Signal Processing and Speech Communication Laboratory
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Opening of a NEW Christian Doppler Laboratory at the SPSC: Location-aware Electronic Systems

Sun, Mar 04, 2018

The Christian Doppler Laboratory for Location-aware Electronic Systems has been officially inagurated in an opening ceremony held on April 25th, 2018. The lab will be headed by Klaus Witrisal to conduct application-oriented basic research over a period of seven years.

Location-aware Electronic Systems are capable of determining the positions of their system nodes in space, yielding a digital model of the environment for computer-based applications. This CD-Lab aims at investigating and validating theoretical limits, key algorithms, and key hardware components of such positioning systems. In collaboration with the commercial partner SES-imagotag GmbH, the work will be focused on retail applications, where the location-awareness will allow for an interactive shopping experience that is currently known from online platforms only.

Picture: Electronic Shelf Label of SES-imagotag GmbH using an e-paper display that can be reconfigured through a wireless link.

In Christian Doppler Laboratories, application-oriented basic research is pursued at a high level, and expert scientists cooperate with innovative companies. The Christian Doppler Research Association is an international best practice example for promoting this collaboration. Christian Doppler Laboratories are financed jointly by the public purse and the participating companies. The most important public sponsor is the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs (BMDW).

Further information: Press release by TU Graz: (German) (English). Homepage of the Christian Doppler Research Association: (web link)

Ph.D. Positions: 2-3 Ph.D. positions will be filled in the framework of this lab until end 2018. (Ph.D. positions in wireless communications and positioning)