Gernot Kubin

- Room number
- IDEG096
- Telephone number
- office: +43 316 873 - 4430
- Position
- Professor
Gernot Kubin (Dipl.-Ing. Dr.) is University Professor and Founding Director of the Signal Processing and Speech Communication Laboratory at TU Graz, Austria, since 2000. He received the Dipl.-Ing. degree in 1982 and the Dr. techn. degree (sub auspiciis praesidentis) in 1990 in Electrical Engineering from TU Vienna, Austria. At TU Graz, he has served as Dean of Studies in Electrical and Audio Engineering 2004–2007, Coordinator of the Key Research Area Smart Systems for a Mobile Society 2004–2011, Coordinator of the Field of Expertise Information, Communications, and Computing 2013–2015, Deputy Chair of the Curricular Committee for Electrical and Audio Engineering 2004–2008 and 2013–2019, Coordinator of the Doctoral School in Information and Communications Engineering 2007–now, Member of the Commission for Scientific Integrity and Ethics 2007–2011 and 2016–now, and Chair of the Senate 2007–2010 and 2013–now.
Earlier international appointments include: CERN Geneva 1980, TU Vienna 1983–2000, Erwin Schroedinger Fellow at Philips Research Labs Eindhoven 1985, AT&T Bell Labs Murray Hill 1992–1993 and 1995, KTH Stockholm 1998, Global IP Sound Stockholm 2000–2001 and San Francisco 2006, UC San Diego 2006, Danang UT 2009, and TU Munich 2015, 2017, and 2018.
At national level, he has demonstrated leadership in the Vienna Telecommunications Research Centre FTW 1999–2016, the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Nonlinear Signal Processing 2002–2010, the Competence Network for Advanced Speech Technologies COAST 2006–2010, the FWF Research Network on Signal and Information Processing in Science and Engineering SISE 2008–2011, the COMET Excellence Projects Advanced Audio Processing AAP 2008–2013 and Acoustic Sensing and Design ASD 2013–2017, the Higher-Education Conference HSK 2016–now, the TU Graz Excellence Project Dependable Internet of Things 2016–now, the Competence Network for Digital Humanities KONDE 2017–now, the Complexity Science Hub Vienna 2017–now, the Scientific Board of the Christian Doppler Forschungsgesellschaft 2020–now, and as Speaker of the Senate Chairs Conference (SVK) of the Universities of Austria 2019–now.
His research interests are in nonlinear signal processing as well as speech and audio communication. He has co-authored over 180 peer-reviewed publications and advised over 30 PhD students. Dr. Kubin is the recipient of the 2015 Nikola Tesla medal for the highest number of patents awarded to a TU Graz scientist in 5 years. He has served as a Member of the Board, Austrian Acoustics Association 2000–2015, as an elected member of the IEEE Speech and Language Processing Technical Committee 2011–2016, and as an elected member of the Speech Acoustics and Speech Processing committees of the German Information Technology Society ITG since 2015. He was General Chair for the INTERSPEECH 2019 conference held in Graz, Austria, in Sept 2019, and is a member of the ISCA Advisory Board since 2020.
Links: LinkedIn, Google Scholar.
Research Programs
Research Topics
Research Projects
- KONDE - Kompetenznetzwerk Digitale Edition
- DRAGON - Design methods for Radio Architectures GOing Nanoscale
- AAP-COMET Advanced Audio Processing (FFG 815085)
- Signal and Information Processing in Science and Engineering - Nonlinear Dynamic and Machine Learning (SISE-NDML-I) FWF S10604-N13
- ROBUST - Signal processing for robust speech quality (COAST)
- ALSO - Automatic learning and specific adaptation (COAST - Competence Network for Advanced Speech Technologies)
- Nonlinear Prediction of Mobile-Radio Fading Processes
- CD-Laboratory for Nonlinear Signal Processing
- CD-Laboratory for Nonlinear Signal Processing, Module F: Digital synthesizers for gigahertz-range fast frequency-hopping systems (Phase-Locked-Loop - PLL)
- CD-Laboratory for Nonlinear Signal Processing, Module D: Digital synthesizers for gigahertz-range fast frequency-hopping systems
- CD-Laboratory for Nonlinear Signal Processing, Module C: Digital Predistortion of RF-Power Amplifiers for UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System) Base-Stations
- CD-Laboratory for Nonlinear Signal Processing, Module A: Nonlinear Signal Processing in xDSL Systems
- SonEnvir - Eine Sonifikationsumgebung für wissenschaftliche Daten
- SNOW - Services for NOmadic Workers
- MISTRAL - Measurable intelligent and secure semantic extraction and retrieval of multimedia data
- Efficient I/A Representation of Nonlinear Systems
- COST Action 277 - Nonlinear Speech Processing
- COMMIT Convergence in Multimedia Internet Transport
- Three-Dimensional Audio Interfaces for the Blind and Visually Impaired
- Nonlinear Signal Processing for xDSL Systems
- The Naturalness of Synthetic Speech
- Speech & More
- Anthropomorphic Coding of Speech and Audio
- Adaptive Systems
- Das IKT Zeitalter: Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik als Kunst, Wissenschaft und Alltagskultur
- Nonlinear Signal Processing
- Privatissimum
- Privatissimum Old
- Privatissimum 2021/2022
