Monitoring of Mars Isolation Crew by Speech Processing and Psychological Content Analysis (MIMIC)
- Files
- Period
- 2017 — 2018
- Partners
- Laszlo Balazs, Bea Ehmann: Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology, Environmental Adaptation and Space Research Group, Budapest, Hungary
- Prof. Klara Vicsi: Budapest University of Technology and Economics Laboratory of Speech Acoustics of Department of Telecommunication and Media Informatics, Hungary
- Austrian Space Forum, Innsbruck, Austria
- Research Areas
- Contact
- Members
The aim of MIMIC is to gain further understanding of the mechanisms of psychological and physiological adaptation or maladaptation in extreme or stressful environments through computerized analysis of speech and the content of spoken and written verbal communication. The project also aims at the improvement of the data collection and analysis methods developed in previous studies and prove their applicability in an operational environment.