Signal Processing and Speech Communication Laboratory
hometheses & projects › Localization and Synchronization

Localization and Synchronization

Master Thesis
Announcement date
13 Oct 2015
Research Areas

Short Description

Accurate and robust indoor positioning is still a difficult task. With the use of ultra-wideband (UWB) signals the challenge of multipath propagation can be overcome because the time resolution of UWB signals is in the nano-seconds range. However, the synchronisation between devices [1] using UWB signals is still an unsolved challenge. At the SPSC Lab performance bounds regarding synchronisation between such devices have already been investigated.

The first step of this thesis shall be to revisit performance bounds for the case of non-synchronized devices. In a second step, a literature review regarding algorithms capable of attacking the synchronisation and localization problem shall be performed. Finally, a Matlab framework shall be developed which is able to tackle the synchronisation and localization problem.

Your tasks:

  • revisit performance bounds for synchronisation and localization
  • and localization algorithms
  • develop and implement algorithms performing synchronization and localization

Your Profile

  • Motivation and reliability are a prerequisite
  • interest and knowledge in statistical signal processing
  • basic knowledge in Matlab programming


[1] I. Rubil, “Measuring the CIR using a Decawave chipset,” in Bachelor Thesis - ongoing.