- Signal Processing
- Speech Signal Processing
- Privatissimum 2024/2025
- Privatissimum 2019/2020
- Privatissimum 2020/2021
- Privatissimum 2022/2023
- Privatissimum 2023/2024
- The ICE Age: The History of Information and Communications Engineering as an Art, Science, and Pervasive Culture
- Visiting Lecture Course: Advanced Information Theory
- Visiting Lecture Course: Convex Opimization
- Visiting Lecture Course: GPU Computing
- Visiting Lecture Course: Speaker Recognition: Principles and Practicalities
Student Projects
- Design and Implementation of an Navigation System for Visually Impaired based on Sonification of 3D Scene Measurements(open)
- Design and Implementation of an Navigation System for Visually Impaired based on Sonification of 3D Scene Measurements(open)
- Design and Implementation of an Navigation System for Visually Impaired based on Sonification of 3D Scene Measurements(open)
- High resolution soundfield analysis with directional room impulse responses
- Analysis of Acoustic Parameters for Detecting Voice Changes in Long-Term Voice Recordings
- An adaptive filter based on recursive blockmatrix inversion(open)
- Pricing and Regulation Quality of Experience
- Variational Bayesian Reservoir Computing and its Applications to Handwriting Recognition
- Automatic Speech Recognition for Air Traffic Controllers
- Audio augmented reality in telecommunication
- Speech Recognition for Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
- Real-Time Enhancement of E-Larynx Speech Signals
- Modeling and Simulation of Error Correction Encoding for Networks-on-Chip
- Design of a combined air and bone-conductive microphone headset
- Classification of Acoustic Plastic Pipe Water Leak Signals with Gaussian Mixture Models
- Comparison of Excitation Signals for an Electronic Larynx
- Reliable Voice Activity Detection Under Adverse Environments
- Playout Buffers for VoIP
- Experimental Setup for Subjective Evaluation of Interactive Multimedia Quality over IP Networks
- Data-Based Automatic Phonetic Transcription
- Continuous Non-invasive Arterial Pressure, CNAP combined with Pulse Oximetry (CNAP - SpO2)
- Acoustic Source Localization with a Circular Microphone Array
- Speaker Verification for a Telehealth System
- Reconstruction of Nonuniformly Sampled Signals
- On distributed selfish routing
- Multiresolution Spectrotemporal Features for Speech Nonspeech Discrimination
- Fixed-Point Algorithms for Channel Mismatch Calibration of Time-Interleaved Analog-to-Digital Converters
- Magnitude Response Mismatch Compensation in Time-interleaved Analog-to-Digital Converters
- Ultra Wideband as Sensor Technology for 3D Mapping. A Feasibility Study.
- Multiuser Interference Modeling and Suppression for Differential IR-UWB Systems
- Acoustic Engine Speed Measurement
- Wizard of Oz Experiments on Speech Dialogue Systems
- Speech enhancement: Simulation and quality evaluation
- Nonlinear Equalization for a Frame-Differential IR-UWB Receiver
- Intonation Prediction for Speech Synthesis Using the Fujisaki Model and Machine Learning
- Using frequency-domain features for speech recognition with variable sampling frequencies
- Three-dimensional Audio Interfaces for the Blind
- Evalution platform for sigma-delta-modulators
- Evaluation of Downlink Beamforming and Transmission Polarization Adaptation Using a GSM Smart Antenna Demonstrator
- Efficient Coding Methods for a Perceptual Speech Coder
- DSP Implementation of a Perceptual Speech Coder
- Automatic Tone Removal Algorithm and DSP Implementation
- Adaptive predistortion for a nonlinear data transmission system
- A Machine-Learning Approach to Recognition of Spoken German Variants
- Quality of Service for Speech Transmission in Heterogeneous Networks
- Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation for ATM-Based Passive Optical Networks
- Data Driven Pronunciation Modeling for Large Vocabulary Spontaneous Speech Recognition
PhD Theses
- Adaptive Calibration of Frequency Response MIsmatches in Time-Interleaved Analog-to-Digital Converters
- Adaptive Digital Predistortion of Nonlinear Systems
- Complex Baseband Modeling and Digital Predistortion for Wideband RF Power Amplifiers
- Digital Enhancement and Multirate Processing Methods for Nonlinear Mixed Signal Systems
- Diplophonic Voice: Definitions, models, and detection
- Distributed Sparse Bayesian Regression in Wireless Sensor Networks
- Efficient Floating-Point Implementation of Speech Processing Algorithms on Reconfigurable Hardware
- Speech Enhancement for Disordered and Substitution Voices
- Improving automatic speech recognition for pluricentric languages exemplified on varieties of German
- Information Theory for Signal Processing
- Localization, Characterization, and Tracking of Harmonic Sources: With Applications to Speech Signal Processing
- Low Complexity Correction Structures for Time-Varying Systems
- Modeling and Mitigation of Narrowband Interference for Non-Coherent UWB Systems
- Modeling, Identification, and Compensation of Channel Mismatch Errors in Time-Interleaved Analog-to-Digital Converters
