MIMIC Project for AMADEE-18 covered in the media
- Published
- Thu, Jan 04, 2018
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The Project MIMIC, that analyses the communication behaviour of the members of the AMADEE-18 mission has been covered in the media with varying detail:
- 28.05.2018:science.orf.at
- 10.03.2018:steiermark.orf.at
- 02.03.2018:Stern
- 28.02.2018:CNN
- 09.02.2018:Neue Vorarlberger Tageszeitung
- 09.02.2018:Hamburger Abendblatt
- 08.02.2018:Ö1 Radio, Morgenjournal
- 08.02.2018:China Global Television Network
- 07.02.2018:Der Standard
- 07.02.2018:science.orf.at
- 03.02.2018:Die Presse
- 10.11.2017:Kleine Zeitung
- 04.09.2017:Daily Mail Online, UK
- 25.07.2017:steiermark.orf.at