Signal Processing and Speech Communication Laboratory
hometheses & projects › Subjective Measures for Electro-Larynx Speech

Subjective Measures for Electro-Larynx Speech

Bachelor Project
Announcement date
10 Mar 2015
Research Areas

Short description

Speech enhancement algorithms can be evaluated using either subjective or objective methods. Subjective methods have the drawback that they are time-consuming, laborious, and expensive. Nevertheless listening tests are essential to evaluate quality, intelligibility and pleasantness of enhanced speech, especially electro-larynx speech.

There are standards and recommendations for subjective evaluation of speech signals (MUSHRA, CCR) but they have never been examined in terms of their applicability to electro-larynx speech.

Your Tasks

  • Review of literature
  • Evaluation of database
  • Comparison to other approaches
  • Documentation

Your Profile/Prerequisites

  • Motivation and interest in the topic
  • Background information in Matlab and (speech) signal processing


Martin Hagmüller ({hagmueller} or 0316/873 4377) Anna Katharina Fuchs ({anna.fuchs} or 0316/873 4367)