SNOW - Services for NOmadic Workers
- Period
- 2004 — 2006
- Funding
- European Commission, 6th Framework Programme
- Partners
- Fraunhofer-Institut für Rechnerarchitektur und Softwaretechnik, FIRST
- Siemens Business Services, C-Lab
- EADS - Common Research Centre France, SNOW, EADS-CCR
- SAP Research, CEC Karlsruhe
- Loquendo S.p.A.
- Advanced Computer Vision GmbH, ACV
- Research Areas
- Contact
- Members
The SNOW project aims to support nomadic workers in their performance of maintenance and production tasks. It is developing a multimodal interface enabling workers to interactively access documentations via different input modes such as speech, gestures or handwriting using mobile devices in the field. At TUG particularily the speech input and output modality are strengthened by denoising and enhancement algorithms for speech in harsh acoustic environment.
Related publications
- Conference paper Rank E. & Kubin G. (2006) Lattice LP Filtering for Noise Reduction in Speech Signals. in 9th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (pp. 265-268). [more info]
- Conference paper Rank E., Pham V. & Kubin G. (2006) Noise Suppression Based On Wavelet Packet Decomposition and Quantile Noise Estimation For Robust Automatic Speech Recognition. in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (pp. 477-480). [more info]
- Conference paper Pham V. & Kubin G. (2005) WPD-based Noise Suppression Using Nonlinearly Weighted Threshold Quantile Estimation and Optimal Wavelet Shrinking. (pp. 000-000). [more info]