COMAR - Communication and Positioning Methods in Active RFID
- Period
- 2008 — 2010
- Funding
- FFG, FIT-IT, Grant Number 814560
- Partners
- CISC Semiconductor Design and Consulting GmbH, Lakeside B07, 9020 Klagenfurt, Austria
- Research Areas
- Contact
- Members
The complexity of RFID systems has been increasing continuously. New applications are emerging, where the tags are extended by arbitrary sensors, the collection of data from low class tags, the communication between the tags and the support of Real-Time Localization Systems (RTLS). These new applications require active RFID tags, where a battery powers the tag. New communication techniques have to be evaluated for these tags to satisfy their requirements. Active RFID tags are currently extremely expensive so the focus is on simple and low complexity techniques to reach new market segments. The tags have to operate in highly multipath intensive environments, where the signal is severely distorted. The project investigates radio air-interface technologies for active RFID-RTLS. New Communication methods like Ultra Wideband (UWB) are expected to fulfill the requirements of such systems, because UWB enables the tracking of goods with cm accuracy, shows good robustness against multipath fading, and enables very low power transmission. However, most of the known receiver architectures show high complexity and are not applicable in RFID. A goal of this work is an analysis of UWB receiver architectures, their usability in active RFID systems and the development of new suboptimal low complexity UWB architectures. The transceiver architectures, signaling schemes and positioning techniques based on UWB will be compared with other state of the art communication technologies.
Related publications
- Conference paper Gigl T., Troesch F., Preishuber-Pfluegl J. & Witrisal K. (2010) Maximal Operating Distance Estimation using IEEE 802.15.4a Ultra Wideband. in Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication (pp. 10-18). [more info] [doi]
- Conference paper Gigl T., Meissner P., Preishuber-Pfluegl J. & Witrisal K. (2010) UWB System-Level Simulator for Positioning and Tracking (U-SPOT). in 1st International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (pp. 1-9). [more info] [doi]
- Conference paper Gigl T., Troesch F., Preishuber-Pfluegl J. & Witrisal K. (2010) Maximal Operating Distance Estimation using IEEE 802.15.4a Ultra Wideband. in International Conference of Impact on Ubiquitous IT Co-Design to Industry (pp. 84-92). [more info]
- Conference paper Gigl T., Buchgraber T., Adalan A., Preishuber-Pfluegl J., Fischer M. & Witrisal K. (2009) UWB Channel Characterization using IEEE 802.15.4a Demonstrator System. in 2009 IEEE International Conference on Ultra Wideband (pp. 230-234). [more info] [doi]
- Conference paper Gigl T., Preishuber-Pfluegl J., Arnitz D. & Witrisal K. (2009) Experimental Characterization of Ranging in IEEE 802.15.4a using a Coherent Reference Receiver. in IEEE 20th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC 2009. [more info]
- Conference paper Adalan A., Fischer M., Gigl T., Witrisal K., Scholtz A. & Mecklenbräuker C. (2009) Ultra-Wideband Radio Pulse Shaping Filter Design for IEEE 802.15.4a Transmitter. in IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (pp. 1-6). [more info] [doi]
- Conference paper Adalan A., Gigl T., Fischer M. & Witrisal K. (2009) A Modular Impulse Radio Ultra-Wideband Research & Development Platform for IEEE 802.15.4a. in European Microwave week (pp. 116-119). [more info]
- Conference paper Gigl T., Buchgraber T., Geiger B., Adalan A., Preishuber-Pfluegl J. & Witrisal K. (2009) Pathloss and Delay-Spread Analysis of Multipath Intensive Environments using IEEE 802.15.4a UWB Signals. in COST 2100 Management Committee Meeting. [more info]
- Conference paper Gigl T., Preishuber-Pfluegl J. & Witrisal K. (2009) Statistical Analysis of a UWB Energy Detector for Ranging in IEEE 802.15.4a. in 2009 IEEE International Conference on Ultra Wideband (pp. 129-134). [more info] [doi]