermark aircraft identification tag transmitted with the VHF voice communication. in The 22nd Digital Avionics Systems Conference - Proceedings. [more info]
- Conference paper Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2003) Poincare Sections for Pitch Mark Determination in Dysphonic Speech. (pp. 281-285). [more info]
- Conference paper Hering H., Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2003) Safety and security increase for air traffic management through unnoticable watermark aircraft identification tag transmitted with the VHF voice communication. in Digital Avionics Systems Conference. [more info]
- Commissioned report Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2003) Speech Watermarking for Air Traffic Control.. [more info]
- Conference paper Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2002) Erkennung regionaler Varianten des Deutschen unter Verwendung Prosodischer Merkmale.. [more info]
- Diploma Thesis Hagmüller M. (2001) Recognition of Regional Variants of German using Prosodic Features.. [more info]