REFlex - RFID Real-Time Localization for Flexible Production Environments
- Period
- 2014 — 2017
- Funding
- Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) - IKT der Zukunft
- Partners
- Universität Wien, Institut für Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung (Österreich)
- Technische Universität Wien, Institute of Electrodynamics, Microwave and Circuit Engineering (Österreich) (Coordinator)
- NXP Semiconductors Austria GmbH Styria (Österreich)
- Enso Detego GmbH (Österreich)
- CISC Semiconductor Design+Consulting GmbH (Österreich)
- Research Areas
- Contact
- Members
The project investigates a localization system of passive RFID tags for an intelligent process control system. The real-time tracking of components, tools, and products is a key technology to optimize work flows, e.g. in flexible manufacturing. REFlex not only covers research of the localization system and modeling of flexible production environments: Ethical and social implications of the new technology (possible tracking of persons) are studied also.
Related publications
- Conference paper Hinteregger S., Leitinger E., Meissner P., Kulmer J. & Witrisal K. (2016) Bandwidth dependence of the ranging error variance in dense multipath. (pp. 733-737). [more info] [doi]
- Conference paper Kulmer J., Leitinger E., Meissner P., Hinteregger S. & Witrisal K. (2016) Cooperative Localization and Tracking using Multipath Channel Information.. [more info]
- Conference paper Hinteregger S., Leitinger E., Meissner P., Kulmer J. & Witrisal K. (2016) Bandwidth Dependence of the Ranging Error Variance in Dense Multipath.. [more info]
- Conference paper Hinteregger S., Leitinger E., Meissner P. & Witrisal K. (2016) MIMO Gain and Bandwidth Scaling for RFID Positioning in Dense Multipath Channels.. [more info]