- Multipath Tracking and Prediction for Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Wireless Channels
- Nonlinear System Identification for Mixed Signal Processing
- Quality Aspects of Packet-Based Interactive Speech Communication
- Semantic Similarity in Automatic Speech Recognition for Meetings
- Signal Processing for Ultra Wideband Transceivers
- Signal Processing in Phase-Domain All-Digital Phase-Locked Loops
- Sparse Pulsed Auditory Representations For Speech and Audio Coding
- Speech Watermarking and Air Traffic Control
- UWB Channel Fading Statistics and Transmitted Reference Communication
- Variable Delay Speech Communication over Packet-Switched Networks
- Wavelet Analysis For Robust Speech Processing and Applications
- Contribution of prosodic information in ASR systems for read and spontaneous speech by integrating long-term and short-term acoustic features
- Modelling and simulation of porous absorbers in room edges
- Contribution of prosodic features to language models in automatic speech recognition systems and human perception
- Conference paper Linke J., Steger S., Steinwender P., Kubin G., Pernkopf F. & Schuppler B. (2025) Uncertainty prediction for prominence classification with chroma features. in 2025 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2025. [more info]
- Journal article Linke J., Geiger B., Kubin G. & Schuppler B. (2024) What’s so complex about conversational speech? A comparison of HMM-based and transformer-based ASR architectures. in Computer Speech and Language , 90. [more info] [doi]
- Journal article Pokorny F., Linke J., Seddiki N., Lohrmann S., Gerstenberger C., Haspl K., Feiner M., Hagmüller M., Schuppler B., Kubin G., Gugatschka M. & Eyben F. (2024) VocDoc, what happened to my voice? Towards automatically capturing vocal fatigue in the wild. in Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 88(B). [more info] [doi]
- Journal article Kraxberger F., Kurz E., Weselak W., Kubin G., Kaltenbacher M. & Schoder S. (2023) A validated finite element model for room acoustic treatments with edge absorbers. in Acta Acustica, 7. [more info] [doi]
- Conference paper Linke J., Kadar M., Dosinszky G., Mihajlik P., Kubin G. & Schuppler B. (2023) What do self-supervised speech representations encode? An analysis of languages, varieties, speaking styles and speakers. in 24th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (pp. 5371-5375). [more info] [doi]
- Preprint Linke J., Wepner S., Kubin G. & Schuppler B. (2023) Using Kaldi for Automatic Speech Recognition of Conversational Austrian German.. [more info] [doi]
- Preprint Kraxberger F., Kurz E., Weselak W., Kubin G., Kaltenbacher M. & Schoder S. (2023) A Validated Finite Element Model for Room Acoustic Treatments with Edge Absorbers.. [more info] [doi]
- Conference paper Linke J., Kubin G. & Schuppler B. (2023) Using word-level features for prosodic prominence detection in conversational speech. in 20th International Congress on Phonetic Sciences (pp. 3101). [more info]
- Conference paper Kurz E., Koch J., Weselak W. & Kubin G. (2022) Investigation of the sound field in an edge of a reverberation chamber. in 24th International Congress on Acoustics. [more info]
- Conference paper Kurz E., Steffek A., Weselak W. & Kubin G. (2022) Interference Patterns in an Edge of a Cuboid Reverberation Chamber. in 48. Jahrestagung für Akustik, DAGA 2022. [more info]
- Conference paper Linke J., Garner P., Kubin G. & Schuppler B. (2022) Conversational Speech Recognition Needs Data? Experiments with Austrian German. (pp. 4684–4691). [more info]
- Conference paper Wepner S., Schuppler B. & Kubin G. (2022) How prosody affects ASR performance in conversational Austrian German. in Speech Prosody 2022 (pp. 195-199). [more info] [doi]
- Anthology Geiger B. & Kubin G. (2021) Information Bottleneck - Theory and Applications in Deep Learning.. [more info] [doi]
- Editorial Geiger B. & Kubin G. (2020) Information Bottleneck: Theory and Applications in Deep Learning.. [more info] [doi]
- Chapter Geiger B. & Kubin G. (2018) Dimensionality-reducing functions. 9783319595320 ed., 30 p. ({"formatted"=>true, "value"=>"Understanding Complex Systems"}). [more info] [doi]
- Chapter Geiger B. & Kubin G. (2018) Relevant information loss rate. 9783319595320 ed., 10 p. ({"formatted"=>true, "value"=>"Understanding Complex Systems"}). [more info] [doi]
- Chapter Geiger B. & Kubin G. (2018) Discrete-valued processes. 9783319595320 ed., 11 p. ({"formatted"=>true, "value"=>"Understanding Complex Systems"}). [more info] [doi]
- Letter Aichinger P. & Kubin G. (2018) Re.. [more info] [doi]
- Chapter Geiger B. & Kubin G. (2018) General input distributions. 9783319595320 ed., 8 p. ({"formatted"=>true, "value"=>"Understanding Complex Systems"}). [more info] [doi]
- Chapter Geiger B. & Kubin G. (2018) Piecewise bijective functions and continuous inputs. 9783319595320 ed., 9 p. ({"formatted"=>true, "value"=>"Understanding Complex Systems"}). [more info] [doi]
- Chapter Geiger B. & Kubin G. (2018) Conclusion and outlook. 9783319595320 ed., 3 p. ({"formatted"=>true, "value"=>"Understanding Complex Systems"}). [more info] [doi]
