Signal Processing and Speech Communication Laboratory
homeresearch projects › COMMIT Convergence in Multimedia Internet Transport

COMMIT Convergence in Multimedia Internet Transport

2001 — 2003
  • Hammer Florian Dipl.-Ing.
  • Centre of Competence (K-plus) "ftw Forschungszentrum Telekommunikation Wien"
  • Institut für Signalverarbeitung und Sprachkommunikation
  • 2 Großunternehmen (Österreich)
  • Bessler Sandford Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
  • 1 Klein- und Mittelunternehmen (Österreich)
Research Areas

    COMMIT is ftw.’s part of the EUREKA/Medea+ project INCA Integrated Copper Network Access (Medea+ project proposal number A106). Medea+ is a pan-European cooperation program to promote chip-manufacturing technologies, with some focus on system-on-chip (SOC) development. The INCA project develops chipsets for broadband wireline systems, supporting technologies and methodologies, and prepares for future broadband products. COMMIT is responsible for delivering functionality descriptions of near-future products, researching product enabling key technologies for voice and data transport over IP, algorithms for radio-frequency interference (RFI) rejection, and specifying the technical impact of the unbundling of the local loop. Attention is to be given to the convergence of wireline and wireless communication and products specified are to support such a development

    Related publications
    • Journal article Hammer F., Reichl P., Thomas N. & Kubin G. (2004) Corrupted Speech Data Considered Useful: Improving Perceived Speech Quality of VoIP Over Error-Prone Channels. in Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 90(6), p. 1052-1060. [more info]
    • Conference paper Hammer F., Reichl P., Thomas N. & Kubin G. (2003) Corrupted Speech Data Considered Useful. in ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Auditory Quality of Systems (pp. 51-54). [more info]
    • Other report Hammer F., Kubin G., Thomas N., Reichl P. & Thomas Z. (2003) Survey on quality aspects of interactive multimedia.. [more info]