Signal Processing and Speech Communication Laboratory
hometheses & projects › Loudness balance control in hear-through systems

Loudness balance control in hear-through systems

Bachelor Project
Announcement date
11 Oct 2016
Research Areas

Binaural microphones fitted with in-ear earphones can be used to monitor sound from the environment in real-time, while listening to music or other sound material. In this way, listener safety and convenience is increased and numerous possibilities for interaction appear. As this feature is mostly interesting in mobile settings, a traditional approach to UI design i.e. using a mobile phone GUI app is not appropriate. This is because when such adjustments will need to be made, sight will normally be directed towards other tasks. Your task will be to design and evaluate eyes-free interfaces to this system. You will need to prototype your interfaces and perform preliminary evaluation in order to come up with a viable alternative.

The project is available as either a Bachelor Thesis (design, prototyping), TI-Projekt (design, prototyping, development or evaluation), or Master Thesis (design, prototyping, development, and evaluation).

Useful skills:

  • interest in mobile devices
  • software development (esp. mobile)

Learning Outcomes:

  • deisgn, prototyping, and user evaluation skills
  • real-time audio processing (mobile devices)