Signal Processing and Speech Communication Laboratory
hometheses & projects › Acoustic Imaging of the Human Respiratory System

Acoustic Imaging of the Human Respiratory System

Master Thesis
Announcement date
11 Mar 2015
Research Areas


For a current research project (CULA - Computerized Lung Sound Analysis) we developed a multichannel recording device, which enables simultaneous recording of lung sound at several positions on the posterior chest. It is an effective non-invasive tool to monitor the respiratory system.

Most lung diseases cause distinct adventitious lung sound, like wheezes and crackles. However, some lung diseases (e.g. pneumothorax) only result in an attenuation of the lung sounds around affected regions. By illustrating the spatial changes in energy intensity we could provide a simple diagnostic tool for physicians.

Your Tasks

  • literature review
  • implementation of a suitalbe algorithm

Your Profile

  • motivation and interest in the topic
  • knowledge in signal processing and acoustics
  • good MATLAB skills


[1] M. Kompis, H. Pasterkamp, and G. R. Wodicka, “Acoustic imaging of the human chest,” Chest Journal, vol. 120, no. 4, pp. 1309–1321, 2001.

[2] H. D. Becker, M. Slawik, T. Miyazawa, and M. Gat, “Vibration response imaging as a new tool for interventional-bronchoscopy outcome assessment: a prospective pilot study,” Respiration, vol. 77, no. 2, p. 179, 2009.