Signal Processing and Speech Communication Laboratory
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Signal Processing and Machine Learning 1 and 2

Education level
Winter & Summer

These two seminars are intended for advanced students in the final year of their diploma study or during their doctoral study. They aim to fill the gap between the level of standard courses offered as lectures and laboratories and the level of state-of-the-art research as needed for the students’ thesis projects.

The seminar is available in both Winter and Summer Term. In each term, a new field of topics is selected by the course instructor(s) (see list below). After a general introduction by the course instructor(s), the course format enforces active participation of students through oral and/or Internet presentations of a (sub-) topic of their interest. On occasion, these seminars are organized in cooperation with other research groups at a local or international level.

448 Selected Topics Communications and Mobile Computing (2 SE)

This seminar can also be used for the ICE-course “Selected Topics Communications and Mobile Computing”.

Summer Term 2023 (442.040)

Topic for Summer Term 2023: Radiolocalization, Sensing, and Mapping (First Meeting: 22.3.2022, 11:00, Room t.b.d.) Details on the seminar can be found in the TeachCenter.

Winter Term 2022/2023 (442.036)

Topic for Winter Term 2022/23: Physical Informed Neural Networks (First Meeting, 10.10.2022, 4pm, Room: IDEG 134) Details of the seminar can be found in the TeachCenter.

Summer Term 2022 (442.040)

Topic for Summer Term 2022: Robust Estimation Applications based on Belief-Propagation, Variational inference, and Mean-Field Message Passing (First Meeting: 16.3.2022, 11:00, Room IDEG 134) Details of the seminar can be found in the TeachCenter.

Winter Term 2021/2022 (442.036)

Topic for Winter Term 2021/22: Explainable AI (First Meeting, 7.10.2021, 4pm, Room: IDEG 134) Details of the seminar can be found in the TeachCenter.

Summer Term 2021 (442.040)

Topic for Summer Term 2021: Array Signal Processing (First Meeting: 14.4.2021, 11:00, Room: IDEG 134) Details of the seminar can be found in the TeachCenter.

Winter Term 2020/2021 (442.036)

Topic for Winter Term 2020/21: Neural Architecture Search (First Meeting, 5.10.2019, 4pm, Room: IDEG 134) Details of the seminar can be found in the TeachCenter.

Winter Term 2019/2020

Topic for Winter Term 2019/20: Resource-Efficient Neural Networks (First Meeting, 6.10.2019, 4pm, Room: IDEG 134) Details of the seminar can be found in the TeachCenter.

Summer Term 2019

Topic for Summer Term 2019: Estimation Theory; First Meeting: March 6, 11:00 Room IDEG134 (Inffeldg. 16c/EG)

Winter Term 2018/19

Topic for Winter Term 2018/19: Resource-Efficient Neural Networks (First Meeting, 8.10.2018, 4pm, Room: IST (IC02062))

Announcement - Overview Paper

Summer Term 2018

Topic for Summer Term 2018: High-Accuracy Localization and Tracking (starting March 21, 2018)

Winter Term 2017/18

Topic for Winter Term 2017: Resource-Efficient Neural Networks

Summer Term 2017

Topic for Summer Term 2017: Signal Processing for Future 5G Wireless Networks

Winter Term 2016/17

Topic for the Winter Termin 2016/17: Signal Processing for Assisted Living

Summer Term 2016

Topic for Summer Term 2016: Cognitive radio and location-aware wireless communications

Winter Term 2015/16

Topic for Winter Term 2015/16:Acoustig Event Detection, Classification, and Keyword spotting

Summer Term 2015

Topic for Summer Term 2015:Audio/Speech Bandwidth Extension

Winter Term 2014/15

Topic for Winter Term 2014/15: Deep Models and Learning

Summer Term 2014

Topic for Summer Term 2014:Localization and Tracking

Summer Term 2013

Topic for Summer Term 2013: Fundamental Technologies in Modern Speech Recognition

Winter Term 2012/13

Topic for Winter Term 2012/13: Signal Processing in Geophysical Problems

Summer Term 2012

Topic for Summer Term 2012: Probabilistic Models of Cognition

Winter Term 2011/12

Topic for Winter Term 2011/12: Convex Optimization in Signal Processing

Summer Term 2011

Topic for Summer Term 2011: Graphical Models for Signal Processing

Topics from previous semesters