Signal Processing and Speech Communication Laboratory
hometheses & projects › BatMAN: Bat-Like Multipath-assisted Navigation

BatMAN: Bat-Like Multipath-assisted Navigation

Master Project
Announcement date
09 Mar 2015
Research Areas

Short Description

For conventional localization systems, multipath propagation is considered a serious impairment, since it can bias distance estimates. However, if some knowledge of the surrounding environment is available, reflected signal paths can be effectively used for localization [1]. This multipath-assisted localization and tracking concept is based on measurements between anchors (base-stations) with known positions and moving agents. In [2] an algorithm for cooperative multipath-assisted localization was investigated, which is making use of measurements and also monostatic bat-like measurements. These bat-like measurement can be seen as Radar measurements in which the transmitter and the receiver are co-located. However, this method was just tested and validated using synthetic data.

The goal of this project/thesis is to incorporate bat-like monostatic measurements in an existing multipath-assisted localization framework and verify the applicability of the designed localization algorithm using (existing) measurement data.

Your tasks:

  • Extent existing Matlab localization framework to bat-like measurements
  • Validation of localization algorithms using synthetic data based on an existing channel model
  • Testing and evaluation of localization algorithms using (existing) measurement data

Your Profile

  • Motivation and reliability are a prerequisite
  • Matlab programming skills
  • Good background in wireless communications (e.g. Mobile Radio Systems course)


[1] P. Meissner, E. Leitinger, M. Froehle and K. Witrisal, “Accurate and Robust Indoor Localization Systems Using Ultra-wideband Signals,” in _European Conference on Navigation (ENC),_Vienna, 2013.

[2] Froehle, M.; Leitinger, E.; Meissner, P. & Witrisal, K., “Cooperative Multipath-Assisted Indoor Navigation and Tracking (Co-MINT) Using UWB Signals”, IEEE ICC 2013 Workshop on Advances in Network Localization and Navigation (ANLN), 2013.