- Conference paper Ludwiger J., Steinberger M., Horn M., Kubin G. & Ferrara A. (2018) Discrete Time Sliding Mode Control Strategies for Buffered Networked Systems. in 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (pp. 6735-6740). [more info]
- Book Geiger B. & Kubin G. (2018) Information Loss in Deterministic Signal Processing Systems. 1 ed., 145 p. ({"formatted"=>true, "value"=>"Understanding Complex Systems"}). [more info] [doi]
- Journal article Großwindhager B., Rupp A., Tappler M., Tranninger M., Weiser S., Aichernig B., Boano C., Horn M., Kubin G., Mangard S., Steinberger M. & Römer K. (2017) Dependable Internet of Things for Networked Cars. in International Journal of Computing, 16(4), p. 226-237. [more info] [doi]
- Conference paper Ludwiger J., Steinberger M., Rotulo M., Horn M., Luppi A., Kubin G. & Ferrara A. (2017) Towards Networked Sliding Mode Control. (pp. 6021-6026). [more info]
- Journal article Aichinger P., Roesner I., Leonhard M., Schneider-Stickler B., Denk-Linnert D., Bigenzahn W., Fuchs A., Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2017) Comparison of an audio-based and a video-based approach for detecting diplophonia. in Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 31, p. 576–585. [more info] [doi]
- Journal article Pessentheiner H., Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2016) Localization and characterization of multiple harmonic sources. in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing, 24(8), p. 1348-1363. [more info] [doi]
- Journal article Fuchs A., Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2016) The New Bionic Electro-Larynx Speech System. in IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 10(5), p. 952-961. [more info] [doi]
- Journal article Aichinger P., Roesner I., Schneider-Stickler B., Leonhard M., Denk-Linnert D., Bigenzahn W., Fuchs A., Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2016) Towards Objective Voice Assessment: The Diplophonia Diagram. in Journal of Voice. [more info] [doi]
- Conference paper Aichinger P., Roesner I., Schneider-Stickler B., Leonhard M., Denk-Linnert D., Bigenzahn W., Fuchs A., Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2015) Towards Objective Voice Assessment: The Diplophonia Diagram. in The Voice Foundation Annual Symposium (pp. 55-56). [more info]
- Conference paper Cordovilla J., Pessentheiner H., Hagmüller M., Gonzales J. & Kubin G. (2014) CVX-Optimized Beamforming and Vector Taylor Series Compensation with German ASR Employing Star-Shaped Microphone Array. in IberSpeech 2014 (pp. 148-157). [more info] [doi]
- Conference paper Fuchs A., Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2014) Artificial Fundamental Frequency Contour for Electro-Larynx Speech. in DAGA 2014 - 40. Jahrestagung für Akustik (pp. 507-508). [more info]
- Conference paper Geiger B. & Kubin G. (2014) Information Loss and Anti-Aliasing Filters in Multirate Systems. in International Zurich Seminar on Communications (pp. 148-151). [more info] [doi]
- Conference paper Cordovilla J., Pessentheiner H., Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2014) Room Localization for Distant Speech Recognition. in 15th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (pp. 2450-2453). [more info]
- Conference paper Cordovilla J., Hagmüller M., Pessentheiner H. & Kubin G. (2014) Distant speech recognition in reverberant noisy conditions employing a microphone array. in 22nd European Signal Processing Conference (pp. 2380-2384). [more info]
- Conference paper Geiger B. & Kubin G. (2014) Information-Maximizing Prefilters for Quantization. in 2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (pp. 4968-4972). [more info]
- Poster Fuchs A., Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2014) Artificial Fundamental Frequency Contour for Electro-Larynx Speech.. [more info]
- (Old data) Lecture or Presentation Geiger B. & Kubin G. (2013) Information Loss for Optimal Filter Design.. [more info]
- Conference paper Aichinger P., Roesner I., Schneider-Stickler B., Bigenzahn W., Feichter F., Fuchs A., Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2013) Spectral Analysis of Laryngeal High-Speed Videos: Case Studies on Diplophonic and Euphonic Phonation. in 8th International Workshop on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications (pp. 81-84). [more info]
- Conference paper Mowlaee Beikzadehmahaleh P., Cordovilla J., Pernkopf F., Pessentheiner H., Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2013) The 2nd CHiME Speech Separation and Recognition Challenge: Approaches on Single-Channel Speech Separation and Model-Driven Speech Enhancement. (pp. X-X). [more info]
- Conference paper Aichinger P., Schneider-Stickler B., Bigenzahn W., Fuchs A., Geiger B., Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2013) Double pitch marks in diplophonic voice. in 2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (pp. xx-xx). [more info]
- Conference paper Cordovilla J., Pessentheiner H., Hagmüller M., Mowlaee Beikzadehmahaleh P., Pernkopf F. & Kubin G. (2013) A German distant speech recognizer based on 3D beamforming and harmonic missing data mask.. in 39. Deutsche Jahrestagung für Akustik (pp. 2049-2052). [more info]
- Conference paper Geiger B. & Kubin G. (2013) Signal Enhancement as Minimization of Relevant Information Loss. in International ITG Conference on Systems, Communication and Coding (pp. 1-6). [more info]
- Journal article Abd-Elrady E., Li G. & Kubin G. (2013) A nonlinear filtered-x prediction error method algorithm for digital predistortion in digital subscriber line systems. in International Journal of Communication Systems , 26(5), p. 651-661. [more info]
- Conference paper Pessentheiner H., Kubin G. & Romsdorfer H. (2012) Improving Beamforming for Distant Speech Recognition Using a Genetic Algorithm for Planar Array Synthesis. in ITG Fachtagung 2012 (pp. 1-4). [more info]
- Conference paper Geiger B. & Kubin G. (2012) On the Information Loss in Memoryless Systems: The Multivariate Case. in International Zurich Seminar on Communications (pp. 32-35). [more info] [doi]
- Conference paper Geiger B. & Kubin G. (2012) Relative Information Loss in the PCA. in IEEE Information Theory Workshop (pp. 567-571). [more info] [doi]
- Patent Képesi M., Wohlmayr M. & Kubin G. (2012) Joint Position-Pitch Estimation of Acoustic Sources for their Tracking.. [more info]
- Poster Pessentheiner H., Kubin G. & Romsdorfer H. (2012) Improving Beamforming for Distant Speech Recognition Using a Genetic Algorithm for Planar Array Synthesis.. [more info]
- Conference paper Geiger B., Feldbauer C. & Kubin G. (2011) Information Loss in Static Nonlinearities. in International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (pp. 799-803). [more info]
- Conference paper Leitner C., Pernkopf F. & Kubin G. (2011) Kernel PCA for Speech Enhancement. (pp. 1221-1224). [more info]
- Conference paper Geiger B. & Kubin G. (2011) Some Results on the Information Loss in Dynamical Systems. in International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (pp. 794-798). [more info]
- Journal article Petrik S., Drexel C., Fessler L., Jancsary J., Klein A., Kubin G., Matiasek J., Pernkopf F. & Trost H. (2011) Semantic and Phonetic Automatic Reconstruction of Medical Dictations. in Computer Speech and Language , 25(2), p. 363-385. [more info] [doi]
- (Old data) Lecture or Presentation Vogel C., Nordström T., Trautmann S. & Kubin G. (2010) Energy Efficient Analog Front Ends for Access Networks through Digital Signal Processing - A Contribution to Green ICT.. [more info]
- Patent Schwingshackl D., Kubin G. & Paoli G. (2010) Method for reducing a computational complexity in non-linear filter ..... [more info]
- Patent Singerl P. & Kubin G. (2010) Method for determining a model for an electrical network and use..... [more info]
- Patent Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2010) Methode zur Trennung von Signalpfaden und Anwendung auf die Verbesserung von Sprache mit Elektro-Larynx.. [more info]
- Journal article Tantibundhit C., Pernkopf F. & Kubin G. (2010) Joint Time-Frequency Segmentation Algorithm for Transient Speech Decomposition and Speech Enhancement. in IEEE Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing , 18(6), p. 1417-1428. [more info] [doi]
- Journal article Abd-Elrady E., Gan L. & Kubin G. (2010) Predistortion of Hammerstein and Wiener Systems Using the Nonlinear Filtered-x Prediction Error Method Algorithm. in Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, 127(10), p. 285-290. [more info]
- Chapter Kubin G. (2010) Speech Coding. 2nd edition. [more info]
- Conference paper Gan L., Abd-Elrady E. & Kubin G. (2009) A simplified predistorter for distortion compensation of parallel Wiener-type systems based on direct learning architecture. in IEEE Digital Signal Processing & Signal Processing Education Workshop (pp. 72-77). [more info] [doi]
- Conference paper Abd-Elrady E., Gan L. & Kubin G. (2009) Adaptive predistortion of nonlinear Volterra systems using spectral magnitude matching. in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (pp. 2985-2988). [more info] [doi]
- Conference paper Tantibundhit C., Pernkopf F. & Kubin G. (2009) Speech Enhancement Based on Joint Time-Frequency Segmentation. in 2009 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (pp. 4673-4676). [more info]
- Patent Kubin G., Képesi M. & Stark M. (2009) Housing for Microphone Arrays and Multi-Sensor Devices for Their...... [more info]
- Journal article Hofbauer K., Kubin G. & Kleijn W. (2009) Speech Watermarking for Analog Flat-Fading Bandpass Channels. in IEEE Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing , 17(8), p. 1624-1637. [more info] [doi]
- Conference paper Pham V., Stadtschnitzer M., Pernkopf F. & Kubin G. (2008) Voice Activity Detection Algorihtms Using Subband Power Distance Feature for Noisy Environments. (pp. 1-4). [more info]
- Conference paper Shutin D. & Kubin G. (2008) Echo State Wireless Sensor Networks. in IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (pp. 151-156). [more info]
- Conference paper Stark M., Pernkopf F., Pham V. & Kubin G. (2008) Vocal-Tract Modeling For Speaker Independent Single Channel Source SEPARATION. in 1st IAPR Workshop on Cognitive Information Processing (pp. 217-220). [more info]
- Conference paper Pham V., Stark M. & Kubin G. (2008) Perceptual wavelet filtering for robust speech recognition. in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP (pp. 4385-4388). [more info] [doi]
- Conference paper Pham T., Kubin G. & Rank E. (2008) Robust Speech Recognition using Adaptive Noise Threshold Estimation and Wavelet Shrinking. in 2nd International Conference on Communications and Electronics (pp. 206-211). [more info]
- Conference paper Abd-Elrady E., Gan L. & Kubin G. (2008) Distortion compensation of nonlinear systems based on indirect learning architecture. in International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing (pp. 184-187). [more info]
- Patent Singerl P. & Kubin G. (2008) Model network of a nonlinear circuitry.. [more info]
- Patent Kubin G. (2008) Latenzfreie Geräuschreduktion für Tonsignalaufzeichnung, -übertragung, -wiedergabe und -erkennung.. [more info]
- Patent Rank E. & Kubin G. (2008) Apparatus for Noise Suppression in an Audio Signal.. [more info]
- Journal article Abd-Elrady E., Gan L. & Kubin G. (2008) Direct and Indirect Learning Methods for Adaptive Predistortion of IIR Hammerstein Systems. in Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, 125(4), p. 126-131. [more info]
- (Old data) Lecture or Presentation Kubin G. & Rank E. (2007) A Mathematical Theory of Speech Signals - Beyond the Linear Model.. [more info]
- Conference paper Petrik S. & Kubin G. (2007) Reconstructing Medical Dictations from Automatically Recognized and Non-Literal Transcripts with Phonetic Similarity Matching. in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (pp. 1025-1028). [more info]
- Conference paper Stark M., Kubin G. & Pham V. (2007) Robust Voice Activity Detection for Narrow-Bandwidth Speaker Verification Under Adverse Environments. in 8th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (pp. 2037-2040). [more info]
- Conference paper Stark M., Pham V., Pernkopf F. & Kubin G. (2007) Robust Speaker Verification in Air Traffic Control using Improved Voice Activity Detection. in 4th IASTED International Conference Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Applications (pp. 298-303). [more info]
- Conference paper Shutin D. & Kubin G. (2007) Sparse Bayesian Estimation of Superimposed Signal Parameters. in 2nd International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (pp. 273-276). [more info]
- Journal article Shutin D., Kubin G. & Fleury B. (2007) Application of the Evidence Procedure to the Estimation of Wireless Channels. in EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, 2007, p. 1-23. [more info] [doi]
- Journal article Schwingshackl D. & Kubin G. (2007) Polyphase Representation of Multirate Nonlinear Filters and Its Applications. in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume: 55(Part: 2;Issue: 5), p. 2145-2157. [more info] [doi]
- Journal article Faundez-Zanuy M., Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2007) Speaker identification security improvement by means of speech watermarking. in Pattern Recognition, 40(11), p. 3027-3034. [more info] [doi]
- Chapter Neffe M., Pham V., Horst H. & Kubin G. (2007) Speaker Segmentation for Air Traffic Control. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence ed. ({"formatted"=>true, "value"=>"Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence"}). [more info] [doi]
- (Old data) Lecture or Presentation Stark M., Pham V., Pernkopf F., Kubin G. & Hering H. (2006) Speaker Verification for Air Traffic Control.. [more info]
- Conference paper Rank E. & Kubin G. (2006) Lattice LP Filtering for Noise Reduction in Speech Signals. in 9th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (pp. 265-268). [more info]
- Conference paper Pham V. & Kubin G. (2006) Low-Complexity and Efficient Classification of Voiced/Unvoiced/Silence for Noisy Environments. in 9th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing. [more info]
- Conference paper Kepesi M., Pham V., Kubin G., Weruaga L., Juffinger A. & Grabner M. (2006) Noise Cancellation Frontends for Automatic Meeting Transcription. in European Conference on Noise Control (pp. 999-999). [more info]
- Conference paper Hofbauer K., Hering H. & Kubin G. (2006) A measurement system and the TUG-EEC-Channels database for the aeronautical voice radio. in 2006 IEEE 64th Vehicular Technology Conference. [more info]
- Conference paper Hofbauer K. & Kubin G. (2006) Aeronautical voice radio channel modelling and simulation—a tutorial review. in International Conference on Research in Air Transportation. [more info]
- Conference paper Pham V. & Kubin G. (2006) Comparison of Models Using Time-Frequency Features For Speech Classification. in International Conference on Research, Innovation and Vision for the Future. [more info]
- Conference paper Singerl P., Agrawal A., Garg A., Kumar N., Kubin G. & Eul H. (2006) Complex Baseband Predistorters for Nonlinear Wideband RF Power Amplifiers.. [more info]
- Conference paper Hofbauer K. & Kubin G. (2006) High-rate data embedding in unvoiced speech. in 9th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (pp. 241 - 244). [more info]
- Conference paper Rank E., Pham V. & Kubin G. (2006) Noise Suppression Based On Wavelet Packet Decomposition and Quantile Noise Estimation For Robust Automatic Speech Recognition. in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (pp. 477-480). [more info]
- Conference paper Ehsan M. & Kubin G. (2006) Frame Change Ratio: A Measure to Model Short-time Stationarity of Speech. in 2006 IEEE Innvovations in Information Technology Conference. [more info] [doi]
- Conference paper Pham V., Kepesi M., Kubin G., Weruaga L., Sigmund M. & Dostál T. (2006) Time-frequency analysis for voice activity detection. (pp. 999-999). [more info]
- Patent Vogel C., Draxelmayr D. & Kubin G. (2006) Zeitversetzt arbeitender Analog-Digital-Wandler.. [more info]
- Patent Feldbauer C. & Kubin G. (2006) Verfahren zur Codierung eindimensionaler digitaler Signale.. [more info]
- Patent Vogel C., Kubin G. & Draxelmayr D. (2006) Analog-to-digital converter operable with staggered timing.. [more info]
- Patent Singerl P. & Kubin G. (2006) Constructing Memory-Polynomial Models from Frequency-dependent AM/AM and AM/PM Measurements.. [more info]
- Patent Singerl P. & Kubin G. (2006) Efficient Approximation of Baseband Volterra Series for Wideband RF Power Amplifiers.. [more info]
- Poster Petrik S. & Kubin G. (2006) SPARCling Phonetic Similarity Measurement.. [more info]
- Journal article Rank E. & Kubin G. (2006) An Oscillator-plus-Noise Model for Speech Synthesis. in Speech Communication, 48(7), p. 1393-1410. [more info] [doi]
- Journal article Faundez-Zanuy M., Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2006) Speaker verification security improvement by means of speech watermarking. in Speech Communication, 48(12), p. 1608-1619. [more info] [doi]
- Journal article Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2006) Poincare Pitch Marks. in Speech Communication, 48(12), p. 1650-1665. [more info] [doi]
- Journal article Faundez-Zanuy M., Hagmüller M., Kubin G. & Kleijn W. (2006) The COST-277 Speech Database. in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3817, p. 100-107. [more info] [doi]
- Conference paper Singerl P. & Kubin G. (2005) Chebyshev Approximation of Baseband Volterra Series for Wideband RF Power Amplifiers. in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (pp. 2656-2658). [more info]
- Conference paper Vogel C., Draxelmayr D. & Kubin G. (2005) Spectral Shaping of Timing Mismatches in Time-Interleaved ADCs. in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (pp. 1394-1397). [more info]
- Conference paper Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2005) Poincare Sections for Pitch-Mark Determination. (pp. 107-113). [more info]
- Conference paper Ehsan M. & Kubin G. (2005) Comparison between Silence Substitution and Packet Repetition for Real-Time Speech Communication. in MEasurement of Speech and Audio Quality In Networks (MESAQIN) 2005 (pp. 09062005-10062005). [more info]
- Conference paper Pham V. & Kubin G. (2005) WPD-based Noise Suppression Using Nonlinearly Weighted Threshold Quantile Estimation and Optimal Wavelet Shrinking. (pp. 000-000). [more info]
- Conference paper Vogel C., Pammer V. & Kubin G. (2005) A Novel Channel Randomization Method for Time-Interleaved ADCs. in IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (pp. 150-155). [more info]
- Conference paper Ehsan M. & Kubin G. (2005) Effect of Buffer Length on Rate-Distortion Bound of Different PLC Methods. in 2005 IEEE International Conference of Emerging Technology (pp. 21-26). [more info] [doi]
- Conference paper Shutin D. & Kubin G. (2005) Power Prediction of Multipath Components in Wireless MIMO Channels. in International Conference on Information, Communications & Signal Processing. [more info]
- Conference paper Hofbauer K., Hering H. & Kubin G. (2005) Speech watermarking for the VHF radio channel. in 4th EUROCONTROL Innovative Research Workshop and Exhibition: Envisioning the Future (pp. 215 - 220). [more info]
- Conference paper Faundez-Zanuy M., Hagmüller M., Kubin G. & Kleijn W. (2005) The COST-277 Speech Database. (pp. 122-129). [more info]
- Commissioned report Hagmüller M., Kubin G. & Rank E. (2005) Evaluation of the Human Voice for Indications of Workload Induced Stress in the Aviation Environment.. [more info]
- Chapter Kubin G., Lainscsek C. & Rank E. (2005) Identification of Nonlinear Oscillator Models for Speech Analysis and Synthesis. ({"formatted"=>true, "value"=>"LNCS"}). [more info]
- Journal article Feldbauer C., Kubin G. & Kleijn W. (2005) Anthropomorphic coding of speech and audio: A model inversion approach. in EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, 2005(9), p. 1334-1349. [more info] [doi]
- Journal article Vogel C. & Kubin G. (2005) Modeling of Time-interleaved ADCs with Nonlinear Hybrid Filter Banks. in AEÜ = International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 59(5), p. 288-296. [more info] [doi]
- Conference paper Hagmüller M., Horst H., Kröpfl A. & Kubin G. (2004) Speech Watermarking for Air Traffic Control. in 12th European Signal Processing Conference (pp. 1653-1656). [more info]
- Conference paper Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2004) Voice enhancement of male speakers with laryngeal neoplasm. (pp. 541-544). [more info]
- Conference paper Baum M., Dizdarevic V., Hagmüller M., Kubin G. & Pernkopf F. (2004) Prosody-Based Recognition of Spoken German Varieties. in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (pp. 929-932). [more info]
- Conference paper Pichevar R., Rouat J., Feldbauer C. & Kubin G. (2004) A Bio-Inspired Sound Source Separation Technique in Combination with an Enhanced FIR Gammatone Analysis/Synthesis Filterbank. in 12th European Signal Processing Conference (pp. 2063-2066). [more info]
- Conference paper Feldbauer C. & Kubin G. (2004) How Sparse Can We Make The Auditory Representation Of Speech?. in International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (pp. 1-4). [more info]
- Conference paper Schwingshackl D. & Kubin G. (2004) Low complexity equivalent realizations of nonlinear multirate Volterra filters. in 12th European Signal Processing Conference. [more info]
- Conference paper Vogel C. & Kubin G. (2004) Analysis and Compensation of Nonlinearity Mismatches in Time-Interleaved ADC Arrays. in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (pp. 593-596). [more info]
- Conference paper Shutin D. & Kubin G. (2004) Cluster Analysis of Wireless Channel Impulse Responses with Hidden Markov Models. in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (pp. IV-949-IV-952). [more info] [doi]
- Conference paper Schwingshackl D. & Kubin G. (2004) Polyphase representation of multirate Volterra filters.. [more info]
- Conference paper Vogel C. & Kubin G. (2004) Time-Interleaved ADCs in the Context of Hybrid Filter Banks. (pp. 214-217). [more info]
- Journal article Köppl H., Josan A., Paoli G. & Kubin G. (2004) The Cramer-Rao Bound and DMT Signal Optimisation for the Identification of a Wiener-Type Model. in EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, 12, p. 1817-1830. [more info] [doi]
- Poster Hagmüller M., Rank E. & Kubin G. (2004) Can Stress be Observed by Analyzing the Human Voice?.. [more info]
- Journal article Hammer F., Reichl P., Thomas N. & Kubin G. (2004) Corrupted Speech Data Considered Useful: Improving Perceived Speech Quality of VoIP Over Error-Prone Channels. in Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 90(6), p. 1052-1060. [more info]
- Conference paper Hering H., Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2003) Safety and security increase for air traffic management through unnoticeable watermark aircraft identification tag transmitted with the VHF voice communication. in The 22nd Digital Avionics Systems Conference - Proceedings. [more info]
- Conference paper Feldbauer C. & Kubin G. (2003) Filterbanks for Auditory Modeling and Coding. (pp. 269-278). [more info]
- Conference paper Köppl H., Kubin G. & Paoli G. (2003) Bayesian Methods for Sparse RLS Adaptive Filters. in 37th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers (pp. 1273-1278). [more info]
- Conference paper Hammer F., Reichl P., Thomas N. & Kubin G. (2003) Corrupted Speech Data Considered Useful. in ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Auditory Quality of Systems (pp. 51-54). [more info]
- Conference paper Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2003) Poincare Sections for Pitch Mark Determination in Dysphonic Speech. (pp. 281-285). [more info]
- Conference paper Rank E. & Kubin G. (2003) Towards an Oscillator-plus-Noise Model for Speech Synthesis. in ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Non-Linear Speech Processing (pp. 1-12). [more info]
- Conference paper Hering H., Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2003) Safety and security increase for air traffic management through unnoticable watermark aircraft identification tag transmitted with the VHF voice communication. in Digital Avionics Systems Conference. [more info]
- Conference paper Schwingshackl D., Kubin G. & Paoli G. (2003) Causality considerations for the identification of continous-time Volterra systems. in International IEEE Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems (pp. 233-236). [more info]
- Other report Hammer F., Kubin G., Thomas N., Reichl P. & Thomas Z. (2003) Survey on quality aspects of interactive multimedia.. [more info]
- Commissioned report Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2003) Speech Watermarking for Air Traffic Control.. [more info]
- Conference paper Hagmüller M. & Kubin G. (2002) Erkennung regionaler Varianten des Deutschen unter Verwendung Prosodischer Merkmale.. [more info]
- Patent Kubin G. (2002) MULTIPLEXED CODING.. [more info]
- Journal article Kubin G. (2002) Nichtlineare Signalverarbeitung von μHz bis GHz. in Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, 119(3), p. 68-70. [more info] [doi]